East Sussex Safer Communities Partnership Business Plan 2020-2023





















2021/22 Edition




Executive Summary. 3


Foreword.. 4


About East Sussex. 5


Our Partners, Roles & Responsibilities. 6


Identifying our Partnerships’ Priorities. 8


Measuring Progress. 10


Our 2020/21 Achievements and 2021/22 Plans. 12

Serious Organised Crime. 12

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking (MSHT) 12

Fraud-Related Harm.. 14

County Lines. 15


Serious Violent Crime, including Knife Crime. 17


Domestic Violence & Abuse, Rape & Sexual Violence and Abuse, Stalking, Harassment and Harmful Practices. 19


Drug & Alcohol-Related Harm... 21


Preventing Violent Extremism... 24


Reducing Reoffending.. 25


Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) & Hate Crime. 27


Road Safety. 31


Appendix A: Partnership Measures. 33





Executive Summary


The East Sussex Safer Communities Partnership brings together partners from across local government, health & social care, law & justice and the voluntary and community sector to identify and tackle issues affecting community safety.

Anxiety, isolation and confidence all profoundly affect the likelihood of vulnerable people reporting their concerns to families, public agencies or voluntary organisations. This means that the number of crimes reported, incidents attended or interventions completed can only ever partially reflect the magnitude of these issues our vulnerable people face and the harms they experience. 

The impact COVID-19 had had on East Sussex’s community safety since March 2020 will take much more time to be fully understood. We have already seen significant changes in anti-social behaviour (+65% vs. 2019-20) and domestic abuse incidents (+5-7%) over the last year while we expect significant longer-term changes to crime, disorder and behaviour in coming years.

By completing a Strategic Assessment - looking at new legislation and highlighting regional trends in crime, behaviour and health - this partnership has chosen eight workstreams on which to focus its efforts.

In 2021/22 the East Sussex Safer Communities Partnership has selected four priorities through this information-gathering process, and 4 workstreams through our other partnership mechanisms.


Priorities:                                                                              Workstreams:


Serious Organised Crime


Serious Violent Crime


Domestic & Sexual Violence


Drugs & Alcohol-Related Harm 

Violent Extremism 


Reducing Reoffending    


Anti-Social Behaviour & Hate Crime


Road Safety


This Plan shows how our partnerships have come together to examine trends and changes in these key working areas over 2020/21, an overview of their achievements in addressing them and how we have developed further plans to build on our work in 2021/22. 

Further details on the work the East Sussex Safer Communities Partnership does can be found at https://www.safeineastsussex.org.uk



East Sussex remains a safe place to live, work and visit. The East Sussex Safer Communities Partnership aims to protect our communities against harm and build their resilience against crime, disorder and the effects of substance misuse. Connecting and supporting partnerships spanning private, public and voluntary sectors is essential to this effort and recognises that tackling risk and vulnerability must be proactive, inclusive and forward-looking.


Many people in East Sussex live with complex and interconnected needs including mental and physical ill-health, substance misuse, insecure accommodation, social isolation and loneliness. Over 2020/21 many more people have become unexpectedly vulnerable while those already vulnerable have been at risk of further isolation and anxiety. Meanwhile criminals continually adapt their methods to exploit others for personal gain based on changes in our community’s vulnerabilities.


Community safety suffers where professionals struggle to identify and support vulnerable people who may not engage with public or voluntary services; these risks and vulnerabilities therefore often remain unseen, unclear or misunderstood. Fostering meaningful relationships with vulnerable people, bringing perpetrators of crime and anti-social behaviour to account, and educating everyone about risk and harm prevention are central to improving community safety and confidence.


This partnership brings partners from Adults and Children’s Services, district & borough councils, Health & Social Care, Police, Probation and other partners to identify and tackle the most impactful problems affecting community safety. This Plan sets out how we are encouraging new, more consequential relationships with partners who can approach community safety in refreshing and productive ways. 


In the last year our partners have worked together to plan new strategies for community safety based on several upcoming changes at national level:


·         Readings of the Police, Crime Sentencing & Courts Bill, placing new duties on schools, police, councils and health authorities to prevent serious violence

·         Enactment of The Domestic Abuse Act, reforming how key agencies empower victims of domestic abuse and reform the behaviour of perpetrators

·         The National Probation Service (NPS) and regional Community Rehabilitation Companies (CRCs) merging in June 2021

·         Changes to the Channel management process under the government’s Prevent anti-extremism program, giving more responsibility and autonomy to local government safeguarding panels                                                          

·         New recommendations arising from an independent review of the Modern Slavery Act


Over 2021 and 2022 our plans, priorities and partners will evolve to address the challenges that our communities face and the expertise available to do so.

About East Sussex

Our Partners, Roles & Responsibilities


The East Sussex Safer Communities Partnership brings together local authorities, the NHS East Sussex CCG, Sussex Police and other statutory and non-statutory partners to share resources and discuss strategic priorities.


Following the 2007 Crime & Disorder Regulations multi-tier authorities like those in East Sussex created a county-wide strategy group to coordinate community safety priorities across its partners. Our East Sussex Safer Communities Partnership is accountable for its achievements and areas for further development through East Sussex County Council’s lead member for Adult Social Care to its Scrutiny Committee. We also work closely with our Public Health colleagues to develop strategies in areas such as drug and alcohol treatment.


This setup offers greater opportunities to consult with the organisations we bring together from within East Sussex’s districts and boroughs, whose own plans guide and support our overall priorities:


District & Borough Community Safety Partnerships (CSPs)


Safer Wealden Partnership


Eastbourne & Lewes Community Safety Partnership



Safer Hastings Partnership                         Safer Rother Partnership



Each of these local partnerships are themselves formed from a range of public service, health, policing, and voluntary & community sector (VCS) organisations. They conduct their own strategic assessments and publish plans to address the priorities identified in their local area.

The Sussex Police & Crime Plan sets out the strategic police and crime priorities for how policing services will be delivered in Sussex across 2021/24.


Sussex Police uses its yearly Operational Delivery Plan to outline how it will deliver the objectives set out in its new Police & Crime Plan to protect local communities, prosecute criminals and provide effective support to victims, witnesses and the public.

East Sussex Fire & Rescue Service’s Safer Communities Business Plan sets out its main commitments to better utilise its resources to educate and empower the public through its wider Prevention activities, including and delivering Home Safety Visits to reduce risk within the home.



