Decision details

Construction of a new two storey two form entry primary school including nursery provision with associated car parking, 2no 3G sports pitches, playing surfaces and games court as an extension to the existing school. The Cavendish School, Eldon Road,

Decision Maker: Planning Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


Construction of a new two storey two form entry primary school including nursery provision with associated car parking, 2no. 3G sports pitches, playing surfaces and games court as an extension to the existing school. The Cavendish School, Eldon Road, Eastbourne, BN21 1UE


11.1     The Committee considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.  Officers confirmed that three further representations had been received and circulated since the publication of the report. 


11.2     Paul Atkins, John Owen and David Finney, all local residents, spoke against the application.         


11.3     Stuart Gallimore, the Director of Children’s Services, Peter Marchant, Headteacher designate, and Louise MacQuire-Plow, a parent, spoke in support of the application.  


11.4     Councillor John Ungar, the Local Member, spoke against the application.


11.5     Members have considered the officer’s report and the comments of the public speakers and Local Member, and agree with the conclusion and reasons for recommendation as set out in paragraph 7 of the report.


11.6     RESOLVED (1) to grant planning permission subject to the completion of the following procedure:


a)         To authorise the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport to secure, in conjunction with the Assistant Chief Executive, a Legal Agreement or Undertaking to secure off site highway works including alterations to the Willingdon Road/Eldon Road/Rodmill Drive traffic signals, alterations to the Cobbold Avenue/Willingdon Road junction, access alterations, provision of laybys in Eldon Road, provision of a new traffic island in Eldon Road, consideration of the position of bus stops in Eldon Road, consideration of Eastbourne Borough Council’s request for a controlled crossing and 20mph speed limit in Eldon Road, a contribution towards applications for Traffic Regulation Orders and development of a Travel Plan


b)               To authorise the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport to grant planning permission upon completion of the Legal Agreement/Undertaking subject to conditions along the lines as indicated in paragraph 8.2 of the report. 


(2) to authorise the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport to refer the application back to the Committee if the Legal Agreement or Undertaking is not secured within 6 months of the date hereof.


11.7     The grant of planning permission shall be subject to conditions along the lines of:


1.      The development hereby permitted shall be commenced before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.


         Reason: To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


2.      The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the plans listed in the Schedule of Approved Plans.


         Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.


3.      No demolition or construction works shall take place in connection with the development hereby approved at any time other than between 0730 and 1800 on Mondays to Fridays, between 0800 and 1400 on Saturdays and not at any time on Sundays, Bank and Public Holidays unless the prior written agreement of the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport has been given.


         Reason:  To help protect the amenities of the locality during construction in accordance with Saved Policy HO20 of the Eastbourne Borough Plan 2003.


4.      Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Head of Planning and Environment, development shall not commence until details of wheel washing facilities have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport. The approved details shall be implemented in full before the commencement of development and the facilities shall be maintained in working order during the construction period and shall be used by any vehicle carrying mud, dust or other debris on its wheels before leaving the site. No vehicle associated with the development shall leave the site carrying mud, dust or debris on its wheels.


         Reason: The condition is linked to commencement of development because it relates to the construction phase and is required in the interests of highway safety and the amenity of the locality.


5.      The development shall not be occupied for educational purposes until site accesses affected by the development have been constructed or removed to the written satisfaction of the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.


         Reason; To ensure safe access to the site in accordance with Saved Policy TR2 in the Eastbourne Borough Plan 2003.


6.      Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Head of Planning and Environment, development shall not commence until a Construction Traffic Management Scheme has been submitted to and approved by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport. This shall include the size of vehicles, hours of operation and routeing and construction shall be carried out in accordance with the approved Scheme.


         Reason: The condition is linked to commencement of development because it relates to the construction phase and is required in the interests of highway safety and the amenity of the locality.


