31/10/2024 - Exceat Bridge Replacement Project

To provide an update on final options for the Exceat Bridge Replacement Project and agree next steps.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 10/12/2024

Lead officer: Karl Taylor

Notice of decision: 31/10/2024

31/10/2024 - Admission arrangements for East Sussex schools 2026-27 (determine)

Following the outcome of the consultation agreed at the October 2024 meeting, the Lead Member is asked to determine the admission arrangements for 2026-27 for schools for which East Sussex County Council is the admission authority.


Decision Maker: Lead Member for Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability

Decision due date: 10/02/2025

Divisions affected: (All Divisions);

Lead officer: Ian Johnson

Notice of decision: 31/10/2024

31/10/2024 - East Sussex Childcare Sufficiency Duty 2025-2026

To approve the publication of the East Sussex Childcare Sufficiency Duty Report for 2025.

Decision Maker: Lead Member for Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability

Decision due date: 10/02/2025

Lead officer: Jane Spice

Notice of decision: 31/10/2024

31/10/2024 - Pacific House, Eastbourne

To consider and agree the proposed future asset management strategy for Pacific House, Eastbourne.

Decision Maker: Lead Member for Resources and Climate Change

Decision due date: 03/12/2024

Divisions affected: Eastbourne - Sovereign;

Lead officer: Rebecca Lewis

Notice of decision: 31/10/2024

Anticipated restriction: Fully exempt  - view reasons

31/10/2024 - Petition - traffic management in Maplehurst Road, Hastings

To consider and respond to the petition received from local residents requesting the closure of Maplehurst Road in Hastings at its junction with the A21/A28 Westfield Road junction or the introduction of access only restrictions and appropriate enforcement measures.

Decision Maker: Lead Member for Transport and Environment

Decision due date: 16/12/2024

Divisions affected: Brede Valley and Marsham; Hastings - Ashdown and Conquest;

Lead officer: Jon Wheeler

Notice of decision: 31/10/2024

31/10/2024 - Healthwatch and Independent Health Complaints Advocacy Service (IHCAS) contract Extension 2025 - 2027

The Healthwatch and Independent Health Complaints Advocacy Service contract comes to the end of the main contract period on 31 March 2025 and has 1 year + 1 year extension options for 2025/26 and 2026/27. Extending the contract by the full 2-year period, will enable cash releasing efficiencies to be generates whilst maintaining service stability and continuity.

Decision Maker: Director of Adult Social Care and Health

Decision due date: 12/2024

Lead officer: Mark Hendriks

Notice of decision: 31/10/2024

31/10/2024 - Recommissioning of Domestic Abuse Refuge Services

The current provider has given notice on this contract and they will cease to deliver services on 31st March 2025. The decision will be for the Director of Adult Social Care and Health to award the contract to a new provider to ensure they are in place to provide continuity of service for residents within the refuges and to allow a mobilisation period for TUPE requirements to be undertaken for current staff within the service. 

Decision Maker: Director of Adult Social Care and Health

Decision due date: 01/2025

Lead officer: Caz Kearton-Evans

Notice of decision: 31/10/2024

31/10/2024 - The LAC Annual Report 2023-24

Cabinet are asked to receive and consider the Annual Report for the LAC service in their role as Corporate Parents. This report will be presented on behalf of the Corporate Parenting Panel.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 10/12/2024

Lead officer: Kathy Marriott

Notice of decision: 31/10/2024

31/10/2024 - Value For Money External Auditors Report 2023/24

Auditor's Annual (VfM) Report on East Sussex County Council 2023/24 from Grant Thornton, External Auditors.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 28/01/2025

Divisions affected: (All Divisions);

Lead officer: Ian Gutsell

Notice of decision: 31/10/2024

31/10/2024 - Treasury Management Annual Report and Mid-Year Report 2024

To consider a report on the review of Treasury Management performance for 2023/24 and the outturn for the first six months of 2024/25, including the economic factors effecting performance, the Prudential Indicators and compliance with the limits set within the Treasury Management Strategy.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 10/12/2024

Divisions affected: (All Divisions);

Lead officer: Ian Gutsell

Notice of decision: 31/10/2024

31/10/2024 - Conservators of Ashdown Forest Budget 2024/25

Cabinet is asked to approve the Conservators of Ashdown Forest’s core budget for 2024/25.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 28/01/2025

Lead officer: Ian Gutsell

Notice of decision: 31/10/2024

31/10/2024 - Treasury Management Strategy 2025/26


To consider the Treasury Management Strategy for 2025/26. This includes setting the Prudential Indicators as set out in the Prudential Code and approving the Minimum Revenue Provision Policy Statement and Annual Investment Strategy for 2025/26.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 28/01/2025

Divisions affected: (All Divisions);

Lead officer: Ian Gutsell

Notice of decision: 31/10/2024

30/09/2024 - East Sussex County Council's proposal for the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Employment Support Programme

The DWP is inviting East Sussex County Council to submit a proposal to deliver a devolved Employment Support programme from April 2025 until April 2029. The Council will be accountable for the programme and spend. This decision is to seek agreement to submit a proposal for the DWP Employment Support Programme and to seek a delegation of responsibility for oversight and future decisions for the programme to the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.