Her Majesty’s Prisoner & Probation Service (HMPPS) Business Plan and Business Strategy sets out the main objectives and performance measures in its strategy to reduce reoffending and improve public protection by integrating the core aims and resources of its constituent agencies



The East Sussex Health and Social Care Plan outlines how the NHS East Sussex CCG - formed from the merging of three CCGs in East Sussex in April 2020 -  will reduce local health inequalities and deliver sustainable long-term health & social care support. This sets out partnership priorities including improving outcomes for vulnerable and/or disadvantaged adults and specialist support for vulnerable children and young people, including action on County Lines.


By having this partnership of agencies – many of whom are themselves multi-agency partnerships - we can share experience and expertise in ways which allow our combined efforts and ambitions to be far greater than can be realised by working alone.


The advantages of this type of partnership-working can include making large joint bids for government or charitable funding, identifying regional changes in the activities of criminals or vulnerable people, and an improved ability to horizon-scanning for new trends and themes affecting local hotspots or larger regions.


To help identify where other partners’ ideas and priorities are shared, this partnership also has a Joint Partnership Protocol in place with East Sussex Safeguarding Adults Board, the East Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnership, the East Sussex Health and Wellbeing Board and East Sussex Children and Young People’s Trust.


To ensure the voices of local young people are included in community safety planning, the East Sussex Youth Cabinet develops peer consultation including the Make Your Mark Survey to develop strategies to take on issues which our young people wish our partnerships to highlight. 




Identifying our Partnerships’ Priorities


Our partnerships identify East Sussex’s key priorities for community safety every year by completing a Strategic Assessment of Community Safety. This process analyses statistical data from public agencies and residents’ surveys as well as bringing together assessments completed by other agencies and looking at new and upcoming legislation. Through this rigorous process we can scan for emerging trends across health, crime and public confidence in East Sussex and compare against trends at regional and national level.


Diagram showing the progress of the East Sussex Safer Communities Partnership's three-year cycle for developing its business strategy. This highlights that the partnership is at the end of its second of three years in its current Business Plan, which each year consists of completing a Strategic Assessment, having Priority Setting conferences and the drafting of the Business Plan itself.


By looking within East Sussex and to wider political and economic contexts we can re-examine our priorities or adopt new ones based on the level of risk to our residents, how likely they are to grow in scale and how interconnected they are to other factors affecting our community’s safety.


As criminals adjust their modus operandi in response to our communities adopting remote, digital lifestyles we are creating new means and resources to identify, challenge, divert and prosecute them as well as safeguard our vulnerable people.


As the UK’s response to Brexit unfolds over 2021 we anticipate significant changes in how certain forms of criminal activity and disorder including modern slavery & human trafficking (MSHT) and violent extremism develop.


As our partnerships have adapted their services due to COVID-19 we have seen that changes to employment, community services and mental and physical health disproportionate affected our most vulnerable people.


The longer-term health, social and behavioural effects of COVID-19 will take years to develop and will require more focused and proactive collaboration across our partnerships to identify and address.


Using this information partners have agreed the following four areas as priorities:


·         Serious Organised Crime, including County Lines, Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking, and Fraud Related Harm


·         Serious Violent Crime, including Knife Crime


·         Domestic Violence & Abuse, Rape & Sexual Violence and Abuse, Stalking & Harassment and Harmful Practices


·         Drugs and Alcohol Related Harm


By considering the key recommendations of our Strategic Assessment and those completed by our partners across their specialist areas, our Partnership is also placing focus on improving outcomes in the following workstreams:


·         Preventing Violent Extremism


·         Reducing Reoffending


·         Anti-Social Behaviour & Hate Crime


·         Road Safety


Running across all these themes is the use of social media and other digital technology. Our partners are all proactive in using social media to communicate between partnerships and with our communities.


All our partners continue to commit to expanding and improving access to this incredibly useful technology, educate the public about its uses and offer protection and support against its potential risks and dangers. 


Some areas not listed in this document as priorities or partnership workstreams, including support for street communities, are overseen by other partnership structures like our district & borough Community Safety Partnerships (CSPs).

Measuring Progress


Our partnerships aim to provide a balanced and sustainable approach to measuring overall success throughout their work by outlining broad, long-term aims and the activities and strategies needed to achieve them.


Across our priorities and workstreams areas we evaluate our success against the following themes:                                                                                                                                                         

·         Creating resilient, cohesive communities adaptable to shock as well as to gradual changes in risk


·         Improving confidence in vulnerable people and our wider community & promoting integration by improving communication, education and encouraging the reporting of harmful, risky or beneficial behaviour


·         Reducing vulnerability to harm, fear or harm and knocks in confidence for individuals, families & communities                 

Serious Organised Crime


Reduce the vulnerability of individuals and communities to being drawn into or becoming victims of organised crime by supporting whole-community approaches which combine policing, education and social services



Serious Violent Crime


Break up patterns and cycles of violent crime - especially knife crime – by creating and sustaining multi-agency partnerships which are better at sharing intelligence, supporting victims, rehabilitating offenders and intervening earlier when our community identifies at-risk people



Domestic & Sexual Violence & Abuse


Challenge and end cycles of abuse by creating working environments which give professionals more time and resources to identify and understand vulnerable peoples’ specific needs, create safe-spaces and adopt criminal justice strategies to challenge and reform the behaviour of offenders      





Drugs & Alcohol-Related Harm


Create long-lasting reductions to the harm caused by substance misuse in our communities including social isolation, crime and health risks through  a combination of outreach, treatment/recovery, diversion and enforcement approaches which support vulnerable people, their families and communities             



Violent Extremism


Reduce the power and reach and extremist networks through outreach, education and early intervention, including risk-assessing vulnerable people and creating networks which identify extremist behaviour and break apart its links to violence and other serious crime             



Reducing Reoffending


Foster supportive and safe communities by reducing the risk and seriousness of reoffending, through bringing together agencies to consider accommodation as a major pillar in aiding released prisoners to access community services and transition to civilian life                      



Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) & Hate Crime


Enable our households and communities to remain safe by identifying hotspots where incidents and patterns of anti-social behaviour, hate and abuse occur, alongside creating effective enforcement strategies and coordinating services for young and at-risk people to offer education and prevention



Road Safety


Reduce deaths and serious injuries by ensuring that road networks are safe, drivers are properly educated and incentivised against unnecessary risk-taking or anti-social driving, and ensuring road infrastructure remains fit for purpose



Some of the measures our partnerships monitor are in Appendix A, which we report through our Safer Communities Board.

Our 2020/21 Achievements and 2021/22 Plans


Serious Organised Crime


Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking (MSHT)


Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking (MSHT) covers a range of offences including forced criminality, labour exploitation, domestic servitude and sexual trafficking as well as the recruitment and movement of victims by force, deception or coercion. Suspected cases are reported through a voluntary National Referral Mechanism (NRM) to the Home Office.


