Issue - decisions

Investment consultancy, actuarial and benefit consultancy services

25/01/2016 - Appointment of the Investment Consultancy, Actuarial and Benefit Consultancy Services providers

39.1     The Committee considered a report by the Chief Operating Officer outlining the outcomes of a procurement exercise carried out by the Appointments Panel – under delegated authority from the Pension Committee – with a view to appoint service provider(s) regarding Investment Consultancy Services, and Actuarial and Benefit Consultancy Services.

39.2     The Committee RESOLVED to:

1.    note the award of contract for Investment Consultancy, Actuarial and Benefit Consultancy Services to Hymans Robertson until 1 February 2020 subject to one year extension; and

2.    authorise the Chief Finance Officer to finalise terms and conditions of the appointment and the Deputy Chief Executive be authorised to complete the necessary agreement.

25/01/2016 - Appointment of the Investment Consultancy, Actuarial and Benefit Consultancy Services providers

26/10/2015 - Investment consultancy, actuarial and benefit consultancy services

19.1     The Committee considered a report by the Chief Operating Officer on the appointment of service providers regarding Investment Consultancy Services, and Actuarial and Benefit Consultancy Services.


19.2     The Committee RESOLVED to:

1)    Note the report and its appendices;

2)    Agree to nominate Councillors Stogdon and Tutt to an Appointments Panel; and

3)    Agree that it wishes to delegate the decision to the Appointments Panel.