The Leader of the County Council is required to publish a forward plan setting out matters which the Leader believes will be the subject of a key decision by the Cabinet, individual Cabinet member or officer in the period covered by the Plan (the subsequent four months). The Council’s Constitution states that a key decision is one that involves


(a)    expenditure which is, or the making of savings which are, significant having regard to the expenditure of the County Council’s budget, namely above £500,000 per annum; or


(b)    is significant in terms of its effects on communities living or working in an area comprising two or more electoral divisions.


As a matter of good practice, the Council's Forward Plan includes other items in addition to key decisions that are to be considered by the Cabinet/individual members. This additional information is provided to inform local residents of all matters to be considered, with the exception of issues which are dealt with under the urgency provisions.  Only key decisions to be taken by officers are included.


For each decision included on the Plan the following information is provided:


-          the name of the individual or body that is to make the decision and the date of the meeting or relevant time period for an officer decision

-          the title of the report and decision to be considered

-          groups that will be consulted prior to the decision being taken

-          a list of documents that will be considered when making the decision

-          the name and telephone number of the contact officer for each item.


The Plan is updated and published every month on the Council’s website two weeks before the start of the period to be covered.


Meetings of the Cabinet/individual members are open to the public (with the exception of discussion regarding reports which contain exempt/confidential information). Copies of agenda and reports for meetings are available on the website in advance of meetings. Key decisions taken by officers will not be taken at a meeting – documents listed can be made available on request to the contact officer, with the exception of those which contain exempt/confidential information.


For further details on the time of meetings and general information about the Plan please contact Stuart McKeown at County Hall, St Anne’s Crescent, Lewes, BN7 1UE, or telephone 01273 481583 or send an e-mail to stuart.mckeown@eastsussex.gov.uk.  For further detailed information regarding specific issues to be considered by the Cabinet, individual Member or officer please contact the named contact officer for the item concerned.


County Hall, St Anne’s Crescent, Lewes, BN7 1UE 


For copies of reports or other documents please contact the officer listed on the Plan or phone 01273 335274.



FORWARD PLAN – EXECUTIVE DECISIONS (including Key Decisions) –1 August 2023 TO 30 November 2023

Additional notices in relation to Key Decisions and/or private decisions are available on the Council’s website.


Cabinet membership:


Councillor Keith Glazier - Lead Member for Strategic Management and Economic Development

Councillor Nick Bennett – Lead Member for Resources and Climate Change

Vacancy – Lead Member for Economy

Councillor Claire Dowling  – Lead Member for Transport and Environment

Councillor Carl Maynard  – Lead Member for Adult Social Care and Health

Councillor Bob Bowdler – Lead Member for Children and Families

Councillor Bob Standley – Lead Member for Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability


Date for Decision

Decision Taker

Decision/Key Issue

Decision to be taken wholly or partly in private (P)  or Key Decision (KD)



List of Documents to be submitted to decision maker

Contact Officer


31 Aug 2023

Lead Member for Adult Social Care and Health


Commissioning  East Sussex Community Network (ESCN)

To agree the East Sussex Joint Community Mental Health Commissioning of core services known as the East Sussex Community Network (ESCN).

This project is to recommission all community provision in scope (£4,500,000), aligning support with emerging mental health transformation, and Emotional Wellbeing Services (EWS) in Primary Care, ensuring compatibility and interoperability through co-design and development. 

This is driven by local place-based priorities, including service users and their carers, NHS Sussex, East Sussex Local Authority, Primary Care Networks (PCN) and EWS workstreams. It will ensure that future services maximise the offers of support for people in their local communities.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Kenny Mackay

01323 463946




August 2023

Chief Operating Officer


Award of contract for IT device supply and associated services

To approve the award of contract to the recommended supplier for the supply of end-user IT devices (laptops, & desktops) and associated services. The contract will be used to refresh the existing corporate estate, and for any other business as usual or project device needs.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Matt Scott

07552 286752




August 2023

Chief Operating Officer


Award of Pre-Contract Services Agreement (PSCA) for the ESCC youth centres for The Joff, Peacehaven and Heathfield Youth Centre, Heathfield to appoint a contractor

This is for pre contract services to enable a tender package to be prepared for works to The Joff Youth Centre, Peacehaven and Heathfield Youth Centre. The works will increase the number of regular positive activities and clubs available to young people aged 11 to 19 (up to 25 for young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) in the areas.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Nigel Brown

07394 410630




August 2023

Director of Communities, Economy and Transport


Hastings Public Realm and Green Connections Consultation and Preliminary Design

To consider direct award of the Consultation, Preliminary Design and relevant surveys for the Hastings Public Realm and Green Connections project to Arup. Arup worked on previous design work for this project, led and managed by Hastings Borough Council. This project has £9.834m of funding from Hastings Town Deal and £400k from the Local Growth Fund. This commission is valued at £700k.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Ellie McDaniel