7.      Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Head of Planning and Environment, development, including demolition, shall not commence until a Site Waste Management Plan securing and demonstrating that the amount of excavation and construction waste resulting from the development has been reduced to smallest amount possible has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport. The statement shall include details of the extent to which waste materials arising from excavation will be reused on site and demonstrating that maximum use is being made of these materials. If such reuse on site is not practicable, then details shall be given of the extent to which the waste material will be disposed of for reuse, recycling, composting or other method. All construction waste materials associated with the development shall be reused, recycled and dealt with in accordance with the approved Plan.


         Reason: The condition is linked to commencement of development because it relates to the construction phase and is intended to minimise the amount of construction waste to be removed from site for final disposal in accordance with Saved Policy NE5 of the Eastbourne Borough Plan 2003.


8.      Prior to commencement of development details of the protection and retention of trees and other vegetation during shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport. Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


         Reason: The condition is linked to commencement of development because it relates to the construction phase and aims to ensure trees are protected during construction in the interests of the character of the area in accordance with Saved Policy UHT7 in the Eastbourne Borough Plan 2003.


9.      Development shall not commence above ground level until samples of the materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces of the building  hereby permitted have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport. Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


         Reason: To ensure the appropriate appearance of the development in the area in accordance with Saved Policy UHT1 in the Eastbourne Borough Plan 2003.


10.    Details of the proposed surface water drainage to prevent the discharge of surface water from the site onto the public highway and vice versa shall be submitted for the written approval of the Director of Communities Economy and Transport. The approved details shall form part of the development as built and be ready for use before the approved development is occupied.


         Reason; To ensure appropriate arrangments for surface water drainage in the vicinity of the public highway.


11.    The development shall not be occupied until details of the proposed means of foul and surface water drainage have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport and development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


         Reason: To ensure adequate drainage of foul and surface water from the site.


12.    The rating level of noise emitted from new plant shall not exceed the lowest measured background noise levels at the site's boundary with the nearest sensitive receptor.


         Reason: To minimise the noise impact from plant in accordance with Saved Policy HO20 in the Eastbourne Borough Plan 2003.


13.    Before the development is occupied details of external lighting shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport and installed lighting shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details.


         Reason: In the interests of safety, security and the amenities of the area and to accord with Saved Policy LCF18 in the Eastbourne Borough Plan 2003.


14.    Before the first occupation of the development hereby permitted, a Framework Travel Plan shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport. The Travel Plan shall be implemented and thereafter reviewed in accordance with the approved details. 


         Reason: To help increase awareness and use of alternative modes of transport for school journeys in accordance with Saved Policy TR2 of the Eastbourne Borough Plan 2003.


15.    The areas indicated on the approved drawings for the parking and circulation of vehicles shall not be used for any other purpose and shall be retained for this purpose at all times.


         Reason: To ensure provision of the parking and circulation facilities in relation to the authorised use of the development in accordance with Saved Policy TR2 in the Eastbourne Borough Plan 2003.


16.    Before the school is brought into use the cycle and scooter parking on the approved plans shall be provided and retained thereafter.


         Reason: To comply with Saved Policy TR6 in the Eastbourne Borough Plan 2003.


17.    Prior to occupation of the development details of noise barrier(s) adjacent to the eastern boundary shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Director of Communities Economy and Transport. Details shall include design, appearance, siting and the approved details shall be carried out before the development is occupied for educational purposes.


         Reason: To minimise the impact of use of the access road in accordance with Saved Policy HO20 in the Eastbourne Borough Plan 2003.


18.    The development shall not be occupied until details of hard and soft landscaping works and ecological enhancements have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport and these works shall be carried out as approved. These details shall include:


         Hard Landscaping

          - Proposed finished levels or contours

          - Means of enclosure

          - Car parking layouts

          - Other vehicle and pedestrian access and circulation areas

          - Hard surfacing materials

          - Minor artefacts and structures (e.g. furniture, play equipment, refuse or other storage units, signs, etc.)


         Soft Landscaping

          - Planting plans

          - Written specifications (including cultivation and other operations associated with plant and grass establishment)

          - Schedules of plants, noting species, plant sizes and proposed numbers/densities where appropriate

          - Implementation and maintenance programme


         The landscaped areas shall be maintained thereafter in accordance with the approved details


         Reason: To help integrate the development effectively into the surrounding environment and to comply with Saved Policy UHT7 Eastbourne Borough Plan 2003.


