
Use the search options below to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the Council’s Cabinet and Lead Members, and delegated decisions taken by officers.

Upcoming decisions of the Cabinet and Lead Members can be viewed in the Council’s Forward Plan, which is updated every month.

Decisions involving the procurement of goods or services can also be viewed on the Local Government Transparency Code For Contracts and Purchase Orders Over £5k webpage.

Decisions published

07/02/2025 - The East Sussex (U5290 Southdown Road, Newhaven)(Temporary Prohibition of Parking) Order 2025 ref: 2361    Recommendations Approved

To allow Kier Group PLC to carry out works, East Sussex County Council have made an Order under Sections 14(1) and 15(1)(b) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended, which will temporarily prohibit parking in the following length of road;

Decision Maker: Director of Communities, Economy and Transport

Decision published: 31/01/2025

Effective from: 07/02/2025


Temporary Prohibition of Parking
Southdown Road - from the junction with U5290 Haven Way to High Cliff Academy.

A safe route will be provided for pedestrians and vehicular access for residents and to properties maintained whenever possible.

The Order commences 10 February 2025 and lasts for a period of 18 months, or until works are completed, whichever is earlier. However, it is anticipated works will be undertaken between 10 February 2025 & 10 August 2026 depending upon the weather conditions.

If you require further information telephone Network Management on 0345 60 80 193.

Lead officer: Rupert Clubb

07/02/2025 - The East Sussex (A28 Cackle Street, Brede)(Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2025 ref: 2360    Recommendations Approved

To allow East Sussex Highways to carry out works, East Sussex County Council have made an Order under Sections 14(1) and 15(1)(b) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended, which will temporarily close the following length of road;

Decision Maker: Director of Communities, Economy and Transport

Decision published: 31/01/2025

Effective from: 07/02/2025


Temporary Road Closure
Cackle Street - from the junction with A28 Northiam Road to the junction with C21 Pottery Lane.

A safe route will be provided for pedestrians and vehicular access for residents and to properties maintained whenever possible with an alternative route for through traffic via A28 Northiam Road, Horns Cross, Well House Hill, Perryman Cross, Hastings Road, Main Street, Station Road – A28 Rye Road (KCC) – A268 Rye Road (KCC), Queen Street (KCC), Sharps Hill (KCC), Rye Road (KCC) – A229 Highgate Hill (KCC), Horns Road (KCC), Horns Hill (KCC) – A229 Horns Hill, Coopers Corner - A21(T) London Road, Silverhill, Northbridge Street Roundabout, Robertsbridge Bypass, Johns Cross Road, Vinehall Road, Woodmans Green Road, Hastings Road, New Road, Whydown Hill, Kent Street, Ebdens Hill - A28 Westfield Lane, Church Lane, Main Road, Brede Road, Brede Hill, Cackle Street and vice versa.

The Order commences 13 February 2025 and lasts for a period of 18 months, or until works are completed, whichever is earlier. However, it is anticipated works will be undertaken on 13 February 2025 depending upon the weather conditions.

If you require further information telephone Network Management on 0345 60 80 193.

Lead officer: Rupert Clubb

07/02/2025 - The East Sussex (A271 Boreham Hill, Boreham Street)(Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2025 ref: 2359    Recommendations Approved

To allow East Sussex Highways to carry out works, East Sussex County Council have made an Order under Sections 14(1) and 15(1)(b) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended, which will temporarily close the following length of road;

Decision Maker: Director of Communities, Economy and Transport

Decision published: 31/01/2025

Effective from: 07/02/2025


Temporary Road Closure
Boreham Hill - from the junction with A271 Kitchenham Road to Peckfield Cottages.