01273 335464




11 Sep 2023

Lead Member for Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability


Holy Cross CE Primary School

To update the Lead Member following the consultation on the proposed closure of Holy Cross CE Primary School and to seek approval for next steps.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Gary Langford

01273 481758




11 Sep 2023

Lead Member for Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability


Household Support Fund Round 4

Approval of the proposed use of the Household Support Fund Round 4 for the period 1 October – 31 March 2024 for the spend on children and families.  A report is also being considered by the Lead Member for Adult Social Care and Health for the spend of this fund on adults.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Jessica Stubbings

01323 463537




Between  12 Sep 2023 and 30 Sep 2023

Chief Operating Officer


Approve the disposal of Beacongate and The Gables, Crowborough

Consideration of the offers received from marketing of both assets and selecting a preferred purchaser to support best value in accordance with s123 of the Local Government Act 1972. These assets were formerly used for the delivery of Adult Social Care Services.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Rebecca Lewis

07955 312371




15 Sep 2023

Lead Member for Adult Social Care and Health


Household Support Fund Round 4 (HSF4)

Approval of the proposed use of the Household Support Fund Round 4 for the period (1 October – 31 March 2024) for the spend allocations manged by Adult Social care and Health (ASC&H) which include District and Borough allocations, Voluntary and Community Social Enterprise organisations (VCSE) allocations, allocations to Warmer Homes and allocations to Food Banks/Food Partnerships.

A report is also being considered by the Lead Member for Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability (EISEND) for the spend of the Household Support Fund on children and families.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Paul Bolton

01273 336353




18 Sep 2023

Lead Member for Resources and Climate Change


East Sussex County Council 2022/2023 Modern Slavery Statement

To provide a progress update of East Sussex County Council’s Modern Slavery Statement to the Lead Member and to seek his signature of approval. The 2022/2023 statement relates to the steps taken by the Council during the financial year 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023 to mitigate risks of modern slavery within its supply chains. Performance indicators are being developed as detailed in the statement and will be used to report on 2023/2024 activity.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Akilah Jardine

07815 473201




25 Sep 2023

Lead Member for Transport and Environment


East Sussex County Council Community Match Scheme

To seek approval from the Lead Member for Transport and Environment for the implementation of updated guidance and criteria for the Community Match Scheme.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Ruby Brittle

01273 337496




25 Sep 2023

Lead Member for Transport and Environment


Revision of Joint Parking Boards

To authorise setting up one Joint Parking Board for all four areas of Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE). We currently hold separate joint parking board in two areas, Lewes District and Hastings Borough with two meetings each year. We propose the new meeting will include Eastbourne Borough and following the introduced of CPE in 2020 Rother District.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Daniel Clarke

01323 464057




25 Sep 2023

Lead Member for Transport and Environment


Petition to 'introduce a lorry route network similar to the one in West Sussex, so that HGVs are redirected away from narrow local roads in our villages'

To consider whether the existing approach to freight movements in East Sussex, as set out in LTP3, needs updating and to consider HGV movements through Ringmer in order to respond to the petition calling on the County Council to introduce a lorry route network similar to the one in West Sussex.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Lisa Simmonds, Tessa Sweet-Escott

0345 6080190, 0345 6080190




25 Sep 2023

Lead Member for Transport and Environment


Eastbourne Town Centre Movement and Access Package Phase 2b & Victoria Place Levelling Up Fund (Seaside Road to Grand Parade) Public Consultation Results

To approve the East Sussex County Council response and report on the Eastbourne Town Centre Movement and Access Package Phase 2b public consultation, moving to complete the detailed design and construction of the Victoria Place section of the Terminus Road scheme.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Isobel Kellett

07513 833903




28 Sep 2023



Scrutiny Review of Equality and Inclusion in ASCH

To consider and comment on the report of the People Scrutiny Committee and agree the response to the recommendations of the review.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Rachel Sweeney

07561 267461




28 Sep 2023



East Sussex, Brighton & Hove and the South Downs NPA Waste and Minerals Plan Review

To recommend to Full Council that; the modifications proposed to the Submission version of the Waste and Minerals Plan Review are published for statutory public consultation.  These modifications are deemed necessary in order for the Plan to be found ‘sound’ and are in response to feedback received from the Planning Inspectorate following the Public Examination into the Plan in November 2022.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Ed Sheath

01273 481632




28 Sep 2023



Report on the County Council's progress in becoming a carbon neutral council

The agreed Notice of Motion covering ESCC’s declaration of a climate emergency committed the County Council to: report annually on its progress towards the target of achieving carbon neutrality from its activities as soon as possible and in any event by 2050.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Andy Arnold

01273 481606




28 Sep 2023



Reconciling Policy, Performance and Resources (RPPR) update - 2024/25 next steps and Medium Term Financial Plan

To consider an update on the reconciling policy, performance and resources process for 2024/25, the next steps and the medium term financial plan