19.    The development hereby permitted shall not be brought into use until the area shown as two mini soccer natural grass pitches shaded light green on Drawing No.(PL) 005 rev. K and the area shown as 5v5 Artificial Grass Pitch shaded dark green has been laid out in accordance with Drawing No. (PL) 005 rev. K, so that both are available for use as a playing field/sports facility. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (as amended) (or any order amending, revoking or re-enacting that order) that area shall not thereafter be used for any purpose other than as a playing field/sports facility.


         Reason: To secure the provision of playing field/sports facility before the occupation of the new school building and to accord with Saved Policy LCF2 in the Eastbourne Borough Plan 2003.


20.    The two mini soccer grass pitches shall be constructed and laid out in accordance with the area shaded light green on Drawing No. (PL) 005 rev. K and with the standards and methodologies set out in the guidance note `Natural Turf for Sport` (Sport England, 2011), and shall be available for use before occupation of the development hereby permitted.


         Reason: To ensure the quality of pitches is satisfactory and they are available for use before occupation of the approved development in order to comply with Saved Policy LCF2 in the Eastbourne Borough Plan 2003.


21.    The 5v5 Artificial Grass Pitch hereby permitted shall not be constructed other than substantially in accordance with Sport England’s Design Guidance Notes for Artificial Surfaces for Outdoor Sport 2013 and the FA’s 'Third Generation Football Turf Guidance.'


         Reason: To ensure the approved development is fit for purpose and sustainable and to accord with Saved Policy LCF2 in the Eastbourne Borough Plan 2003.


22.    Use of the approved development shall not commence until a Community Use Agreement prepared in consultation with Sport England has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport. The agreement shall apply to the 5v5 Artificial Grass Pitch and the northern playing field (x2 mini soccer pitches) and include details of pricing policy, hours of use, access by non-educational establishment users, management responsibilities and a mechanism for review, and anything else which Sport England considers reasonably necessary in order to secure the effective community use of the facilities. The pitches 5v5 Artificial Grass Pitch and the northern playing field (x2 mini soccer pitches) shall be used strict compliance with the approved agreement.


         Reason: To secure well managed safe community access to the sports facility/facilities, to ensure sufficient benefit to the development of sport and to accord with Saved Policy LCF2 in the Eastbourne Borough Plan 2003.


23.    The access road and 10 space car park to the east and north of the proposed building shall not be used at any time other than between the hours of 0730 and 1830 on Monday to Friday unless in the case of emergencies.


         Reason:  To minimise the impacts on the amenities of adjoining occupiers in accordance with Saved Policy HO20 of the Eastbourne Borough Plan 2003 




1.      Guidance on preparing Community Use Agreements is available from Sport England


2.      A formal application for connection to the public sewerage system is required in order to service the development. Please contact Southern Water, Southern House, Sparrowhawk, Otterbourne, Hampshire, Tel. 0330 303 0119.


Schedule of Approved Plans


Site Location Plan RevA, Existing Secondary School Plan RevA, Existing Site Sections and Context Elevations RevA, Proposed Basement Floor Plan RevA, Proposed Roof Plan RevA, 6065 (PL 008 Rev B - Proposed First Floor Plan , 6065 (PL) 007 Rev B - Proposed Ground Floor Plan , 6065 (PL) 002 Rev D - Existing Site Plan, 6065 (PL) 010 Rev C - Proposed Elevations South & West, 6065 (PL) 011 Rev B - Proposed Elevations North & East, EDS 07-0102.05 A, Sub-station details, 6065 (PL) 005 Rev K - Proposed Site Plan, 6065 (PL) 012 Rev D - Proposed Elevations in Context, 6065 (PL) 013 Rev C - Proposed Sections, 6065 (PL) 014 Rev A - Eastern Boundary Sections



Report author: Rupert Clubb

Publication date: 01/07/2015

Date of decision: 24/06/2015

Decided at meeting: 24/06/2015 - Planning Committee

Accompanying Documents: