The Leader of the County Council is required to publish a forward plan setting out matters which the Leader believes will be the subject of a key decision by the Cabinet, individual Cabinet member or officer in the period covered by the Plan (the subsequent four months). The Council’s Constitution states that a key decision is one that involves


(a)    expenditure which is, or the making of savings which are, significant having regard to the expenditure of the County Council’s budget, namely above £500,000 per annum; or


(b)    is significant in terms of its effects on communities living or working in an area comprising two or more electoral divisions.


As a matter of good practice, the Council's Forward Plan includes other items in addition to key decisions that are to be considered by the Cabinet/individual members. This additional information is provided to inform local residents of all matters to be considered, with the exception of issues which are dealt with under the urgency provisions.  Only key decisions to be taken by officers are included.


For each decision included on the Plan the following information is provided:


-          the name of the individual or body that is to make the decision and the date of the meeting or relevant time period for an officer decision

-          the title of the report and decision to be considered

-          groups that will be consulted prior to the decision being taken

-          a list of documents that will be considered when making the decision

-          the name and telephone number of the contact officer for each item.


The Plan is updated and published every month on the Council’s website two weeks before the start of the period to be covered.


Meetings of the Cabinet/individual members are open to the public (with the exception of discussion regarding reports which contain exempt/confidential information). Copies of agenda and reports for meetings are available on the website in advance of meetings. Key decisions taken by officers will not be taken at a meeting – documents listed can be made available on request to the contact officer, with the exception of those which contain exempt/confidential information.


For further details on the time of meetings and general information about the Plan please contact Stuart McKeown at County Hall, St Anne’s Crescent, Lewes, BN7 1UE, or telephone 01273 481583 or send an e-mail to stuart.mckeown@eastsussex.gov.uk.  For further detailed information regarding specific issues to be considered by the Cabinet, individual Member or officer please contact the named contact officer for the item concerned.


County Hall, St Anne’s Crescent, Lewes, BN7 1UE 


For copies of reports or other documents please contact the officer listed on the Plan or phone 01273 335274.



FORWARD PLAN – EXECUTIVE DECISIONS (including Key Decisions) – 1 May 2023 TO 31 August 2023

Additional notices in relation to Key Decisions and/or private decisions are available on the Council’s website.


Cabinet membership:


Councillor Keith Glazier - Lead Member for Strategic Management and Economic Development

Councillor Nick Bennett – Lead Member for Resources and Climate Change

Councillor Rupert Simmons – Lead Member for Economy

Councillor Claire Dowling  – Lead Member for Transport and Environment

Councillor Carl Maynard  – Lead Member for Adult Social Care and Health

Councillor Bob Bowdler – Lead Member for Children and Families

Councillor Bob Standley – Lead Member for Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability


Date for Decision

Decision Taker

Decision/Key Issue

Decision to be taken wholly or partly in private (P)  or Key Decision (KD)



List of Documents to be submitted to decision maker

Contact Officer


5 May 2023

Lead Member for Strategic Management and Economic Development


Record of Delegation of Executive Functions

To consider delegations in relation to executive functions including the Cabinet responsibilities and functions set out in the Constitution, the Officer Scheme of Delegation and the annual report by the Leader to be submitted to the County Council on 9 May 2023.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Stuart McKeown

01273 481583




15 May 2023

Lead Member for Adult Social Care and Health


Direct Payments Support Service (DPSS)

The current Direct Payment support services contract ends 31 March 2024. Lead Member is therefore asked to approve the re-commissioning of the Direct Payment Support Services to commence 01 April 2024. The new contracts will be for 5 years with the option to extend for a further 24 months. The Direct Payment Support Service will deliver early advice, recruitment & employment, plus core support. There will also be an approved list of payroll providers offering choice and flexibility for clients using Direct Payments. 







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Sam Tearle

01273 336512




22 May 2023

Lead Member for Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability


Post-16 Transport Policy Statement 2023-2024

The Lead Member is recommended to approve the Post-16 Transport Policy Statement for the 2023-24 academic year following the required consultation.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Ian Crudge

0300 3309472




22 May 2023

Lead Member for Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability


Holy Cross CE Primary School

To consider the future of Holy Cross CE Primary School.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Gary Langford

01273 481758




22 May 2023

Lead Member for Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability


Published Admission Number (PAN) for Iford & Kingston CE School 2024-25

To reverse the decision taken on 27 February 2023 to reduce the PAN for Iford & Kingston CE School.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Jo Miles