Decision Maker: Lead Member for Economy

Decision due date: Between 18/11/2024 and 29/11/2024

Lead officer: Holly Aquilina

Notice of decision: 18/10/2024

30/09/2024 - Eastbourne Town Centre Movement and Access Package Phase 2a - revised scope

To note and approve the revised scope for Eastbourne Town Centre Movement and Access Package Phase 2a.

Decision Maker: Lead Member for Transport and Environment

Decision due date: 18/11/2024

Divisions affected: Eastbourne - Devonshire; Eastbourne - Meads;

Lead officer: Isobel Kellett

Notice of decision: 18/10/2024

30/09/2024 - Award of contract to carry out a Detailed Design for the A22 Major Road Network (MRN) corridor scheme    Item Deferred

Award of contract, following the conclusion of a procurement process, to a consultant to undertake a detailed design for the A22 MRN corridor scheme.

Decision Maker: Director of Communities, Economy and Transport

Decision due date: 11/2024

Divisions affected: Arlington, East Hoathly and Hellingly; Hailsham Market; Hailsham New Town; Pevensey and Stone Cross; Polegate and Watermill; Willingdon and South Downs;

Lead officer: Clare Marten White

Notice of decision: 30/09/2024

30/09/2024 - West Rise Community Infant School and West Rise Junior School

To seek a final decision on a proposal to amalgamate West Rise Community Infant School and West Rise Junior School and to change the new school’s age range to 2-11.

Decision Maker: Lead Member for Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability

Decision due date: 09/12/2024

Divisions affected: Eastbourne - Langney;

Lead officer: Gary Langford

Notice of decision: 30/09/2024

30/09/2024 - School Organisation Plan 2024 to 2028

To seek Lead Member approval to publish a School Organisation Plan for the period 2024 to 2028. The School Organisation Plan sets out how East Sussex County Council (the local authority), in accordance with its statutory duty, seeks to ensure there are sufficient primary, secondary, and special school places in the right locations to meet demand.

Decision Maker: Lead Member for Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability

Decision due date: 09/12/2024

Lead officer: Gary Langford

Notice of decision: 30/09/2024

30/09/2024 - Transport for the South East technical call off contract modification

The Director will consider the increase in contract award for the Transport for the South East technical call off contract, that will allow for the delivery of the technical programme. As per the Value of Services section of the contract, a modification is being sought to increase the initial contract value by £2,000,000 to meet the total estimated value of £4,000,000 as the contract is approaching the initial limit of £2,000,000 (£1,000,000 per calendar year) allocated to the initial term between 1 August 2023 to 31 July 2026.

Decision Maker: Director of Communities, Economy and Transport

Decision due date: 11/2024

Lead officer: Lewis Milligan

Notice of decision: 30/09/2024

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  - view reasons

30/09/2024 - Council Monitoring: Quarter 2

To consider the Council Monitoring report for the second quarter of the financial year 2024/25 as part of the Council's Reconciling Policy, Performance and Resources (RPPR) budget monitoring process.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 10/12/2024

Divisions affected: (All Divisions);

Lead officer: Victoria Beard

Notice of decision: 30/09/2024

30/09/2024 - Reconciling Policy, Performance and Resources (RPPR): Draft Council Plan 2025/26, Revenue Budget and Capital Programme


To ask Cabinet to approve the draft Council Plan, Council Tax levels, Revenue Budget and Capital Programme for 2025/26 for recommendation to the County Council (including Savings Proposals, Equality Impact Assessment, Engagement and Scrutiny feedback).

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 28/01/2025

Divisions affected: (All Divisions);

Lead officer: Claire Lee

Notice of decision: 30/09/2024

30/09/2024 - Former Broad Oak Primary School - Disposal of Freehold

This is a former school site that is surplus to operational requirements. Lead Member approval is being sought to formally declare the whole of the asset to be surplus to operational requirements and to approve the disposal of the former main school site. The Lead Member report will seek for the Chief Operating Officer to be granted authority to agree detailed terms with the preferred purchaser at a later date.

