Note that a proposed updated work programme (following review at the Committee’s recent awayday) will be considered as part of the committee’s 30 September meeting agenda.
Current Scrutiny Reviews |
Detail |
Proposed Completion Date |
Use of digital and technology in Adult Social Care |
The Committee has accepted the recommendation of the Initial Scoping Board that the Committee proceed with a review of this area, focussed on exploring the cultural and behavioural changes needed to support greater use of online services, ‘self-service’ options and adoption of a ‘digital by default’ approach in ASC.
Membership of the Review Board: Councillors di Cara (Chair), Geary and Maples. |
December 2022 |
ASC Equality and Inclusion
The Committee has accepted the recommendation of the Initial Scoping Board that the Committee proceed with a review of this area, looking at how the Department engages with ‘seldom heard’ groups and whether residents of all backgrounds know how to access ASC services.
Membership of the Review Board: Councillors Geary, Ungar (Chair) and Webb. |
March 2023 |
Use of Prevention in Children’s Services
The Committee has accepted the recommendation of the Initial Scoping Board that the Committee proceed with a review of this area, focussed on examining work planned and underway to strengthen use of prevention in Children’s Services.
Membership of the Review Board: Councillors Adeniji, Field, Howell (Chair) and John Hayling, Parent Governor Representative. |
March 2023 |
School Exclusions |
The previous Committee agreed in March 2020 to undertake a Scrutiny Review of issues relating to school exclusions. The Committee also agreed the Terms of Reference proposed by the Scoping Board. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and its effect on the availability of schools to contribute to further work on this review, it was subsequently paused with the intention to recommence it at a suitable future date.
Since the original review was scoped, the Department has commenced a project with ISOS consultancy to draw together aspects of good and emerging practice into a clear, whole-system, strategic approach to inclusion and the use of Alternative Provision for secondary-age pupils in East Sussex.
The Committee wishes to recommence this review and will hold a further short scoping meeting in early autumn (anticipated to be October) to consider the outcomes of the ISOS project and any adjustments required to the existing Terms of Reference before commencing the review.
Membership of the Review Board: Councillors Adeniji, Field, Maples and Nicola Boulter, Parent Governor Representative.
To be confirmed when second scoping board undertaken in early autumn 2022 (anticipated to be October).
Initial Scoping Reviews |
Subject area for initial scoping |
Detail |
Proposed Dates |
School Attendance |
The Committee heard at their 2021 work planning awayday that overall school absence and persistent absence rates across East Sussex are high, when compared to national and statistical neighbours; and that East Sussex has a significant number of children and young people deemed too ill to attend school due to anxiety and poor mental health, and increasing levels of Emotionally-Based School Avoidance.
A scoping board meeting was held on 10 March 2022 and the Board agreed that although the subject was appropriate for a Scrutiny Review, as so much of the current situation regarding school absence rates in East Sussex was related to the ongoing impact of, and disruption from, the coronavirus pandemic, it was too early for the Committee to undertake a scrutiny review of school attendance.
The Board therefore agreed that the review should commence in Spring 2023 when we expect to have a clearer sense of the long-term impact of COVID on school absences. A further short scoping board meeting will be held in early 2023 to build on issues discussed at the 2022 scoping board and draft Terms of Reference for this review. In the interim, an update on school attendance data will be reported to the November 2022 Committee as part of the work programme update to support work programming of this review.
Membership of the Scoping Board: Cllrs Adeniji, di Cara, Field and Howell (Chair) and Nicola Boulter, Parent Governor Representative.
To be confirmed following a further short scoping board in early 2023. |
Suggested Potential Future Scrutiny Review Topics |
Suggested Topic |
Detail |
Elective Home Education
The Committee heard at their 2021 work planning awayday that issues relating to the increase in the numbers of children being electively home educated (EHE) remain a concern for the Children’s Services Department and expressed an interest in scrutinising the work the Department is doing in response.
The Committee also heard about national developments expected to impact future policy and the approaches of local authorities in this area, including an Education Committee enquiry into strengthening home education (published July 2021) and a judicial review into the approach taken by Portsmouth City Council to assurance on EHE. In February 2022, the Government published its response to its ‘Children not in school’ consultation which outlined that, subject to the necessary time in Parliament, the Government intends to legislate on the proposal to place a duty on local authorities to maintain a register of children not in school.
The Committee agreed at the November 2021 and March 2022 meetings to retain this as a potential area for review and an update on the Department’s work in this area and national developments impacting this work is scheduled for the November 2022 Committee to support consideration of how and whether to progress with a scrutiny review.