01273 481911




22 May 2023

Lead Member for Transport and Environment


Petition: 20mph speed limit and one-way system for Garfield Road, Hailsham

Petition for a one-way system (from Station Road to Bellbanks Road), and 20mph speed limit for Garfield Road, Hailsham. A petition was submitted to the County Council on 7 February 2023 and needs to be considered by Lead Member for Transport and Environment







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Victoria Bartholomew

01424 724284




22 May 2023

Lead Member for Transport and Environment


Petition: To reduce traffic, car noise, pollution and risk of accidents on Ocklynge Road, Eastbourne

Petition for a one-way system, illuminated formal pedestrian crossing and traffic calming measures in Ocklynge Road, Eastbourne. A petition was submitted to the County Council on 7 February 2023 and needs to be considered by Lead Member for Transport and Environment







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Victoria Bartholomew

01424 724284




22 May 2023

Lead Member for Transport and Environment


Petition: 20mph and HGV limits on Lower Park Road, Hastings

Petition for a 20mph speed limit and HGV restriction on Lower Park Road between Dordrecht Way and Bethune Way, Hastings. A petition was submitted to the County Council on 7 February 2023 and needs to be considered by Lead Member for Transport and Environment.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Victoria Bartholomew

01424 724284




22 May 2023

Lead Member for Transport and Environment


Community Match Schemes 2023/24

To authorise expenditure for 2023/24 as contribution towards Community Match schemes.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Nicholas Mitchell

01273 336627




22 May 2023

Lead Member for Economy


UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) funded business support and skills programmes, and Newhaven Town Deal Grants programme

East Sussex County Council (ESCC) has been working with district and borough council partners to develop a county-wide business support and skills programmes, funded from their UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) allocations.  In addition, Lewes District Council has asked ESCC to manage and deliver a grants programme funded through the Newhaven Town Deal.

Lead Member is asked to agree the programme of activities for the UKSPF and the Newhaven Town Deal grants programme. Moreover, the Lead Member is asked to delegate authority to the Director of Communities Economy and Transport to enter into grant agreements or other legal agreement with district and borough council partners regarding the above.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Katy Thomas

01273 482645




23 May 2023

Lead Member for Resources and Climate Change


Renting of storage facility for Eastbourne public works at 41 Brampton Road

Planned public infrastructure street works to Eastbourne centre require storage facilities for materials prior to their installation. It is proposed to rent an area of secure open storage space at Brampton Road Eastbourne for an initial one year period at a rental of £65,000.  The decision to take a one year lease on the storage space at this rental is requested.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


John Tripp

01273 336999




23 May 2023

Lead Member for Resources and Climate Change


Wi-Fi Service

Approval to use the SEG Network Services Framework, which was procured and is managed by ESCC, as the route to market for the procurement of the Wi-Fi service. With delegated authority to the Chief Operating Officer to award.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Matt Scott





23 May 2023

Lead Member for Resources and Climate Change


Approval for a surrender and regrant of the Uckfield Rugby and Football Club lease

Approval for a surrender and regrant of the Uckfield Rugby and Football Club lease due to a slight change to the leased areas.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Rebecca Lewis

07955 312371




May 2023

Chief Operating Officer


Award of Contract for the provision of a modular building at Wadhurst CE Primary School to accommodate a new nursery provision (subject to planning permission)

To provide a 60ft nursery provision on site at Wadhurst CE Primary School. This will allow the current provision in the village to move to the school site and the existing building to be made surplus to requirements. Funding has been allocated in the Capital Programme to provide a modular building to accommodate the new facilities at Wadhurst School and allowing education to be provided for pupils between the ages of 2 to 11 years. A contractor needs to be appointed to start in June 2023 for opening in September 2023.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Nigel Brown

07394 410630




May 2023

Chief Operating Officer


Decarbonisation of Heat Works at Rotherfield Primary School

Decision to award a contract for replacement and upgrades to the heating system, lighting and building fabric improvement works, following tendering, which based on consultant pre-tender estimate will exceed £500k. These works will reduce heat loss, energy use and carbon emissions and achieve a transition from the existing fossil fuel boiler heating system to clean low carbon air source heat pumps in line with our net zero commitment. An application for a Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme Phase 3b grant has been made, to meet part of the costs of the works, with a decision to award anticipated by 31 March 2023.   







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Nigel Brown

07394 410630




May 2023

Chief Operating Officer


Heating and Ventilation Improvements at Rocks Park Primary School, Uckfield

Decision to award a contract for the package of works following tendering, which based on consultant pre-tender estimate will exceed £500k. These works will reduce ventilation heat loss and enable a transition from the existing fossil fuel boiler heating system to clean low carbon heat pumps in line with our net zero commitment and in order to qualify for a Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme Phase 3b grant.  An application for a Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme Phase 3b grant has been made, to meet part of the costs of the works, with a decision to award anticipated by 31 March 2023.   