Decision Maker: Lead Member for Resources and Climate Change

Decision due date: 19/11/2024

Divisions affected: Wealden East;

Lead officer: Rebecca Lewis

Notice of decision: 30/09/2024

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  - view reasons

30/09/2024 - Annual Accounts for Lewes Charitable Trust

Requirement to report annually to Cabinet in line with the current practice where the County Council is a Corporate Trustee.


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 10/12/2024

Lead officer: Samantha McManus

Notice of decision: 30/09/2024

30/09/2024 - Recommissioning of the Adult Drug and Alcohol Treatment Service contract

The current contract to deliver drug and alcohol treatment in East Sussex ends in March 2026. This includes an allowed for 24-month extension. This request is to agree to commence the process of recommissioning this service in April 2025. The new contract will start in March 2026.

Decision Maker: Lead Member for Adult Social Care and Health

Decision due date: 21/01/2025

Lead officer: Caz Kearton-Evans

Notice of decision: 30/09/2024

30/09/2024 - New corporate Climate Emergency Action Plan

The current Climate Emergency Action Plan ends in March 2025. A new plan, which will run from April 2025 to March 2029, will be presented to Cabinet and full Council for consideration.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 28/01/2025

Lead officer: Andy Arnold

Notice of decision: 30/09/2024

30/09/2024 - East Sussex All Age Autism Action Plan

The decision is to agree the content of the East Sussex Autism Action Plan. This is being led through the Autism Partnership Board. This plan will be developed following public consultation consisting of focus groups and a public survey.

Decision Maker: Lead Member for Adult Social Care and Health

Decision due date: 20/02/2025

Lead officer: Bernadette van Gaalen

Notice of decision: 30/09/2024

30/08/2024 - Petition: To request that the Road Safety Team carry out a full Traffic Safety Survey with a view to introducing a new 40mph speed limit through Arlington and Caneheath

To consider a petition for a traffic safety survey and implementation of a 40mph speed limit within the parish of Arlington.

Decision Maker: Lead Member for Transport and Environment

Decision due date: 18/11/2024

Divisions affected: Arlington, East Hoathly and Hellingly; Willingdon and South Downs;

Lead officer: Clare Akehurst

Notice of decision: 30/08/2024

30/08/2024 - Consultation outcome for revised Seaside and St Anthony's Avenue bus priority proposals in Eastbourne

To consider the outcome of the second public consultation on revised bus priority proposals for Seaside and St Anthony’s Avenue as part of the East Sussex Bus Service Improvement Plan.

Decision Maker: Lead Member for Transport and Environment

Decision due date: 18/11/2024

Divisions affected: Eastbourne - Devonshire; Eastbourne - St Anthony's;

Lead officer: Indi Hicks

Notice of decision: 30/08/2024

30/08/2024 - Scrutiny Review of Healthy Ageing

To consider and comment on the report of the People Scrutiny Committee and agree the response to the recommendations of the review.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 13/11/2024

Divisions affected: (All Divisions);

Lead officer: Rachel Sweeney

Notice of decision: 30/08/2024

30/08/2024 - HM Inspectorate of Probation (HMIP) inspection of Youth Justice Service delivered in East Sussex

Cabinet is asked to note the findings of HM Inspectorate of Probation (HMIP) inspection of Youth Justice Service delivered in East Sussex 10 – 14 June 2024, which was published week commencing 16 September and the action plan which has been developed to address the areas for improvement.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 13/11/2024

Divisions affected: (All Divisions);

Lead officer: Amanda Watson

Notice of decision: 30/08/2024

30/08/2024 - Land parcels at the Phoenix Causeway and North Street, Lewes - Disposal of Freehold    Item Deferred

The Lead Member for Resources previously declared parcels of land to be surplus to the County Council’s operational requirements in 2018.  The Council now proposes to retain some of the surplus land but dispose of its land holdings in this locality. There will be delegations to the Chief Operating Officer to finalise the detailed terms with the preferred purchaser.

Decision Maker: Lead Member for Resources and Climate Change

Decision due date: 03/12/2024

Divisions affected: Lewes; Ringmer and Lewes Bridge;

Lead officer: Rebecca Lewis

Notice of decision: 30/08/2024

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  - view reasons

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
Report will contain commercially sensitive information about the proposed terms of sale.

31/07/2024 - RPPR update - 2025/26 next steps and Medium Term Financial Plan

To consider an update on the reconciling policy, performance and resources (RPPR) process for 2025/26, the next steps and the medium term financial plan.


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 13/11/2024

Divisions affected: (All Divisions);

Lead officer: Victoria Beard

Notice of decision: 31/07/2024