Article 16 - Suspension, Interpretation and Publication of the Constitution
16.01 Suspension of the Constitution
(a) Limit to suspension. The Articles of this Constitution may not be suspended. The Rules specified below may be suspended by the full Council to the extent permitted within those Rules and the law.
(b) Procedure to suspend. The procedure to suspend Standing Orders is set out in Part 4 of this Constitution. The extent and duration of suspension will be proportionate to the result to be achieved, taking account of the purposes of the Constitution set out in Article 1.
16.02 Interpretation
The ruling of the Chairman of the Council as to the construction or application of this Constitution or as to any proceedings of the Council shall not be challenged at any meeting of the Council. Such interpretation will have regard to the purposes of this Constitution contained in Article 1.
16.03 Publication
(a) The Deputy Chief Executive will make available a copy of this Constitution to each member of the authority upon delivery to him/her of that individual's declaration of acceptance of office on the member first being elected to the Council.
(b) The Deputy Chief Executive will ensure that copies are available for inspection at council offices and other appropriate locations, and can be purchased by members of the local press and the public on payment of a reasonable fee.
(c) The Deputy Chief Executive will ensure that the summary of the Constitution is made widely available within the area and is updated as necessary.