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Nigel Brown

07394 410630




May 2023

Chief Operating Officer


Former Etchingham Primary School site - Disposal

Agreement to Auction sale terms and sales capital receipt achieved at auction for the sale of the former Etchingham Primary School site.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Zoe Tweed

07701 021868




June 2023

Chief Operating Officer


Freehold Disposal of the former Firstfield Resource Centre, 42 London Road Hailsham

The Council own the freehold of the former Firstfields Resource Centre and it is adjacent to an operational asset owned by SEACamb. Both public sector landowners agreed to a joint disposal to maximise the capital receipt. The joint disposal will occur once SEACamb move to their new accommodation which is being procured.  Both organisations have jointly marketed for disposal via a property agent and offers have been received and evaluated.

The officer decision report will be finalised, recommending a joint disposal to a purchaser on a conditional basis, subject to planning permission. This is subject to SEACamb finalising their vacation of their current operational asset.

The Council will secure 70% of the capital receipts on completion.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Nigel Brown

07394 410630




5 Jun 2023

Lead Member for Transport and Environment


Notice of Motion - Bishopstone Junction, Seaford

To consider and respond to the Notice of Motion submitted calling on the County Council to:

-       Provide temporary traffic lights at the A259 Bishopstone junction to assess the effectiveness of this as a traffic management solution. 

-       Seek to provide a safe route for pedestrians and cyclists, including consideration of a footbridge, over the A259 at Bishopstone using underspends in the County Council’s Active Travel Fund.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Isobel Kellett

07513 833903




5 Jun 2023

Lead Member for Transport and Environment


Petition for 20mph default for residential areas

To consider the petition asking that the County Council makes 20mph the default for residential areas, reduces speed limits where there are potential deaths and injuries and follow the government guidance on safe speed limits.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Claire Scriven

01424 726347




12 Jun 2023

Lead Member for Adult Social Care and Health


Retender of Integrated Health and Wellbeing Service

Seeking Lead Member approval to commence re-tendering of the Integrated Health and Wellbeing Service in July 2023. The service provides evidence-based support to enable people across East Sussex to make changes to their lifestyle to improve their health.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Nicola Blake

01273 335060




19 Jul 2023

Lead Member for Adult Social Care and Health


Homes for Ukraine - Extension of Support into Work Programme

The Lead Member is asked to approve a 12 month extension to the Support into Work programme which is being delivered as part of the Homes for Ukraine Programme. Support into Work provides skills and employability training and language courses and supports access to local employment for Ukrainian guests and other migrant, refugee and asylum seeker groups living in East Sussex.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Miranda Shawcross

01273 335338





Between  12 Jun 2023 and 30 Jun 2023

Director of Communities, Economy and Transport


Extension of Civil Parking Enforcement Contract

Five Year Allowable Extension of Civil Parking Enforcement Contract with NSL Limited.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Daniel Clarke

01323 464057




20 Jun 2023

Lead Member for Strategic Management and Economic Development


Sussex Integrated Care System (ICS) Shared Delivery Plan (SDP)

To enable consideration of the draft joint Sussex Integrated Care System (ICS) Shared Delivery Plan as it relates to delivering the shared ESCC and NHS priorities agreed for the population of East Sussex in the Sussex Integrated Care Strategy.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Vicky Smith

01273 482036




20 Jun 2023

Lead Member for Strategic Management and Economic Development


Renewal of subordinated loan for Wave Community Bank (East Sussex Credit Union)

Wave Community Bank (trading name of East Sussex Credit Union) has asked East Sussex County Council to extend its £150,000 repayable subordinated loan for ten years, to enable it to assist more residents in the county facing greatest hardship to deal with immediate financial issues and build up savings to help them manage future economic challenges better. The loan was first agreed in 2018 and our agreement is due to end in September 2023.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Alice Pippard

01273 481816




21 Jun 2023

Lead Member for Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability


Proposed Specialist facility at Denton Community Primary School

To consider any comments or objections received during the representation period following publication of the statutory notice, and to seek a final decision on establishing a specialist facility at the school.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Gary Langford

01273 481758




21 Jun 2023

Lead Member for Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability


Proposed Specialist facility at Meridian Community Primary School

To consider any comments or objections received during the representation period following publication of the statutory notice, and to seek a final decision on establishing a specialist facility at the school.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Gary Langford