A safe route will be provided for pedestrians and vehicular access for residents and to properties maintained whenever possible with an alternative route for through traffic (1) via A271 Boreham Hill, The Strait, Windmill Hill Road, Gardner Street, Hailsham Road, New Road, Amberstone, Hawkswood Road, Upper Horsebridge, Lower Horsebridge - A22 Boship Roundabout, Hailsham Bypass, Polegate Road, Hailsham Road - A27(T) Cop Hall Roundabout, Polegate Bypass, Dittons Road Roundabout, Pevensey Bypass, Pevensey Haven Roundabout – A259(T) Marsh Road, Barnhorn Road, Little Common Roundabout, Little Common Road - A2690 Combe Valley Way - A2691 Haven Brook Avenue - A269 Ninfield Road, Bexhill Road, The Green, High Street, Standard Hill and vice versa, or (2) via A271 Boreham Hill, The Strait, Windmill Hill Road, Gardner Street, Hailsham Road, New Road, Amberstone, Hawkswood Road, Upper Horsebridge, Lower Horsebridge - A22 Boship Roundabout, Hailsham Bypass, Polegate Road, Hailsham Road - A27(T) Cop Hall Roundabout, Polegate Bypass, Dittons Road Roundabout, Pevensey Bypass, Pevensey Haven Roundabout – A259(T) Marsh Road, Barnhorn Road, Little Common Roundabout, Little Common Road - A2690 Combe Valley Way, Queensway - A2100 The Ridge West, Beauport Park Roundabout, Battle Road, Hastings Road, Battle Hill, Lower Lake, Upper Lake, High Street, Ten Sixty Six Roundabout - A271 North Trade Road, Beechdown Wood, Kitchenham Road and vice versa.

The Order commences 7 February 2025 and lasts for a period of 18 months, or until works are completed, whichever is earlier. However, it is anticipated works will be undertaken on 7 & 8 February 2025 depending upon the weather conditions.

If you require further information telephone Network Management on 0345 60 80 193.

Lead officer: Rupert Clubb

28/01/2025 - Scrutiny Review of Local Speed Limit Policy ref: 2356    Recommendations Approved

To consider and comment on the report of the Place Scrutiny Committee and agree the response to the recommendations of the review.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 28/01/2025 - Cabinet

Decision published: 28/01/2025

Effective from: 04/02/2025


47.1     The Cabinet considered a report by the Deputy Chief Executive and a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport with observations on the Scrutiny Committee’s report.


47.2     It was RESOLVED to:


1) Note and welcome the report of the Scrutiny Committee;


2) Recommend the County Council to welcome the report of the Scrutiny Committee and to agree the response of the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport to the recommendations and their implementation as set out in the action plan attached as Appendix 1 to the Director’s report.


47.3     The Scrutiny Review has highlighted the Council’s local speed limit policy and approach to setting speed limits is in line with the current Department for Transport guidance and is broadly similar to the approach taken by other local authorities.

Lead officer: Martin Jenks

28/01/2025 - Value For Money External Auditors Report 2023/24 ref: 2355    Recommendations Approved

Auditor's Annual (VfM) Report on East Sussex County Council 2023/24 from Grant Thornton, External Auditors.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 28/01/2025 - Cabinet

Decision published: 28/01/2025

Effective from: 04/02/2025


46.1     The Cabinet considered a report by the Chief Finance Officer.

46.2     It was RESOLVED to note the report.


46.3     The Annual (Value for Money) Report for 2023/24 has identified a significant weakness within Financial Sustainability but has been able to provide assurance around Governance and Improving Economy, Efficiency and Effectiveness. One key recommendation and 2 improvement recommendations have been reported and responded to by management.


Divisions affected: (All Divisions);

Lead officer: Ian Gutsell

28/01/2025 - Conservators of Ashdown Forest Budget 2024/25 ref: 2358    Recommendations Approved

Cabinet is asked to approve the Conservators of Ashdown Forest’s core budget for 2024/25.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 28/01/2025 - Cabinet

Decision published: 28/01/2025

Effective from: 04/02/2025


49.1     The Cabinet considered a report by the Chief Operating Officer.


49.2     It was RESOLVED to:


1)         Note the Quarter 2 budget position for the Conservators’ 2024/25 Core Budget;

2)         Note the Conservators of Ashdown Forest medium term financial plan; and

3)         Approve the 2025/26 Core Budget.