Our partnerships are addressing this extremely harmful criminal activity by creating and sharing educational support with charities, public services and law enforcement. This aims to uncover and break apart the real and potential connections of MSHT to drug and alcohol misuse including the use of violence to ensure cooperation and ill-treatment in domestic environments.


Over 2020/21 our partnerships have been:                                                                            

·         Providing training to ESCC councillors based on Local Government Association guidance about the role they can play in raising awareness of modern slavery and embedding work to tackle modern slavery within councils                

·         Collaborating across the Sussex Anti-Slavery Network to create action plans ensuring all of East Sussex’s local authorities maintain their pledges to end modern slavery, human trafficking and exploitative child labour in the county, under United Nations Global Sustainable Development Goal 8.7                                            

·         Introducing specific communication for Single Points of Contact (SPOCs) to provide updates around policy, practice and support developments                          

·         Developing the ESCC modern slavery internal group by welcoming more departmental representatives and delivering bespoke training to frontline staff to ensure its core focus remains steady under the Modern Slavery Act


Project Discovery


Project Discovery brings together enforcement agencies, district & borough councils and other local organisations to identify and disrupt organised crime, human trafficking and modern slavery. This year it has particularly focused on identifying dangerous and unlicensed House of Multiple Occupancy (HMOs) and business premises.



The labour exploitation sector has seen a rise in workers failing to be provided with adequate safety equipment e.g. forced to live on site with no hot water or washing facilities. There have been examples of this in East Sussex. Recently a company was found to be doing such at a derelict shop in Eastbourne. A new working connection with the Health and Safety Executive meant probation notices were issued on the company and building, leading to the landlord removing the company off the site. 


Discovery are also forming a joined-up approach with Enterprise, a joint agency program ran by the Metropolitan Police to explore the sector in further details, visiting sites of concern and acting wherever possible.


Discovery’s partnership working has also allowed intelligence-gathering from across law enforcement and the local community to identify and track key people suspected of supplying boats to cross-Channel smugglers. By combining local knowledge and the resources of Border Force and other agencies the project made arrests and broke apart a small but significant international smuggler supply network across Kent and Sussex, with prosecutions brought by the NCA.


We are expanding our work throughout 2021/22 by:

·         Developing bespoke training for all relevant commissioners to safeguard against modern slavery or human trafficking practices in their supply chains                                                                                                

·         Exploring new opportunities to support the Sussex Anti-Slavery Network’s ongoing development, including Modern Slavery Workshops giving practical guidance about recognition, reporting and prevention across the partnership

·         Delivering training to the Single Point of Contact Modern Slavery Network in partnership with the East Sussex Safeguarding Adults Board                                                                   

·         Developing further interventions through Project Discovery from its origins in Hastings & Rother to disrupt modern slavery across East Sussex and safeguard victims against further exploitation or abuse

Fraud-Related Harm

Fraud and scams constitute the most common form of crime in the UK yet remains severely under-reported. People and businesses experience harm from financial loss and from the anxiety, mistrust and embarrassment coming from being cheated out of money, time and trust.

Over 2020 and 2021 the need for families and businesses to complete online transactions has caused a rise in cyber-enabled shopping, banking and investment fraud. The broad range of people using social media and online shopping/banking tools means that no age group is especially immune to being victims of fraud.

In 2020 more than 3,400 reports of fraud were made to Action Fraud, the UK’s referral mechanism for reporting fraudulent activity for businesses or individuals, resulting in £14.3million in losses[1]. Sussex Police’s Operation Signature notes that vulnerable victims in East Sussex are targeted most by courier fraud – usually coming from calls or emails from criminals posing as civil servants or banks – as well as by doorstep scammers and telephone fraudsters. Trading Standards has reported 60 cases of doorstep crimes being reported in the financial year up to March 2021[2].

The 100+ members of the East Sussex Against Scams Partnership (ESASP) continues to share real-time intelligence to meet its aims of de-stigmatising scams, identifying new trends and coordinating prevention and protection programs. Organisations like the Sussex Neighbourhood Watch Federation support the ESASP by using its own email and newsletter networks to showcase other partners’ key scams & fraud prevention messages to tens of thousands of subscribers.

Our work throughout 2020 and 2021 has included:

·         Holding an ESASP engagement event with partners from Sussex Police, The Involvement Matters Team, Sussex Elder Abuse Recovery Service and Age UK jointly contributing updates on emerging trends and good practice                        

·         Using Facebook, Twitter and online newsletters to publicise local campaigns such as call-blocker projects & the scam mail Scamnesty in support of the National Trading Standards (NTS) Scams Team                                                

·         Sharing online resources with our ESASP Charter Partners to build local resilience against COVID-related fraud & scams as well as other commercial, relationship and other cyber-enabled fraud

Over 2021/22 our partnerships are:

·         Exploring new opportunities to diversify the range of our ESASP Charter Partners to help us create tailored, local scams & fraud awareness-raising activities            

·         Supporting ESCC’s Being Digital Strategy by exploring national initiatives like the Get Safe Online programme, which provides easy-to-understand information about cyber-crime and cyber-safety through social media campaigns, staff awareness training and web resources                                                                                                                                                      

·         Delivering more awareness-raising resources across our partnerships to encourage the proactive management of emerging trends in fraud & scams                                                                                                                                    

·         Giving further preventative training to frontline workers and community groups who may be in the position to spot cyber-enabled crime, or may themselves be vulnerable to it


County Lines


East Sussex remains vulnerable to organised crime groups setting up large, flexible networks, often including children and vulnerable adults coerced into permitting their homes being used to deal drugs (known as cuckooing) or being used as agents to sell drugs across county lines. Our partnerships bring together agencies from across police, education, Children’s Services and community safety to identify people at risk and provide targeted interventions to children and families at risk of exploitation.


Much of our partnerships’ work supporting young people and their families is undertaken through developing an contextual safeguarding approach, which recognise that schools, neighbourhoods and peer relationships as well as families must be included when considering how to safeguard vulnerable people from abuse and exploitation.


The Multi-Agency Child Exploitation (MACE) subgroup of the East Sussex Safeguarding Children’s Partnership coordinates much of the partnerships’ work in identifying key areas where support is needed to support children and families most at risk of being exploited by criminals under a four-tier approach (prepare, prevent, protect, and pursue)


A multi-agency core of professionals including police, Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS), Children’s Services and others work to identify local patterns of risk and develop effective education and early-intervention tools services to equip children and families with the skills needed to make safe and healthy choices, avoid situations which increase the risk of exploitation and report concerns when they feel they or anyone else may be at risk.


From April 2020 to January 2021, 51 young people have been discussed at MACE, with 63% aged 15 or 16 (32 children), with most young people coming from the larger towns of Eastbourne (16) and Hastings (16) as well as Wealden (14).

A total of 1,340 reports of missing children episodes were made between April 2020 and January 2021, creating an extra 18 reports every month compared to 2019/20.  These numbers represent a long-term trend where more young people are considered at risk across many different forms of child exploitation.


Over 2020/21 our partnerships have been:                                                                            

·         Refreshing the Safer East Sussex Stay Safe Directory – the county’s community safety education publication - to expand the list of workshops and education resources available from local organisations to help professionals educate and safeguard young people against crime and exploitation


·         Supporting the Hailsham Contextual Safeguarding project by setting up awareness-raising activities for schools, youth groups, businesses and licensed premises, including preventative work on underage alcohol sales, education child-labour legislation and presentations on illegal drugs                                                                                                                                          

·         Delivering Against Exploitation workshops in schools around criminal exploitation and virtual sessions for parents on criminal exploitation and County Lines in Uckfield


·         Developing multi-agency cuckooing interventions by bringing together Sussex Police, Adult Social Care, substance misuse services and other partners to disrupt County Lines networks and devise new strategies to safeguard vulnerable victims


By developing this work and looking ahead to 2021/22 we will:                                      

·         Continue to develop and deliver interventions to schools and the wider community as part of local contextual safeguarding arrangements with partners to safeguard young people who are at risk of being exploited by organised criminals                                                                                                               

·         Build resilience in our communities to serious and organised crime by showing them what it looks like, where it might happen and how to report it by delivering a Communities Against Exploitation Campaign                                                                                                                  

·         Develop further tolls to educate young people and families on tips to avoid and report serious and organised crime by delivering Against Exploitation Workshops, so they can recognise exploitative and abusive relationships and situations and know where to get help if they need it


















Serious Violent Crime, including Knife Crime


Reducing the number of serious violent incidents - and the number of people at risk of being victims or perpetrators of serious violence - is a key focus in East Sussex, one in which is partners feel must be done under a public-health approach which target the causes of violence at their source, involving the entire community.


Across East Sussex all violent crime [3](including sexual offences and violence not causing injury) rose 3.1% in the year to September 2020, with knife crime increasing dramatically following the easing of some lockdown measures in May 2020.

All serious violence offences – those causing death or serious injury – rose 10% (364 offences), and 330 serious knife crimes – violent crimes where blades or pointed instruments were used – were reported across East Sussex. Threats to kill using a knife rose 57% in this time, following disturbing national trends.


The primary focus of serious violence reduction in East Sussex is on shaping prevention and early-intervention work, with an emphasis on people who frequently carry weapons in public or are linked to drug use/supply in relation to organised crime. Adopting this approach enables our partnerships to more critically examine incidents of serious violent crime which are linked to other offences to shape how Policing, Health and other services intervene earlier and reduce the number of these crimes and the harms they cause.  


In 2019 the Sussex policing area was given funding to establish a Violence Reduction Partnership (VRP). This brought together police, local government, Public Health, community leaders and other partners and is in place for all partners to gain greater insight into the root causes of local violent crime and how to break apart patterns of violence.


Strategies being developed across East Sussex support what we anticipate the Government’s new requirements will be for a specific public-health duty for authorities to tackle serious violence, covering working between police, local councils, local health bodies, Education and Youth Offending Services.


By creating and growing these partnerships over 2020/21 we will ensure that relevant services work together to share data, field intelligence and experience to understand and address the root causes of serious violence, including knife crime. New guidance will be published in due course to support the legislation and the East Sussex VRP will be at the forefront of this work.

Over 2020/21 our partnership has been:


·         Developing the East Sussex VRP Action Plan and Outcomes Framework – adopting a public-health approach - to identify and tackle the risks and vulnerabilities to individuals and communities posed by serious violence


·         Directing funding to support local charities to support the design and delivery of targeted activities for young people at risk of being drawn into serious violence in hotspot areas in Hastings and Eastbourne


·         VRP funding was awarded to Children’s Services for projects at:


o   College Central sites across East Sussex using Youth Offending Team (YOT) practitioners, engaging students with specialised offending and exploitation-themed sessions                                                                               

o   Developing key-work intensive family services to provide for children within the MACE (Multi-Agency Child Exploitation) cohort, creating whole-system strategies for whole families to reduce the risk of serious violence


·         Creating detailed problem profiles of hotspots in Eastbourne and Hastings alongside focused victim & perpetrator models to create action plans to target local prevention and enforcement


Throughout 2021/22 we will build upon our learning by:


·         Collaborating across prison, probation, Health and Adults’ & Children’s Services to expand the East Sussex VRP’s scope, including developing an integrated plan to rehabilitate violent offenders, improve the confidence and knowledge of young people and break links between serious violence, drugs and anti-social behaviour & Hate Crime 


·         Improving intelligence-sharing across our partners to develop perpetrator profiles - highlighting offenders’ risks, vulnerabilities and social networks – to inform the development, targeting and evaluation of prevention activity


·         Sharing the lessons learnt from East Sussex VRP projects across our partnerships to ensure local authorities and their networks are aware of pre-emptive opportunities to intervene where children, young people & adults are at risk of committing serious violence or suffering its effects                                            

·         Support partner organisations to engage with local communities by providing access to networks, educational tools and support to empower them to actively take part in tackling issues that affect them


·         Aiming to expand the work done by street pastors in Eastbourne and Hastings by supporting Safe Space – an NHS-commissioned service providing safe spaces for people vulnerable in the night-time economy due to injury, substance intoxication or seeking refuge from abuse or violence – and expanding its ability to offer services to all age groups

Domestic Violence & Abuse, Rape & Sexual Violence and Abuse, Stalking, Harassment and Harmful Practices


Our partnerships continue creating new multi-agency structures to give timely, vigorous, and sustained support to survivors of all forms of domestic and sexual violence.  


As the Domestic Abuse Bill looks to be enacted sometime in 2021, its principles create new opportunities for partners to coordinate our aims and resources across East & West Sussex, Brighton and Hove, and alongside the Office of the Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner.


This comes at a time where lockdown pressures have impacted domestic life and the ability of refuge or mutual aid services to provide one-to-one support. In the period April - November 2020 there were 27 recorded emergency A&E admissions across East & West Sussex linked to assaults occurring at home, 50% more than the entire financial year 2019-20[i]. The Health Independent Domestic Violence Advisor contract went live in October 2020 and is now a core element of the commissioned service across East Sussex for the next five years. 


By establishing and coordinating new partnerships we aim to remove many of the bureaucratic and structural barriers existing across authority boundaries. This openness should encourage and incentivise our partner agencies to unlock the resources needed for professionals to create more robust and accessible short- and long-term services for vulnerable people and their families.


By forming a Pan-Sussex Local Partnership Board our partnership aims to refine our working practices, reporting its progress to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG). This sits within our broader goals to create more efficient and accountable services which give more time and resources to professionals to bring about sustained change across safe-spaces, criminal justice and behaviour management. By doing this we will bring together more partners across public and voluntary/community services in the understanding that tackling domestic & sexual violence remains a community responsibility.


Over this year we have been:


·         Developing a pan-Sussex Strategic Framework to build and monitor our services and partnership approach, focusing on four key areas:

1.    Prevention & early intervention

2.    Producing coordinated and easily accessible services

3.    Creating measures to challenge and influence the behaviour of perpetrators

4.    Creating networks across health, justice and other community agencies


·         Commissioning a CCG-funded Health Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (HIDVA) service to assess and signpost potential victims to specialist services following treatment in hospital settings, as well as to train and support professionals identifying potential abuse


Throughout 2021/22 we will be:


·         Conducting a comprehensive needs assessment and drafting a new Safer Accommodation Strategy to grow more flexible, integrated resources and spaces for people seeking refuge from abuse


·         Recommissioning our domestic abuse and violence refuge services across East Sussex from November 2021


·         Creating an Action Delivery Plan using ambitious and achievable indicators in a co-ordinated community response to domestic and sexual violence & abuse across Sussex to achieve the four main goals in our Strategic Framework, and address inequalities in accessing services 


·         Working with the East Sussex Youth Cabinet to develop and analyse a county-wide survey to understand young people’s views and experiences of domestic violence that will inform the Safer Community Partnerships’ strategies


·         Realigning our Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) process to the new Victim Hub to ensure the partnership response to high risk victims is effective and efficient


·         Working with partners across Sussex to improve how our systems identify and support people experiencing multiple disadvantage such as domestic abuse, who may not meet the criteria for any one statutory service but still need trauma-informed care to ensure their needs are met


·         Coordinating services and strategies with partners to specifically address the safety of women and girls in public streets and on beaches to reduce sexual harassment and assault








[1]Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) data accessed via DAE, NHS Digital

Hospital activity up to the end of November 2020 (likely incomplete for admissions for the last week of November). Due to the way HES data is submitted by Trusts, processed by NHS Digital and made available to local Public Health teams, the numbers are subject to change.

Drug & Alcohol-Related Harm


Harm caused by drug- and alcohol-related crime and ill-health remains ever-present across East Sussex and continues to be felt most profoundly in our more deprived areas. Our partnerships’ focus is to break links between drug & alcohol misuse, serious violent & organised crime like cuckooing, imprisonment and the disproportionate harms these substances cause to families and local communities.


As our services adjust to COVID-19 we strengthened our communications and digital resources to offer remote support while preserving COVID-secure face-to-face contact with vulnerable groups like the street community. We will continue to grow our digital platforms to improve mutual aid and treatment services as well as publish regular newsletters to support our Partners in Recovery meetings to provide essential up-to-date knowledge to professionals.


We have also coordinated two major consultations relating to Drug and Alcohol Harm in 2020, A conversation about drugs and alcohol” and “Continuing the conversation; lets focus on alcohol. These brought service users, providers and community groups together to critically evaluate the projects commissioned through the Drug and Alcohol Innovation Fund, giving context and direction to an overarching Alcohol Harm Strategy.  


Our partners continue to include feedback from users and partners to shape and re-commission services and partnership projects, such as: 


·         Bringing together Change, Grow, Live (CGL) and GP surgeries to support the Dependence Forming Medication (DFM) Project, supporting patients who wish to reduce the use of prescribed medication like opioids and benzodiazepines


·         The RADAR project, using peer guidance and creative arts activities to support members of the street community in or seeking substance misuse recovery                                

·         The provision of specialist recovery support for women delivered by Oasis Women’s Recovery Service (OWRS) and for the Armed Forces Community through the East Sussex Veterans Hub (ESVH)                                                                                       

·         Working with Adfam to provide meaningful support life for families and carers of people affected by drugs and alcohol and training for family support professionals    

·         Co-sponsoring harm reduction projects for vulnerable people in temporary accommodation delivered by St Leonards-on-Sea-based Seaview Project and Merrick House






Project ADDERProject ADDER Logo: ADDER is an acronym for Addiction, Diversion, Disruption, Enforcement and Recovery


Project ADDER is a Home Office-led initiative to support the Hastings community prevent the harm caused by opiate and crack cocaine by adopting a public-health approach. Its main outcomes are to reduce associated deaths, decrease overall opiate and crack use and target criminal offending related to its sale and distribution.


Using £5million from the Government’s Shared Outcomes Fund between November 2020 and March 2023 our partnerships are establishing prison in-reach services, specialist nursing and outreach teams as well as building on projects and partnerships already in East Sussex. This is to ensure our services target the health and social aspects of drug consumption as well as reducing related crime.


Project ADDER sets out three work areas:


·         Improving Enforcement by coordinating police and public sources to target drug dealers and reduce supply                                                                                                    

·         Providing Diversionary services for people in custody, in the community and within prisons to minimise the risk of reoffending and safeguard children & families through a Criminal Justice Intervention Team (CJIT)                                             

·         Enhancing Treatment & Recovery services by fostering specialist outreach teams and rehabilitation services to help engage people in effective long-term treatment


Further information on Project ADDER can be requested by emailing ProjectAdder@eastsussex.gov.uk.



Over 2020/21 we have been:


·         Critically reviewing Drug Related Deaths that have occurred in East Sussex by bringing together partners and stakeholders to identify key shortfalls and areas for improvement, with the aim of crafting better early-intervention and risk-management strategies


·         Creating a 5-year Alcohol Harm Strategy ready for April 2021, using feedback from consultations throughout 2020 to create strategies helping people form healthier relationships with alcohol, protect their families and communities from its potential harms and engage in effective treatment & recovery

·         Coordinating statutory and voluntary/community sector partners to deliver diversionary programs for offenders with substance disorders such through as Checkpoint, an MoJ-supported early-intervention initiative giving structured support to challenge and divert offenders’ behaviour from the point of charge

Our key actions over 2021/22 are:

·         Using further reviews of Drug Related Deaths as gatekeepers to discussing themes like homelessness or physical & mental health to reflect on good practice, areas for improvement and how to focus resources on areas of work which can address the underlying causes of drug related deaths                     

·         Offering an expanded range of treatment services through our adult Drug and Alcohol Treatment Service, in its second year of a new contract, to significantly reduce the number of re-referrals                                                                       

·         Supporting the East Sussex Family Drug & Alcohol Court (FDAC) through SWIFT as it runs a year-long trial using a specialist court to support evidence-based treatments and care plans for families addressing mental health and domestic violence issues affecting substance-misusing parents through a specialist, multi-disciplinary team, supported by fortnightly reviews                                                  

·         Using diversionary interventions funded through Project ADDER to divert those involved in some types of offending relating to opiate and crack cocaine use away from the court system and into specialist support interventions                      



















Preventing Violent Extremism


East Sussex continues to be considered a low-risk area for violent extremism, however our partnerships remain vigilant and horizon-scan for the likely effects that personal circumstances and wider political changes may have on vulnerable peoples’ likelihood of forming violent extremist views.


We review our early-intervention and education programs and track emerging threats posed by extremists across the political spectrum as outlined in the East Sussex annual Counter Terrorism Local Profile (CTLP).


The Prevent strategy forms one arm of the UK Government’s overall CONTEST counter-terrorism framework. East Sussex Channel Panel provides local support by coordinating panels to risk-assess vulnerable groups and individuals with support from Adult Social Care/Children’s Services, police, health specialists and other partners.


Once assessed, if a vulnerability is identified and an individual consents to support, relevant professionals can then develop tailored early-intervention activities as part of their support plan - which can include specialist education, mental health support and mentoring - to challenge extremist ideologies or beliefs.


Over 2020/21 our partnerships have been:


·         Delivering Relation-SHOPs programs in primary schools to encourage young people to form positive relationships within their community by sharing opinions respectfully and avoiding harmful or disrespectful language


·         Coordinating a development day for Channel practitioners alongside the National College of Policing to share good practice and develop consistent ways to give vulnerable people timely, appropriate support


·         Promoting the national Counter Terror Policing Network’s Act Early campaign and new website launch, which was set up to encourage family and friends to share concerns that a friend or loved one could be vulnerable to radicalisation

Over 2021/22 we are:


·         Identifying emerging local counter-terrorism risks in partnership and coordinating activity to mitigate them through the East Sussex Prevent Board


·         Incorporating new national Channel guidance into our local structures to provide appropriate support across the county                                                                

·         Working in partnership with police to establish police-led panels (PLPs), designed for people or groups not considered suitable for the voluntary Channel programme but who still require intervention and risk-management

Reducing Reoffending


Around 20 people per month are released from prison into East Sussex without specific accommodation to act as home. Many of our released offenders are high-risk offenders with complex and interconnected needs including mental and physical ill-health, substance misuse disorders and connections to domestic abuse.


A lack of sustainable accommodation is one of eight areas of need criminal justice partners typically assess to be linked to offending behaviour; finding accommodation and the services required to keep people secure there is key to supporting a person’s ability to successfully reintegrate back into society.


Our partnerships’ continue to develop a better understanding how providing sustainable accommodation for prison-leavers should feed into a whole-systems approach which integrates ex-offenders back into society. Much of this this work stem has grown from our partnerships’ research undertaken alongside the Sussex Criminal Justice Board (SCJB), and our efforts to coordinate this across East Sussex’s local districts and boroughs.


We work with the Rough Sleepers Initiative (RSI) to provide outreach and specialist health and substance-misuse support for all rough sleepers, many of whom have previously served custodial sentences.





Over 2020 Her Majesty's Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS) Reducing Reoffending Directorate began the process of identifying four local sites across England & Wales capable of adopting a ‘whole-system approach’ to reducing reoffending and test new ways of working with partner agencies and stakeholders.


In February 2020 East Sussex submitted an application for Trailblazer status to the HMPPS, which it received in October 2020 for its strength of collaboration between a wide range of partners (Rough Sleeper Initiative, local Housing authorities, ESCC and the National Probation Service) to improve outcomes for prison leavers.


Our Trailblazer builds on existing partnerships which embrace a systems-wide approach to reducing homelessness by devising new solutions to finding accommodation and improving pathways to community services. The Trailblazer partners are developing a move-on accommodation model of support for prison leavers that compliments current temporary accommodation arrangements.


With this Trailblazer status we also have support from the HMPPS Reducing Reoffending Trailblazer Team, which operates as a centralised national support infrastructure with a single oversight manager, to help draw in resources and support to unblock national issues which cannot be influenced locally.


Over 2020-21 our work across East Sussex has included:


·         Using our research alongside the RSI to better understand the specific shortages in accommodation for prison-leavers, explore securing accommodation and designing new pathways to ensure ex-offenders receive community support                                                                                                                                               

·         Incorporating specialists from substance misuse recovery and criminal justice into the Rough Sleeper Initiative’s multidisciplinary team to provide tailored support for prison-leavers experiencing multiple complex needs  


·         Consulting alongside Prison and District & Borough council Housing professionals to begin the process of integrating Housing Options Officers into Lewes prison’s in-reach services


·         Integrating our Trailblazer whole-systems approach to reducing reoffending into the East Sussex Housing Officers Group (ESHOG) and other partnerships in Public Health and Housing


·         Continuing multi-agency work to reduce the offending of people misusing drugs or alcohol such as the STAR Criminal Justice Intervention Team (CJIT) participating in Cuckooing meetings across the county, holding IOM meetings in Hastings and Eastbourne and the work of MoJ-supported Checkpoint

Over 2021-22 we are expanding our work by:

·         Creating new and improved pathways for prison & probation Duty-to-Refer Notifications to offer timely access to community services, as well as expand housing and other support where there is no legal duty for local authorities to provide prevention of relief from homelessness


·         Exploring more funding and third sector collaborative opportunities to support the main objectives of our Trailblazer work


·         Embedding a specialist Prison Housing Options Officer into criminal justice settings aiming reduce homelessness upon release, provide timelier access to critical services and set up pathways for longer-term community integration


·         Working alongside the RSI to better assess the complexity of our prison-leavers’ needs in order to improve multi-disciplinary strategies for supporting people during their transition back to civilian life


·         Developing specific prison in-reach services to support those who are affected by opiate and crack cocaine use through Project Adder during and after prisoners’ releases

Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) & Hate Crime


Anti-social behaviour covers a range of behaviours affecting individuals and communities including excessive noise, verbal abuse and intimidation, littering/fly-tipping, vandalism and public drinking.