01273 481758




21 Jun 2023

Lead Member for Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability


Proposal to lower age range at Punnets Town Community Primary School

To seek approval to lower the age range at Punnetts Town Community Primary School from 4-11 to 2-11.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Jane Spice

01323 747425




26 Jun 2023

Lead Member for Transport and Environment


Notice of Motion to review and update Policy PS05/02 Local Speed Limits

To consider and respond to the Notice of Motion submitted calling on the County Council:

1.    To request the Lead Member for Transport to demonstrate that PS05/02 and its operational implementation is fully in line with the Circular 01/2013 with a full audit of speed limit assessments completed in the last 2 years.

2.    To request that the Lead Member shares the results of this audit with Full Council within two months.

3.    That PS05/02 be reviewed within the next two months and be presented to Full Council to ensure it is fully in line with all aspects of Circular 01/2013

4.    That community and resident experience, quality of life and fear of speeds are included as explicit criteria in PS05/02 as clearly indicated in Circular 01/2013.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Brian Banks

01424 724558




28 Sep 2023



East Sussex, Brighton & Hove and the South Downs NPA Waste and Minerals Plan Review

To recommend to Full Council that; the modifications proposed to the Submission version of the Waste and Minerals Plan Review are published for statutory public consultation.  These modifications are deemed necessary in order for the Plan to be found ‘sound’ and are in response to feedback received from the Planning Inspectorate following the Public Examination into the Plan in November 2022.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Ed Sheath

01273 481632




27 Jun 2023



Reconciling Policy, Performance and Resources (RPPR) - State of the County

To consider the State of the County report and begin the Reconciling Policy, Performance and Resources process for 2024/25 and beyond.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Victoria Beard

07894 708914




27 Jun 2023



Adult Social Care Strategy

Cabinet is requested to agree the proposed plan to launch and implement an adult social care strategy for East Sussex. Noting that the strategy has been developed in response to feedback from local residents about what they need to live well and what is most important to them about care and support.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


David Bishop

01273 336228




27 Jun 2023



Council Monitoring: Quarter 4 2022/23 - Year end

To consider the Council Monitoring report for the fourth quarter of 2022/23 as part of the Council's Reconciling Policy, Performance and Resources process.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Victoria Beard

07894 708914




27 Jun 2023



Highway Maintenance Investment

To provide an update on the one-off £5.8m investment in Highway maintenance approved by Cabinet in November 2021; and to advise on the impact of the 2022/23 winter on road condition and options for additional investment.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Karl Taylor

01273 482207




27 Jun 2023

Lead Member for Resources and Climate Change


Hye House Farm, Crowhurst - Disposal of Freehold

Hye House Farm is currently occupied by way of a farm tenancy which is due to expire in September 2023. We are seeking Lead Member approval to formally declare the site to be surplus, and to approve the appointment of an appropriate marketing agent to seek to dispose of the land which will be in separate lots to maximise value. We then ask that the Chief Operating Officer be granted authority to agree detailed terms with the preferred purchaser and if they don’t complete the purchase, to move the next prospective purchaser(s) if appropriate.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Rebecca Lewis

07955 312371




11 Jul 2023

Lead Member for Resources and Climate Change


Former Hindsland Playing Fields, Eastbourne Road, Polegate - Disposal of Freehold

The land known as Former Hindsland Playing Fields was declared surplus in 1989. At the end of an appropriate marketing period, Officer recommendations for the preferred purchaser will be presented in a Lead Member report to formally declare the site to be surplus, approve the sale and to ask the Chief Operating Officer be granted authority to agree detailed terms with the preferred purchaser and if they don’t complete the purchase, to move the next prospective purchaser(s) if appropriate.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Rebecca Lewis

07955 312371




11 Jul 2023

Lead Member for Resources and Climate Change


Uckfield Leisure Centre Public Consultation Outcome

To note the outcome of the Uckfield Leisure Centre public consultation which concludes on 27 May 2023. To agree next steps for the future operation of Uckfield Leisure Centre. The County Council own the freehold of this asset.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Nigel Brown, Pauline Young

07394 410630, 01273 481180




June 2023

Chief Operating Officer


Award of Contract for Sorrel Drive Capital Project

A decision is required to enter into a building contract with an ESCC Framework Contractor. The capital project seeks to extend the Sorrel Drive Children’s Resource Centre and carry out further internal alterations in support of children’s day and residential respite care facilities.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Nigel Brown