49.3     The report sets out the financial position of the Conservators of the Ashdown Forest (COAF) for 2024/25 against the approved budget agreed by the Board of Conservators at their meeting on 20 November 2023 and was presented to Cabinet in January 2024.

49.4     The current 2024/25 Core budget projections indicate that no additional contribution from ESCC will be required.

49.5     The current Countryside Stewardship (CS) budget is forecast to overspend by £25,996 this year. This is less than the budgeted overspend of £131,531 and similar to the previous year. The position reflects the difficulties that have been had securing contractors to undertake works on the forest. The Conservators are developing a three-year forest management plan and new procurement policy to lock in contractors over the coming three years. The deficit will be funded from the CS reserve.

Lead officer: Ian Gutsell

28/01/2025 - Treasury Management Strategy 2025/26 ref: 2357    Recommendations Approved


To consider the Treasury Management Strategy for 2025/26. This includes setting the Prudential Indicators as set out in the Prudential Code and approving the Minimum Revenue Provision Policy Statement and Annual Investment Strategy for 2025/26.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 28/01/2025 - Cabinet

Decision published: 28/01/2025

Effective from: 04/02/2025


48.1     The Cabinet considered a report by the Chief Operating Officer.

48.2     It was RESOLVED to recommend the County Council to:

1)         Approve the Treasury Management Policy and Strategy Statement for 2025/26;

2)         Approve the Annual Investment Strategy for 2025/26;

3)         Approve the Prudential and Treasury Indicators 2025/26 to 2027/28; and

4)         Approve the Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) Policy Statement 2025/26 at Appendix 1 (Section 3) of the report.


48.3     The report fulfils the requirement to submit an annual/half yearly report in the form prescribed in the Treasury Management Code of Practice. The report sets out the acceptable limits on ratings, investment periods, amounts to be invested and the borrowing strategy. The financial position is kept under constant review and if at any time it is felt that any of these limits represent an unacceptable risk appropriate and immediate action will be taken accordingly.

Divisions affected: (All Divisions);

Lead officer: Ian Gutsell

28/01/2025 - Reconciling Policy, Performance and Resources (RPPR): Draft Council Plan ref: 2354    Recommendations Approved


To ask Cabinet to approve the draft Council Plan, Council Tax levels, Revenue Budget and Capital Programme for 2025/26 for recommendation to the County Council (including Savings Proposals, Equality Impact Assessment, Engagement and Scrutiny feedback).

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 28/01/2025 - Cabinet

Decision published: 28/01/2025

Effective from: 04/02/2025


45.1     The Cabinet considered a report by the Chief Executive together with a summary of the consultation meeting held with Trade Unions which was received after publication of the Cabinet agenda.


45.2        It was RESOLVED to:


1.              recommend the County Council to:


i)          Approve in principle the draft Council Plan 2025/26 at Appendix 1 and authorise the Chief Executive to finalise the Plan in consultation with the relevant Lead Members;

ii)         Agree to incorporate Climate Emergency Action Plan activities and key performance measures within the Council Plan;

iii)        Increase Council Tax by 2.99% in 2025/26;

iv)        Increase the Adult Social Care Precept by 2% in 2025/26;

v)         Issue precepts to be paid by borough and district councils in accordance with the agreed schedule of instalments at Appendix 5 (Draft);

vi)        Approve the net Revenue Budget estimate of £579.6m for 2025/26 set out in Appendix 2 (Medium Term Financial Plan) and Appendix 3 (Draft) (Budget Summary) and authorise the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer, Leader and Deputy Leader, to make adjustments to the presentation of the Budget Summary to reflect the final settlement and final budget decisions;

vii)       Agree the Reserves Policy set out in Appendix 6;

viii)       Approve the Capital Strategy and Programme at Appendix 8;

ix)        Note progress with the Council Plan and Budget 2024/25 since quarter 2 set out in section 4;

x)         Note the Medium Term Financial Plan forecast for 2025/26 to 2027/28, set out in Appendix 2;

xi)        Note the comments of the Chief Finance Officer on budget risks and robustness, as set out in Appendix 6;

xii)       Note the comments from engagement exercises set out in Appendix 7;

xiii)       Note the schedule of fees and charges that have increased above 4% at Appendix 9; and

2.         Agree to continue lobbying as strongly as possible for sustainable funding to meet the needs of East Sussex residents, using all available avenues.



45.3     This Council has a firm foundation of sound and prudent financial management over many years, endorsed by external assessments. We have taken difficult decisions when we needed to in order to balance the books and make best use of stretched resources. Our robust RPPR process has enabled us to direct spending towards priorities and core services, in particular protecting services for the most vulnerable in our county.


45.4     However, despite this strong record, the scale of the challenge the Council now faces is substantial. The continuing escalation in costs and demand for statutory services, due to factors beyond local control, has not been matched with sufficient increased funding. Despite the action we have taken locally to address pressures wherever we can, there is a very significant deficit and substantial risk in the coming years. There also remains considerable uncertainty about the future funding regime for local government, as well as wider service and structural reforms, and how any changes will impact on the Council.


45.5     There is continued national reliance on raising funding for core pressures, particularly growing demand in social care, through local Council Tax which is unrelated to need and unsustainable. In this context we must again ask local people to contribute more to protect services for the most vulnerable for the future. This recommendation is not made lightly, given the ongoing pressures on household budgets, but it is essential if we are to protect services as far as possible. Support will continue to be available through local Council Tax Support Schemes for those residents eligible and we will continue to work with partners to signpost residents to sources of support with the cost of living, including access to benefits they may be entitled to.


45.6     Even after this contribution, the budget presented for the year ahead relies on delivering significant and difficult savings, which will impact on local people, our staff and partners, and on using further reserves to balance the books, removing this safety net for the future. This is an unsustainable position.


45.7     In this context, and with future funding for local government under review, our lobbying will also be vitally important. We will respond with clarity and with evidence to the Government’s consultations on funding and service reform. We will ensure the hard choices already having to be made, and the impacts these will have on local residents, business and communities, are heard loud and clear. We will continue to work with our local, regional and national partners to highlight the specific needs of East Sussex and to press for fair, sustainable funding that enables us to meet the requirements of our residents for essential support. Until this is delivered our medium term financial position will remain extremely difficult and present significant risk to our ability to meet local needs in the future.

Divisions affected: (All Divisions);

Lead officer: Claire Lee

27/01/2025 - Proposal for increases to parking charges across Rother District ref: 2353    Recommendations Approved

To consider the results of the public consultation on the proposal to align Rother Districts permit structure and tariffs to those currently being used in Eastbourne Borough and Lewes District. Introducing tariffs based on vehicle emissions, with higher emitting vehicles being charged more for permits than those producing less emissions and the proposed increase of pay and display charges to encourage alternative travel modes.

Decision Maker: Lead Member for Transport and Environment

Made at meeting: 27/01/2025 - Lead Member for Transport and Environment

Decision published: 27/01/2025

Effective from: 01/02/2025


47.1     The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport together with written comments from Local Members Councillors Clark and Field.




47.2     The Lead Member RESOLVED to:


(1) Note the response to the public consultation on increasing on-street parking charges and the proposed changes to permit charges;


(2) Approve the proposals to increase on-street parking and permit charges as detailed at Appendix 2 of the report; and


(3) Agree that parking and permit charges across the county will be reviewed annually.




47.3     By offering a reduction in the permit charge based on vehicle carbon dioxide emissions, the Council can help to facilitate the uptake of vehicles with cleaner fuels across Rother, Eastbourne, Hastings and Lewes, which in turn will help to reduce pollution in coastal towns and local town centres. Introducing such an incentive will help to achieve key outcomes within the Local Transport Plan 4 (LTP4) focussed on helping to achieve the Council's net-zero ambitions and support the reduction of emissions to improve air quality. The increase as set out in Appendix 2 of the report, will encourage greater use of sustainable modes of transport wherever possible. Using alternative modes of transport will help to reduce vehicle congestion and pollution in the town centres.


47.4     The charges will be reviewed annually to ensure they remain appropriate, in line with the annual review which takes place for all other Civil Parking Enforcement areas.


47.5     Charging at a sufficient level to impact driver behaviour, can bolster the local economy by encouraging a ‘churn’ of visitors and shoppers, rather than spaces being occupied by a single user for a long period of time. The proposals for the on-street parking charges aim to encourage greater use of off-street car parks, reduce the number of vehicles driving on town centre roads searching for parking spaces, and aim to encourage greater use of alternative modes of transport which in turn will reduce harmful emissions and improve air quality. These outcomes will make these towns a more appealing place to work, live and visit and thereby boost the local economy.


47.6     Any future parking surplus, excluding existing commitments, could be used as a further contribution towards the Council’s public transport costs. The investment in these activities is complementary to the objectives of the LTP4 in the provision of sustainable transport which assists in supporting accessibility to key destinations and creating healthy places however, these improvements alone will not enable the change in behaviour that the proposals to parking charges are seeking to achieve.

Divisions affected: Battle and Crowhurst; Bexhill East; Bexhill North; Bexhill South; Bexhill West; Brede Valley and Marsham; Northern Rother; Rother North West; Rye and Eastern Rother;

Lead officer: Daniel Clarke

27/01/2025 - Petition: Installation of a speed camera in Upperton Road, Eastbourne ref: 2352    Recommendations Approved

To consider a petition calling on the County Council to install a speed camera in the vicinity of the zebra crossing in Upperton Road, to monitor traffic travelling towards the town centre.

Decision Maker: Lead Member for Transport and Environment

Made at meeting: 27/01/2025 - Lead Member for Transport and Environment

Decision published: 27/01/2025

Effective from: 01/02/2025


46.1     The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.


46.2     Mr Alan Howlett, the Lead Petitioner for the petition calling on the County Council to install a speed camera in Upperton Road, Eastbourne spoke to highlight safety concerns surrounding the pedestrian crossings on Upperton Road and the benefits of a speed camera if installed within the vicinity of the pedestrian crossings.




46.3     The Lead Member RESOLVED to advise petitioners that:


(1) The area in the vicinity of the zebra crossing on Upperton Road does not meet the Sussex Safer Roads Partnership criteria for a speed camera; and


(2) The existing speed camera further along Upperton Road, near the Goffs is due to be replaced in 2025.




46.4     The site has been assessed against the criteria for a speed camera. The crash history and the causation factors of these crashes at the site for the previous 3-year period mean that the threshold for a speed camera to be considered has not been met.

Divisions affected: Eastbourne - Upperton;

Lead officer: Clare Akehurst

31/01/2025 - The East Sussex (U3138 Quarry Hill, St Leonards-on-Sea)(Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2024 ref: 2351    Recommendations Approved

To allow East Sussex Highways to carry out works, East Sussex County Council have made an Order under Sections 14(1) and 15(1)(b) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended, which will continue the closure on the following length of road;

Decision Maker: Director of Communities, Economy and Transport

Decision published: 24/01/2025

Effective from: 31/01/2025


Temporary Road Closure
Quarry Hill - from the junction with U3106 West Hill Road to the junction with U3136 Archery Road.

A safe route will be provided for pedestrians and vehicular access for residents and to properties maintained whenever possible with an alternative route for through traffic via U3106 West Hill Road - U3110 Boscobel Road, Pevensey Road - U3135 Highlands Gardens - U3136 Archery Road and vice versa.

The Order commenced on 27 December 2024 and lasts for a period of 18 months, or until works are completed, whichever is earlier. However, it is anticipated works will be undertaken between 31 January & 31 March 2025 depending upon the weather conditions.