Scrutiny Reference Groups |
Reference Group Title |
Subject area |
Meeting Dates |
Health and Social Care Integration Programme (HASCIP) Reference Group
The Committee agreed to establish a Reference Group to monitor progress of the East Sussex Health and Social Care Integration Programme and identify areas for future scrutiny. It will review HASCI progress reports provided to the Health and Wellbeing Board and meet on an ad hoc basis as required to consider issues arising in more detail.
The group last met on 6 April 2022 and considered an update on the Better Care Fund, as well as a presentation on anticipated impacts of the Integration White Paper and progress with establishing an Integrated Care System (ICS) in Sussex. The group requested that the next meeting consider the next substantive phase of work on establishing the Sussex ICS and progress with work at the locality level in East Sussex and this is planned to take place later this autumn.
Membership of the group: Councillors Clark, di Cara, Geary (Chair), Ungar and Webb.
Next meeting: late October/ early November
Loneliness and Resilience Scrutiny Reference Group
The Committee agreed to establish a Loneliness and Resilience Scrutiny Reference Group at its meeting in March 2021. The purpose of the group is to provide scrutiny input into a loneliness project being undertaken by the Adult Social Care and Health Department. The project will aim to develop practical solutions that will help address some of the key negative impacts of loneliness on local communities in East Sussex.
The Group have had presentations on progress with the project in August and December 2021. The Group last met in March and considered and commented on the draft recommendations for the project. Officers and partners are now considering the final report and how to take forward its recommendations. A final meeting of the Reference Group will need to take place to consider the final recommendations and next steps, as well as what and how the Group wish to report back to the Committee on this project.
Membership of the group: Councillors Clark, Geary, Maples, Howell, Ungar and Webb.
Next meeting: To be confirmed |
Educational Attainment and Performance Scrutiny Reference Group |
The Committee agreed in June 2018 to establish a Reference Group to focus on reviewing data on educational attainment in East Sussex and related issues. The group meets on an annual basis.
Membership of the group: Councillors Adeniji, Field and Howell and Nicola Boulter, Parent Governor Representative.
Next meeting: Autumn 2022 |
Reconciling Policy, Performance and Resources (RPPR)
RPPR Board meet annually to agree detailed comments and any recommendations on the emerging portfolio plans and spending and savings proposals to be put to Cabinet on behalf of the scrutiny committee.
Next meeting: December 2022 |
Strategic Commissioning Review of Early Help Scrutiny Reference Group |
The purpose of this Reference Group is to provide scrutiny input into the Children’s Services Department review of Early Help services.
The Reference Group of the previous Committee requested an opportunity to review progress with the implementation of the revised Early Help strategy in spring 2021, but as some changes were postponed this was deferred and a further meeting will be considered if required.
Membership of the group: to be confirmed if meeting required.
Next meeting:
Further meeting TBC if appropriate
Reports for Information |
Subject Area |
Detail |
Proposed Date |
Title of Training/Briefing |
Detail |
Proposed Date |
Community Safety Briefing
The Safer Communities Team is providing a briefing on Community Safety for the Committee. This is intended to provide a refresher on, and examples of, community safety work in East Sussex and the Team’s current priorities ahead of the Committee considering the Annual Safer Communities report at the 27 September Committee meeting.
13 September 2022 |
Author |
27 September 2022 |
Reconciling Policy, Performance and Resources (RPPR)
To continue the Committee’s work on the RPPR process for 2023/24 financial year. |
Becky Shaw, Chief Executive |
Committee Work Programme |
To manage the Committee’s programme of work including matters relating to ongoing reviews, initial scoping boards, future scrutiny topics, reference groups, training and development matters and reports for information.
Beth McGhee, Senior Policy and Scrutiny Adviser |
Safeguarding Adults Board - Annual Report
The Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) Annual Report outlines the safeguarding activity and performance in East Sussex during the previous financial year, as well as some of the main developments in place to prevent abuse from occurring.
Chair, Safeguarding Adults Board |
Annual Review of Safer Communities |
To update the Committee on performance in relation to Safer Communities in 2021/22 and the priorities and issues for 2022/23 that will be highlighted in the Partnership Business Plan. The Committee has requested the update cover progress on work to implement the Strategy for Domestic Abuse Accommodation and Support for Sussex; and to tackle Violence Against Women and Girls.
Assistant Director - Planning, Performance and Engagement
East Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnership (ESSCP) Annual Report |
Presentation of the annual report of the East Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnership. The Committee has requested that: · the report provide contextual information on figures included (e.g. trajectory over time) and an update on partnership work on Elective Home Education (at Nov 2021 Committee); and · that the section of the report on learning from case reviews covers learning for ESCC from the national review into the death of Arthur Labinjo-Hughes (at Dec 2021 presentation on ESCC work on domestic abuse and Violence Against Women and Girls).
Independent Chair, East Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnership
17 November 2022 |
Adult Social Care Workforce progress report
A scoping board of a scrutiny review of Adult Social Care Workforce Challenges was held in March 2022. The board heard that challenges in recruitment, retention, development and future planning of the ASC workforce are not new or specific to East Sussex and had been compounded by COVID-19. The Board heard that in response, the Department are planning and delivering a wide range of interventions to address these challenges in ESCC’s ASC workforce and in the independent sector, building on the learning and recommendations from the People Scrutiny Committee ASC Workforce Review undertaken in 2019.
As it was too early to know what impact these interventions would have, the Board requested that the Department report back to the Committee with a progress report on the work and the impact it is having in nine months.
Leigh Prudente, Assistant Director Operations and Samantha Williams, Assistant Director Strategy, Commissioning and Supply Management |
Elective Home Education
The Committee has expressed an interest in undertaking a scrutiny review of Elective Home Education (EHE). This report will update the Committee on work the Department undertakes in this area and recent national developments impacting the response to EHE to support consideration of how and whether to progress with a scrutiny review.
Assistant Director, Education |
Reconciling Policy, Performance and Resources (RPPR) |
The Committee will continue the process of examining the Departmental Portfolio Plans and budget for the 2023/24 financial year.
Becky Shaw, Chief Executive |
Committee Work Programme |
To manage the Committee’s programme of work including matters relating to ongoing reviews, initial scoping boards, future scrutiny topics, reference groups, training and development matters and reports for information.
This report is to include an update on school attendance data for the 2021/22 academic year and start of the 2022/23 academic year, to support work programming of the planned review of school attendance.
Beth McGhee, Senior Policy and Scrutiny Adviser
Elizabeth Funge, Assistant Director, Education |
16 March 2023
Committee Work Programme |
To manage the Committee’s programme of work including matters relating to ongoing reviews, initial scoping boards, future scrutiny topics, reference groups, training and development matters and reports for information.
Beth McGhee, Senior Policy and Scrutiny Adviser |
Reconciling Policy, Performance and Resources (RPPR)
To provide the Committee with an opportunity to review its input into the RPPR process for 2023/24 financial year.
Becky Shaw, Chief Executive |
17 July 2023
Committee Work Programme
To manage the Committee’s programme of work including matters relating to ongoing reviews, initial scoping boards, future scrutiny topics, reference groups, training and development matters and reports for information.
Beth McGhee, Senior Policy and Scrutiny Adviser |
Reconciling Policy, Performance and Resources (RPPR)
To commence the Committee’s involvement with the RPPR process for 2024/25 financial year by reviewing the information in the Quarter 4 (end of year) (2022/23) Council Monitoring report and the State of the County report.
Becky Shaw, Chief Executive |
Implementation of Schools White Paper Reforms
The Committee requested at its July 2022 meeting an update in 12 months on progress with implementing reforms set out in the Schools White Paper. |
Assistant Director, Education |
25 September 2023
Committee Work Programme
To manage the Committee’s programme of work including matters relating to ongoing reviews, initial scoping boards, future scrutiny topics, reference groups, training and development matters and reports for information.
Beth McGhee, Senior Policy and Scrutiny Adviser |
Reconciling Policy, Performance and Resources (RPPR)
To continue the Committee’s work on the RPPR process for 2024/25 financial year. |
Becky Shaw, Chief Executive |
Safeguarding Adults Board - Annual Report
The Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) Annual Report outlines the safeguarding activity and performance in East Sussex during the previous financial year, as well as some of the main developments in place to prevent abuse from occurring.
Chair, Safeguarding Adults Board |
Annual Review of Safer Communities |
To update the Committee on performance in relation to Safer Communities in 2022/23 and the priorities and issues for 2023/24 that will be highlighted in the Partnership Business Plan. |
Assistant Director - Planning, Performance and Engagement
East Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnership (ESSCP) Annual Report |
Presentation of the annual report of the East Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnership.
This report will include a progress update on the work of multi-agency exploitation coordinators as requested at the March 2022 Committee. |
Independent Chair, East Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnership
29 November 2023
Committee Work Programme
To manage the Committee’s programme of work including matters relating to ongoing reviews, initial scoping boards, future scrutiny topics, reference groups, training and development matters and reports for information.
Beth McGhee, Senior Policy and Scrutiny Adviser |