07394 410630




June 2023

Chief Operating Officer


Award of Pre-Contract Services Agreement (PSCA) for the ESCC youth centres for The Joff, Peacehaven and Heathfield Youth Centre, Heathfield to appoint a contractor

This is for pre contract services to enable a tender package to be prepared for works to The Joff Youth Centre, Peacehaven and Heathfield Youth Centre. The works will increase the number of regular positive activities and clubs available to young people aged 11 to 19 (up to 25 for young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) in the areas.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Nigel Brown

07394 410630




June 2023

Chief Operating Officer


Award of property contract for Adult Social Care's Supported Living Programme

A decision is required to enter into a building contract with a contractor procured via the Sout East Shared Services Portal.  The capital project seeks to extend/redevelop 2 Adult Social Care homes.  This decision is for phase one of the development which will develop Cregg Na Ba, Battle and Beckley Close, St Leonards. Project description: Reconfiguration of 2 Bungalows to provide ensuite facilities for residents. This reflects a change from residential care to supported living offering people a home with security of tenure.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Nigel Brown

07394 410630




June 2023

Chief Operating Officer


To appoint a Consultant up to RIBA stage 4 for the ESCC youth centres works to The Joff Youth Centre, Peacehaven and Heathfield Youth Centre, Heathfield

To award a Consultant for their services up to RIBA stage 4 (Technical Design) for property works to The Joff Youth Centre, Peacehaven and Heathfield Youth Centre using the NHS SBS Framework. The project will need to be delivered using 100% grant funding and there is no proposed ESCC capital funding. Central government will provide formal details of the grant award in May 2023.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Nigel Brown

07394 410630




June 2023

Chief Operating Officer


Award of Pre-Contract Services Agreement (PSCA) for feasibility studies in relation to a new Profound and Multiple Learning Disability (PLMD) building for Grove Park Secondary and Sixth Form on a Council owned site in Crowborough

This is for pre contract services to enable a tender to be prepared for a new 2000sqm building providing PMLD pupil places for Secondary and Sixth Form pupils on the Grove Park Primary School site. The existing primary school will have minor alterations and a new nursery provision will be provided on the same site. Two mobile classrooms will be removed. Capital funding has been allocated in the Capital Programme to accommodate the new facilities at Grove Park School. The site will therefore have a nursery, primary school and new secondary/sixth form accommodation. The pupils will be between the ages of 2 to 18 years.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Nigel Brown

07394 410630




June 2023

Director of Communities, Economy and Transport


Hastings Public Realm and Green Connections Consultation and Preliminary Design

To consider direct award of the Consultation, Preliminary Design and relevant surveys for the Hastings Public Realm and Green Connections project to Arup. Arup worked on previous design work for this project, led and managed by Hastings Borough Council. This project has £9.834m of funding from Hastings Town Deal and £400k from the Local Growth Fund. This commission is valued at £700k.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Ellie McDaniel

01273 335464




11 Jul 2023

Lead Member for Resources and Climate Change


To approve the granting of a new Lease to the Trustees of the West Hills & District Community Centre

The current Lease dated 12 March 2008 expires 11 March 2023 and it is proposed that ESCC grant the Trustees a new Lease for a period of 25 years which will allow the Trustees to be able to seek grant funding.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Joanne Johnston, Zoe Tweed

01273 336621, 07701 021868




11 Jul 2023

Lead Member for Resources and Climate Change


Exceat Bridge Improvement Scheme land acquisition and compensation

Various parcels of land subject to acquisition and/or compensation in connection with the Exceat Bridge Improvement scheme.  Scheme reported to Cabinet in 2017 and approved as part of the capital programme. Planning permission for the scheme was secured in December 2022.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Zoe Tweed

07701 021868




17 Jul 2023

Lead Member for Transport and Environment


Petition to increase the safety of the B2095 Lower Street, Ninfield and A259 Marsh Road

To decide on the response to the petition calling on the County Council to increase the safety of the B2095, Lower Street, Ninfield to A259 Marsh Road, to take steps to reduce the speed and weight of vehicles and address the growing problem of dangerous and inconsiderate driving.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Michael Higgs

01273 482106




18 Jul 2023



External Audit Plan 2022/2023

This report sets out in detail the work to be carried out by the Council’s External Auditors on the Council’s accounts for financial year 2021/22.








Report, other documents may also be submitted


Ian Gutsell

01273 481399




July 2023

Director of Communities, Economy and Transport


Transport for the South East technical call off contract

The Director will approve the contract award for the Transport for the South East technical call off contract, that will allow for the delivery of our technical programme.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Jasmin Barnicoat

01273 481892

