Issue - meetings

Approval of Social Value Policy

Meeting: 20/09/2022 - Lead Member for Resources and Climate Change (Item 30)

30 The East Sussex Social Value Policy pdf icon PDF 136 KB

Report by the Chief Operating Officer

Additional documents:


30.1     The Lead Member considered a report by the Chief Operating Officer.




30.2     The Lead Member RESOLVED to:


(1) Approve the East Sussex Social Value Policy.


(2) Authorise the Chief Operating Officer to make, if necessary, minor modification to the Policy after finalisation.




30.3     A draft policy for social value was created to fulfil the need for a formalised and consistent approach to social value across all departments and services within ESCC.


30.4     The policy has been reviewed at the Place Scrutiny Committee, giving committee members the opportunity to comment and provide input to the document and to see how it relates to and supports the Council’s strategic objectives and Buying Local initiatives.