
Governance Committee



27 June 2023



Outside Body Appointment: Joint Waste and Recycling Committee



Assistant Chief Executive


Purpose of report:


To consider the appointment of a member of Cabinet to act as a substitute representative on the Joint Waste and Recycling Committee





The Committee is recommended to appoint a member as the County Council’s substitute representative on the Joint Waste and Recycling Committee until the date of the annual council meeting in the next County Council full election year.


1.         Supporting Information

1.1       East Sussex County Council, together with Hastings Borough Council, Rother District Council and Wealden District Council form the membership of the Joint Waste and Recycling Committee.   The committee was established to facilitate the authorities working together to improve the quality and effectiveness of the discharge of their waste collection functions, as set out in relevant provisions of the Environmental Protection Act 1990.   The committee also facilitates the waste collection authorities to work in partnership with East Sussex County Council as the Waste Disposal Authority to maximise integration opportunities.

1.2       The committee is comprised of elected Member representatives from the Cabinets of each of the authorities listed in paragraph 1.1. Councillor Claire Dowling, Lead Member for Transport and Environment, was appointed in May 2021 as East Sussex County Council’s representative on the committee.    


1.3       As the representatives of each authority on the committee must be drawn from their respective Cabinets, it is also a requirement that any substitute representative must also be a Cabinet member. As there is not currently an executive member appointed to the substitute representative role, the Committee is recommended to appoint an additional member of the Cabinet to act in that capacity.    


2.         Conclusion and reasons for recommendations


2.1       As it will help ensure the County Council is represented at future meetings of the Joint Waste and Recycling Committee, the Governance Committee is recommended to appoint a member of the Cabinet to act as its substitute representative.    



Assistant Chief Executive


Contact Officer:  Stuart McKeown

Tel: 01273 481583




Local Member:   All    


Background Documents