ASB tends not to be caused by any specific age-group, gender or community and can originate from homes, businesses or in public spaces. Because ASB can come from such a variety of sources and cause different levels and types of harm, a bank of interventions need to be adopted with effective legislation and local powers needed to intervene early and reduce the risk of it escalating to more harmful types of crime or disorder.


Lockdowns have also disrupted the ability of local partnerships and the schemes they support to offer diversion and education activities in-person, however financial, planning and coordination support has continued and grown.


Chart showing the number of anti-social behaviour incidents in East reported to Sussex Police between January 2019 and December 2020.  Chart shows significant spike in monthly reports in April, May and June 2020



ASB incidents have risen sharply over 2020/21, particularly during the lockdowns of March/April 2020[4]. Sussex Police, local authorities and social landlords have seen escalating issues between neighbours being reported as nuisance and local environmental issues grow and risk leading to violence, damage or disorder. 


Fly-tipping and littering in East Sussex is investigated by district and borough councils, with over 3,000 cases reported every year since 2017. In East Sussex it tends to occur in mostly rural areas in isolated driveways, accessways and farm margins; in urban areas, tips of white goods can be found in alleys and under-monitored ‘un-owned’ grounds.

Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs) can be issued to define areas where new powers can operate to prohibit activities like street-drinking; some have been in place since 2017, such as to deal with related nuisance behaviour in Hastings, street-drinking in Eastbourne and aggressive begging in Rother. Links to local PSPOs in place across East Sussex can be found here for Rother, Wealden, Eastbourne & Lewes and Hastings



Working with Street Communities, Designing-out ASB & Using Local Powers, Bexhill-on-Sea


Following repeated reports of ASB from among the street community by residents and businesses in Bexhill-on-Sea  - including aggressive begging and verbal abuse, public drinking & drug-dealing and urinating in public alleyways near shops – Rother District Council & the Rother Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT) joined with local residents to find sustainable ways to address the local community’s well-being and safety. All parties wanted to reduce the effects to residents’ quality of life and mental health while safeguarding members of the street community against the risk of harm from exploitation, drug/alcohol misuse or any confrontations escalating to violence.


Alongside local councillors, the NPT and Rother District Council improved their referral mechanisms for local housing support and substance misuse services as well as providing a measured enforcement system for people repeatedly causing issues by issuing Community Protection Notices and warnings to repeat offenders. Alongside a local PSPO, these measures were designed to include positive interventions to access services and housing as well as restrictions upon repeat offenders to discourage ongoing anti-social behaviour. Following a Fire Risk Assessment, the alleyway alongside a local shop had a full-width gate installed, with 50% of the cost provided by the Rother Joint Action Group (JAG).


Since these measures we in place, local complaints have fallen sharply, and a residents’ survey found quality of life has improved significantly. Across East Sussex, using a combination of these measures is now considered a key part of improving response times to escalating ASB issues which meet local needs, deliver against the principles of the Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner (OPCC) and reduces the overall threat and risk of future issues, as well as reducing harm to those already affected.


Increased reporting of Hate Crime is also a priority area across East Sussex’s district and borough local CSPs and for Sussex Police. In the year to September 2020[5], Hate Crimes reported in East Sussex rose by 31% from 681 to 841 reports, with particular increases in hate relating to race (522), sexual orientation (139) and disability (108). Unlike ASB, reported incidents peaked in July 2020 when the UK’s first lockdown measures were relaxed and public spaces and businesses opened up.


Our partnership continues to focus on working with children and young people to challenge hate-related behaviour in schools and their local community. During lockdowns Youth Prevention Officers and partners across East Sussex delivered awareness and de-escalation sessions to schools/colleges remotely.


In East Sussex there are only rare reports of individuals ever being offenders or victims repeatedly; where Hate Crimes are reported to Sussex Police risk assessments are completed with all victims to identify hotspots and mitigate against further harm. This is supported by Victim Support services offering intensive Hate Crime support services to all Hate Crime victims, regardless of perceived risk.


Hate & Anti-Social Behaviour Risk Assessment Conferences (HASBRACs) - multi-agency forums combining Police, local authorities, Landlords, Adults & Children’s Services, mediation services and other agencies - identify medium- and higher-risk victims and coordinate policing, housing and community sector support.



Community mediation


This highlights a dispute discussed and resolved by mediation services in 2020 in Hastings for a neighbour dispute.


Mrs A is often alone at home recovering from one of multiple health conditions. The B family moved next door and began completing DIY in their garden, upsetting Mrs A with loud noise and how she thought it might impact her view of her own garden. This culminated in Mrs A approaching the B family in their garden, shouting and swearing over the garden fence, in front of their children.


Mrs B felt threatened and called the police, who attended, discussed the issue and suggested a referral to the Hastings and Rother Mediation Service. Two specially trained mediators visited both families to discuss how mediation works and drew up a mediation plan. This began with initial telephone calls, establishing a good rapport and encouraging both families to begin face-to-face meetings. 


In COVID-safe conditions the A & B families were able to express their concerns with the help of a trained mediator. Mr A apologised for her confrontational behaviour, while Mr Batchelor apologised for not checking with neighbours before completing noisy DIY. In one meeting they shared plans for the remaining garden work to reassure Mrs Anderson her view would be unaffected.


After their last meeting, Mrs A told the service she felt a weight had been lifted off her shoulders, while Mr B said that this mediation service provided a safe space to talk through all the issues and find a manageable way forward.     


Over 2020/21 our partnerships have:                                                                                      

·         Continued to enforce ASB-related PSPOs, including coordinating specialist support to members of the street community and prosecuting those repeatedly breaking restrictions 

·         Co-ordinated multi-agency HASBRACs alongside specialist victim support services and voluntary sector expertise to triage, manage and resolve medium- or high-risk cases of ASB, including case mediation

·         Installed environmental improvements and monitoring to design-out and deter against antisocial behaviour through the Safer Streets Fund in Eastbourne and Hastings, including CCTV, alleygating and overgrown vegetation removal

·         Created publicity campaigns to promote the use of ‘community triggers’, referral forms for residents concerned about longstanding, unresolved ASB

·         Provided FireWise advice to children and young people with a fascination for fire through the Fire & Rescue Service, working to address associated risk factors for fire-starting as a form of escalating ASB

·         Supporting youth diversionary activities such as maintaining connections to Youth Radio and developing recreation facilities across the county                                                                                                

·         Coordinating and funding specialist mediation services to victims of anti-social behaviour across East Sussex, through Hastings & Rother Mediation Service & Mediation Plus