If you require further information telephone Network Management on 0345 60 80 193.

Lead officer: Rupert Clubb

31/01/2025 - The East Sussex (B2106 Terminus Road, Eastbourne)(Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2024 ref: 2350    Recommendations Approved

To allow East Sussex Highways to carry out works, East Sussex County Council have made an Order under Sections 14(1) and 15(1)(b) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended, which will temporarily close the following length of road;

Decision Maker: Director of Communities, Economy and Transport

Decision published: 24/01/2025

Effective from: 31/01/2025


Temporary Road Closure
Terminus Road - from the junction with B2106 Grand Parade to the junction with A259 Trinity Trees.

A safe route will be provided for pedestrians and vehicular access for residents and to properties maintained whenever possible with an alternative route for through traffic via A259 Trinity Trees – B2106 Devonshire Place, Grand Parade and vice versa.

The Order commenced 2 January 2025 and lasts for a period of 18 months, or until works are completed, whichever is earlier. However, it is anticipated works will be undertaken between 5 February & 19 December 2025 depending upon the weather conditions.

If you require further information telephone Network Management on 0345 60 80 193.

Lead officer: Rupert Clubb

31/01/2025 - The East Sussex (A21 Sedlescombe Road North, St Leonards-on-Sea)(Temporary 30 mph Speed Limit) Order 2024 No.2 ref: 2349    Recommendations Approved

To allow East Sussex Highways to carry out works, East Sussex County Council have made an Order under Sections 14(1) and 15(1)(b) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended, which will temporarily restrict all traffic using the following lengths of road to a speed not exceeding 30 mph:-

Decision Maker: Director of Communities, Economy and Transport

Decision published: 24/01/2025

Effective from: 31/01/2025


Temporary 30 mph Speed Limit
Sedlescombe Road North - from Dunelm to the boundary with the A21(T) Sedlescombe Road North.

The Order commenced 2 September 2024 and lasts for a period of 18 months, or until works are completed, whichever is earlier. However, it is anticipated works will be undertaken between 31 January & 28 February 2025 depending upon the weather conditions.

If you require further information telephone Network Management on 0345 60 80 193.

Lead officer: Rupert Clubb

31/01/2025 - The East Sussex (A271 Kitchenham Road, Ninfield / Ashburnham)(Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2024 ref: 2348    Recommendations Approved

To allow East Sussex Highways to carry out works, East Sussex County Council have made an Order under Sections 14(1) and 15(1)(b) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended, which will temporarily close the following length of road;

Decision Maker: Director of Communities, Economy and Transport

Decision published: 24/01/2025

Effective from: 31/01/2025


Temporary Road Closure
Kitchenham Road - from the junction with A269 Standard Hill to the junction with U6202 Freckley Hollow.

A safe route will be provided for pedestrians and vehicular access for residents and to properties maintained whenever possible with an alternative route for through traffic via A271 Kitchenham Road, Beechdown Wood, North Trade Road, Ten Sixty Six roundabout - A2100 High Street, Upper Lake, Lower Lake, Battle Hill, Hastings Road, Battle Road, The Ridge West - A2690 Queensway, Combe Valley Way - A2691 Haven Brook Avenue - A269 Ninfield Road, Bexhill Road, The Green, High Street, Standard Hill and vice versa.

The Order commenced 25 November 2024 and lasts for a period of 18 months, or until works are completed, whichever is earlier. However, it is anticipated works will be undertaken on 7 & 8 February 2025 depending upon the weather conditions.

If you require further information telephone Network Management on 0345 60 80 193.

Lead officer: Rupert Clubb

31/01/2025 - The East Sussex (A269 Standard Hill, Ninfield)(Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2024 ref: 2347    Recommendations Approved

To allow East Sussex Highways to carry out works, East Sussex County Council have made an Order under Sections 14(1) and 15(1)(b) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended, which will temporarily close the following length of road;

Decision Maker: Director of Communities, Economy and Transport

Decision published: 24/01/2025

Effective from: 31/01/2025


Temporary Road Closure
Standard Hill - from the junction with A271 Kitchenham Road to the junction with U7699 Coombe Lane.