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Victoria Beard

07894 708914




28 Sep 2023



Council Monitoring Quarter 1

To consider the Council Monitoring report for the first quarter of the financial year 2023/24 as part of the Council's Reconciling Policy, Performance and Resources (RPPR) budget monitoring process.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Victoria Beard

07894 708914




September 2023

Director of Adult Social Care and Health


Re-commission of the Direct Payments Support Service (DPSS)

For the Director of Adult Social Care and Health to action the implementation of the re-commission of the Direct Payments Support Service (DPSS) including the award of the contract to the successful bidder, following Lead Member approval at the meeting which took place on 15 May 2023.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Caroline Moyes

01273 336546




September 2023

Director of Adult Social Care and Health


Sexual Health Services Procurement

Approve the award of the Specialist Sexual Health Contract that has been subject to competitive tender in line with the Lead Members decision to delegate the decision to the Director of Adult Social Care & Health on 20 April 2023.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Tony Proom

01273 335252




3 Oct 2023

Lead Member for Adult Social Care and Health


East Sussex Carers Centre - contract extension

The contract for the East Sussex Carers Centre is currently held by Care for the Carers as our Strategic Partner delivering a range of services to carers in East Sussex.


The current contract value is £3,291M over a term of 5.5 years. The service was procured in 2019, starting on 01/10/2019 with an option to extend for a further two years from April 2025.


The first 5.5 years of the contract end on 31/04/2025 and, after review, it is proposed that the current contract is extended for a further two years until 31 March 2027. This will enable the successful partnership work between the Council, Care for the Carers and the NHS to continue and develop and allow time for the additional services to be fully implemented and reviewed.


Future recommissioning options will be explored before a decision to tender the contract is made.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Tamsin Peart

07881 282732




16 Oct 2023

Lead Member for Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability


Admission arrangements for community and voluntary controlled schools 2025-26- permission to consult

Permission is sought to consult on the proposed admission arrangements for community and voluntary controlled schools in East Sussex for the 2025-26 school year.  The School Admissions Code requires a consultation period of at least six weeks between October and January.  Following this, the Lead Member will need to determine the admission arrangements at the meeting in February 2024 in line with the requirements of the School Admissions Code.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Jo Miles

01273 481911




17 Oct 2023

Lead Member for Resources and Climate Change


Sidley Depot Site, Bexhill - Disposal of Freehold

The site is currently vacant and surplus to operational requirements. We are seeking Lead Member approval to formally declare the site to be surplus, and to approve the disposal of the site. We then ask that the Chief Operating Officer be delegated authority to agree detailed terms with the preferred purchaser.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Rebecca Lewis

07955 312371




17 Oct 2023

Lead Member for Resources and Climate Change


To approve the granting of a new Lease to the Trustees of the West Hills & District Community Centre

The current Lease dated 12 March 2008 expires 11 March 2023 and it is proposed that ESCC grant the Trustees a new Lease for a period of 25 years which will allow the Trustees to be able to seek grant funding.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Joanne Johnston, Zoe Tweed

01273 336621, 07701 021868




24 Oct 2023

Director of Adult Social Care and Health


Approval of award of contract - Integrated Health and Wellbeing Service

Following a tender process to commission an Integrated Health and Wellbeing Service, approval of award of contract is to be sought from the Director of Adult Social Care and Health.

The Integrated Health and Wellbeing Service provides evidence-based support to enable people across East Sussex to make changes to their lifestyle to improve their health. Such changes include supporting residents to eat well, manage their weight, move more, quit smoking and drink less alcohol.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Nicola Blake

01273 335060




October 2023

Chief Operating Officer


Award of contract for Salary Sacrifice Lease Car scheme (Electric Vehicles)

East Sussex County Council wants to introduce a Salary Sacrifice Lease Car scheme for electric vehicles. This will allow employees to access electric vehicles at a saving compared to conventional purchase. This will help employees to access greener transport and will therefore support the Council’s climate emergency plans. It will also provide an attractive staff benefit, helping to aid recruitment and retention. The scheme will be run as a managed service by a private provider, in order to facilitate employee access to a range of good quality vehicles which represent good value for money. The managed service will also ensure the council is compliant with all relevant HMRC legislation, and that the administrative burden for the authority is minimal.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Nicholas Earley

01273 335061




20 Nov 2023

Lead Member for Transport and Environment


Review of fees and charges for East Sussex County Council's statutory planning consultee roles

The Council’s Flood Risk Management and Transport Development Control teams perform statutory planning consultee roles, meaning that they have a legal obligation to respond to relevant planning application consultations. To improve the quality of applications that are received, a pre-application advice service is offered, which is a paid-for service. A review of the charges that are applied for this service has been undertaken and new charges are proposed together with an approach to lessening the burden/financial cost to the Council when it comes to providing flood risk/drainage advice to applicants to resolve matters associated with the development proposals.







Report, other documents may also be submitted


Ed Sheath

01273 481632