Over 2021-2022 our partnerships will add to this work by:

·         Supporting the HASBRACs and sharing their good practice across our partners in how to risk-assess and review ASB cases across the county, to critically examine how ASB or Hate incidents can be resolved in partnership

·         Coordinating further consultations with residents, town planners and Sussex Police support to implement environmental methods to deter ASB and Hate Crime and minimise their impact on victims and their communities

·         Giving further training to professionals working with victims of ASB including advocacy training to tackle under-reporting and establishing better information-sharing practices through the Empowering-Communities Inclusion & Neighbourhood management (E-CINS) system and other reporting

·         Coordinating further support for young people to reduce the impact of ASB & Hate Crime on vulnerable communities by supporting youth diversionary schemes across the county, alongside re-establishing those unable to run in-person services in 2020/21


Road Safety


Reducing road casualties and tackling anti-social driving are a key priority across East Sussex. Its high concentration of single-carriageway and rural roads significantly increase the risk of being killed or seriously injured (KSI). Speeding, aggressive driving/riding and lacking road awareness are key contributory factors that contribute to fear for drivers/riders and pedestrian alike.


Other road-related issues including excess noise and inconsiderate parking add to the frustrations of local people and local communities, who consistently cite the need to promote road safety as a key concern in residents’ surveys.


People killed or seriously injured (KSI) on East Sussex Roads, 2017 – 2020[6]


Calendar Year


Seriously Injured



















Local and national action remains focussed around the principles of enforcement, engineering and education, supported by effective engagement between agencies, residents and communities. 


The pan-Sussex partnership tasked with improving road safety is the Sussex Safer Roads Partnership (SSRP), joining teams from Brighton & Hove City Council, East & West Sussex County Councils and Fire & Rescue Services, Sussex Police and Highways England. It develops strategies and campaigns to raise awareness of road safety law and deliver preventative measures to encourage safe road use.


Safety cameras, high visibility mobile enforcement operations and the Community Speedwatch initiative are some of SSRP’s tools to promote behavioural change on the roads. Sussex Police operate marked and unmarked vehicles to remain alert for motorists who are speeding, driving anti-socially or distracted as well as ensure all roads users remain safe by wearing seatbelts and maintaining vehicle standards. 


In East Sussex, ESCC and Highways England are responsible for adopting engineering solutions to road safety concerns, including investigating serious traffic incidents to determine if road or sign engineering can reduce the risk of further harm. ESCC continue to provide road safety education in school and colleges to ensure young people understand how to easily and quickly reduce the risk that their action or inaction on the road can cause harm to others and themselves.


There are Road Safety Action Groups for the Eastbourne, Lewes and Wealden areas and the Hastings & Rother area which report to their own community safety partnerships; their work supports the SSRP and local road safety priorities. These include Community Speedwatch, community campaigns and Safe Drive Stay Alive, and ESFRS’s multi-agency presentations for young people aged 16 and 17 to reduce their risk of death and injury on the road through better decision-making.


Over 2020/21 our main achievements have come through:


·      Running educational campaigns tailored to strategic priorities within the SSRP: motorcyclists, new drivers, pedestrians and occupational drivers, as well as specialist and local programs like Deer Aware


·      Refining local methods to reliably and safely use fixed and mobile roadside speed cameras to deter speeding and support enforcement strategies


·      Promoting the growth of new and existing Community Speed Watch groups, including giving training, equipment and logistical support to volunteers


·      Monitoring the progress of Operation Crackdown, allowing residents to report anti-social road use and abandoned vehicles online


Over 2021 and 2022, alongside continuing the programs run this year, we are:


·      Analysing the outcomes of ESCC’s Behaviour Change projects to help draft future road safety initiatives, ensuring their impacts are targeted and long-term


·      Expanding the Strategic Casualty Reduction approach to ESCC’s road safety engineering work, using additional funding to address the level of casualties experienced along our rural A and B roads 


·      Focusing awareness campaigns on issues highlighted by the National Roads Policing Plan, such as speed; drink/drugs driving; mobile phone use, as well as campaigns that promote the safety of vulnerable road users.


·      Coordinating with partners like Sussex Police and the South East Coast Ambulance service (SECAmb) to rollout and update the virtual Safe Drive Stay Alive program for schools, colleges and home-educated young people


·      Examining how we can effectively engage local communities to help assess the impact that anti-social driving has on pedestrians and vulnerable road users, identify location of concern and trial new interventions


·      Continuing engagement with road users to change the behaviours that put themselves and others at risk and to reduce levels of anti-social driving and riding


Appendix A: Partnership Measures


The number of reports of fraud by East Sussex residents to Operation Signature

The number of reports of Doorstep Crime in East Sussex to East Sussex Trading Standards

The number of young people in East Sussex considered to be at high risk to child exploitation and discussed at the Multi-Agency Child Exploitation (MACE)

The number of episodes of children who are reported missing in East Sussex

The number of community safety training and awareness raising sessions delivered to organisations within the county, including schools, staff, partners and the wider community

The number of potential victims of modern slavery and human trafficking to the National Referral Mechanism (NRM) investigated by Sussex Police, regardless of source

The number of reported incidents of Serious Violent Crime in East Sussex

The number of reported incidents of Serious Knife Crime in East Sussex

The number of referrals accepted onto the REBOOT scheme

The number of Domestic Abuse Incidents and Crimes recorded in East Sussex

The total number of cases discussed at the MARAC in East Sussex

The % of people affected by rape, sexual violence and abuse have improved coping strategies upon leaving the service

The % of people affected by domestic violence and abuse who have improved safety/support measures in place upon leaving the service

The number of Adults in treatment for Substance Misuse in East Sussex (rolling 12 months)

The number of Young People accessing the East Sussex Under 19s Substance Misuse Service

The % of people accessing Mutual Aid recovery services who feel they can manage more independently as a result of using the service

The % of all receiving drug & alcohol treatment, who successfully completed treatment and did not re-present within 6 months

The % of people accessing mutual aid recovery services who feel more confident as a result of using the service

The number of drugs related deaths recorded in East Sussex


[1] https://www.actionfraud.police.uk/data, accessed April 2021

[2] East Sussex Trading Standards

[3]Sussex Police CSP Performance report – October 2019 to September 2020 

[4] Police.uk, Sussex Police data, January to December 2020

[5] Office of National Statistics, 2021. Recorded crime data by Safety Community Partnership Area, September 2019 – September 2020

[6] Safer Sussex Road Partnership Data Portal, accessed April 2021: https://ssrp.shinyapps.io/dataportal/