Appendix 8: GBF Programme: Project Updates
· Charleston Access Road – a total of £329k has been received with an initial £90k GBF was awarded to be used to widen and resurface the access track to Charleston as the poor condition of the access track is discouraging repeat visitors and is a barrier to growth. An additional £240k of GBF funding that had been returned to the SELEP was allocated to this project at the Strategic Board on 19 March 2021 to enable the addition of a cycle path along the access road and connection to other cycle routes. The business case for this additional funding was approved at the SELEP’s Accountability Board on 3 July 2021. Project completed in March 2022
· Creative Hub, 4 Fisher Street, Lewes -The £250k grant will be used toward the Conversion of a vacant building into a new co-working hub and café. The new hub will include touch down, short occupation and longer term leased office space for the fast-growing creative industries in Greater Brighton. Project completed in September 2021.
· Fast Track Business Solutions for the Hastings Manufacturing Sector, North Queensway, Hastings – This £3.5m project will deliver 4,000sqm GIA of Class B1/B2 industrial accommodation designed to be occupied as a whole or subdivided into units. The programme for the project was heavily delayed by planning issues around the complexities of the site. At the Sep 2021 SELEP Accountability Board it was agreed that the project needed to secure planning permission for the project site and have a grant agreement finalised by the November 2021 Accountability Board meeting, or it would be removed from the GBF programme. Due to further delays in the planning process, the project was not able to achieve planning permission in time, which also meant that the grant agreement could not be finalised. As a result, at the Nov 2021 Accountability Board meeting, SELEP confirmed the removal of this project from the GBF programme.
· Observer Building, Hastings (Phase 2)- This iconic and much-loved local landmark will be brought to life with four floors of leisure, retail, offices, studios and community space. The £1.713m grant will also unlock the potential for 15 capped-rent flats and a large public roof terrace. The elements of the project delivered with the GBF funding were completed in March 2022 with the remaining elements of the overall project anticipated for completion in Oct 2022.
· Restoring the Glory of the Winter Garden – The £1.6m grant will be utilised to enable the restoration of the Winter Garden, a historic Grade 2 listed Victorian pavilion within Devonshire Park, to its former glory as a cultural destination of regional importance that supports and enhances Eastbourne’s year-round visitor economy. The elements of the project delivered with the GBF funding were completed in March 2022 with the remaining elements of the overall project anticipated for completion in Quarter 3 of 2023/24.
· Riding Sunbeams Solar Railway - The £2,527,250 will be match funded by Network Rail to develop the route to market for direct rail subsidy free renewable energy directly supplying the UK’s largest energy user. Despite their best efforts, Riding Sunbeams and Network Rail concluded that this project cannot be delivered at this time due to insurmountable technical issues. As a result, at the May 2022 Accountability Board meeting, SELEP confirmed the removal of this project from the GBF programme.
· Sussex Innovation Falmer: Covid-Secure Adaptions -The £200k grant will be utilised to refurbish the Innovation Centre to make it a Covid/pandemic-secure work environment. This will ensure that the space will be adapted to accommodate social distancing, provide technology to aid remote working and virtual meetings that are required to safeguard businesses and jobs in the centre, and create new jobs to fill the available space. Project completed in December 2021.
· UTC Maritime and Sustainable Technology Hub -£1.3m GBF will contribute towards the conversion of the former UTC@harbourside building into an education-led skills training centre with commercial workspace for SMEs specialising in the marine sector. The proposals also include new office space for Lewes District Council and partners which is required to safeguard businesses and jobs in the town centre, as well as create new jobs to fill the available space. Ongoing issues with resolving building ownership initially caused lengthy delays to the project start date but these were eventually resolved with work commencing on site in Quarter 2 of 2022/23. Project expected to complete in Dec 2022.
· Food Street - £100k of GBF will support bringing 5 commercial units back into use in Eastbourne Town Centre. Project completed Jul 2022.
· Seven Sisters Country Park Visitor infrastructure Uplift - £200k of GBF investment awarded to widen the scope of an existing project to incorporate a high footfall retail space to support local businesses and accommodation for the onsite warden. Spend of GBF grant completed Sep 2022 with wider project expected to complete in Quarter 3 of 2022/23.