Venue: Remote Meeting via Microsoft Teams. View directions
Contact: Ed Beale Schools Funding Manager
No. | Item | ||||||||
Welcome and Apologies Minutes: 1 Welcome and Apologies (Note)
1.1 It was confirmed the meeting was quorate, recognising the apologies below
Carolyn Fair- Director Children’s Services Peter Hughes- South Malling Primary School Debra Vice Holt - Oak Tree Federation James Freeston - King Offa
Minutes of the previous meeting Minutes: 2 Agenda Item 2: Minutes Of Previous Meeting 10 May 2024 (Approval)
2.1 The minutes for the meeting held were approved as a true record and will be signed by the Chair.
Matters arising and de-delegated items Minutes:
Agenda Item 3: Matters Arising And Declaration Of Interests (Discussion)
2.2 Matters arising – none
2.3 Declarations of interest - none.
High Needs Funding for FE Providers Minutes:
4. Agenda Item 4: High Needs Funding for FE Providers – Approval
4.1 Recommendations: That Schools’ Forum agrees a 3.4% uplift on all areas of all areas of Element 3 hourly rates in FE Colleges for the 24/25 academic year.
Decision - The chair asked if any amendments to the recommendation to be brought forward. No amendments were proposed.
It was asked where the 3.4% uplift come from and what we will we not have to have in order to have that funding? - This will come from the High Needs Block (HNB). Any cost in the HNB is going to create additional pressure for 25/26 which will be discussed further in the autumn meetings.
Due to implications for budget setting, it was requested that an annual review would be welcomed as would an agreement for all decisions, where possible, to be agreed in a single meeting. This was agreed. Where possible and available, comparative data from other LAs will be provided alongside requests.
There is a commitment and intention to look at a more efficient way of working within FE and these discussions are being looked at across the Sussex LAs.
Clarification was provided that the 3.4% uplift relates to Element 3 (hourly rates of provision for High Needs Learners).
Members were requested to vote and approve the uplift for FE colleges as per the recommendation. Results as below:
Pupil Exclusion Funding Minutes: Agenda Item 5: Pupil Exclusion Funding – Approval
5.1 Recommendations: a) That Schools’ Forum agrees to the principle that funding shall follow pupils and therefore be transferred between schools, Academies and the Local Authority unless the pupil is from outside of East Sussex. b) That Schools’ Forum agrees that where a pupil is permanently excluded, the school will passport to the LA the remainder of the age weighted pupil unit (AWPU) for that financial year, based on the calculation set out within the School and Early Years Finance (England) Regulations 2012. c) That Schools' Forum agrees that where the exclusion occurs after the October census (the date when schools indicate that they should receive funding for a child for the following financial year) the school or academy will also be required to pay the following year’s full year AWPU. d) That Schools’ Forum agrees that where a pupil transfers within the same financial year to another school or academy, the amount that the new school receives, will be calculated in accordance with the School and Early Years Finance (England) Regulations 2012. e) That Schools’ Forum recommends an early review of the East Sussex Fair Access Protocol (FAP) that will clearly set out the funding principles for permanently excluded pupils and ensure all schools, including academies adhere to them.
5.2 This item was flagged initially in the last meeting around PEX Funding which changed since the further review on policy and regulations 2012. 5.3 We are facing significant pressure on the HNB and the rise in permanent exclusions is contributing to this. 5.4 Principle of the paper is to move to a more equitable situation where the funding a child receives follows them after PEX into the AP setting and then into their next mainstream school
Comments: This previously was a standard process in academies which stopped in 2012. It was noted that there will be a review of the Fair Access Protocol (FAP), supported by a working group of school leaders. The recommendation has to be agreed by academies but there is a section in the academies funding agreement which allow for money to be forwarded to the local authority. West Sussex local authority currently operating in this way for all PEX Members were requested to vote and approve the recommendation. Results as below:
Schools' Forum Membership 24/25 Minutes: Agenda Item 6: Schools Forum Membership 24/25 – Approval
Changes to the membership for AP FROM September were discussed in 2 parts.
Part 1: Information was shared relating to changes in membership for AP representation from Sept ’24, This is due to the transition to a new AP provider (London Southeast Academy Trust’) from College Central.
Action: Ed to liaise with new AP representative and Sabden.
Part 2: Election of Chair and Vice Chair for Schools’ Forum. Zoe James proposed as Chair with James Freeston as Vice Chair from Sept. There were no objections.
Action: Richard Preece to inform Ed about change in the special academy representative from September
AOB Minutes: Agenda Item 7: Any Other Business
Meeting concluded at 08:59 am Next meeting – To be held Friday 20th September on Microsoft Teams