A safe route will be provided for pedestrians and vehicular access for residents and to properties maintained whenever possible with an alternative route for through traffic via A271 Boreham Hill, The Strait, Windmill Hill Road, Gardner Street, Hailsham Road, New Road, Amberstone, Hawkswood Road, Upper Horsebridge, Lower Horsebridge - A22 Boship Roundabout, Hailsham Bypass, Polegate Road, Hailsham Road - A27(T) Cop Hall Roundabout, Polegate Bypass, Dittons Road Roundabout, Pevensey Bypass, Pevensey Haven Roundabout – A259(T) Marsh Road, Barnhorn Road, Little Common Roundabout, Little Common Road - A2690 Combe Valley Way - A2691 Haven Brook Avenue - A269 Ninfield Road, Bexhill Road, The Green, High Street, Standard Hill and vice versa.

The Order commenced 4 March 2024 and lasts for a period of 18 months, or until works are completed, whichever is earlier. However, it is anticipated works will be undertaken on 7 & 8 February 2025 depending upon the weather conditions.

If you require further information telephone Network Management on 0345 60 80 193.

Lead officer: Rupert Clubb

31/01/2025 - The East Sussex (A272 Budletts Lane / A22 Maresfield Bypass / A26 Uckfield Bypass / A22 Uckfield Bypass / A272 London Road / C33 London Road, Uckfield / Maresfield / Budletts Common) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic and Temporary 30 mph Speed Limit) ref: 2346    Recommendations Approved

To allow UKPN to carry out works, East Sussex County Council have made an Order under Sections 14(1) and 15(1)(b) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended, which will temporarily close the following length of road:

Decision Maker: Director of Communities, Economy and Transport

Decision published: 24/01/2025

Effective from: 31/01/2025


Temporary Road Closure
Budletts Lane - from the junction with U7118 Five Ash Down to the junction with A272 London Road.

A safe route will be provided for pedestrians and vehicular access for residents and to properties maintained whenever possible with an alternative route for through traffic via U7118 Five Ash Down – A26 Mill Pond Road – A272 London Road and vice versa.

The road closure is anticipated to be in place between 14 July & 5 September 2025.

The Order will also temporarily restrict all traffic using the following lengths of road to a speed not exceeding 30 mph:

Temporary 30 mph Speed Limits
Maresfield Bypass - from A22 Batts Bridge roundabout to A22 Blackdown roundabout.
The speed restriction is anticipated to be in place between 3 February & 25 April 2025.

Uckfield Bypass - from the junction with Mill Pond Depot to A22 Blackdown roundabout.
The speed restriction is anticipated to be in place from 19:30hrs to 05:00hrs between 7 May & 4 July 2025.

Uckfield Bypass - from A22 Copwood roundabout to A22 Blackdown roundabout.
The speed restriction is anticipated to be in place from 19:30hrs to 05:00hrs between 7 May & 4 July 2025.

London Road - from A26 Budletts roundabout to the junction with A272 Budletts Lane.
The speed restriction is anticipated to be in place between 7 & 18 July 2025.

London Road – from A26 Budletts roundabout for a distance of 30 metres in a north westerly direction.
The speed restriction is anticipated to be in place between 23 June & 11 July 2025.

The Order commences 3 February 2025 and lasts for a period of 18 months, or until the works are completed, whichever is the earlier. However, it is anticipated the restrictions will be in place as detailed above.

If you require further information telephone Network Management on 0345 60 80 193.

Lead officer: Rupert Clubb

31/01/2025 - The East Sussex (B2182 Cooden Drive, Bexhill)(Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2025 ref: 2345    Recommendations Approved

To allow SGN to carry out works, East Sussex County Council have made an Order under Sections 14(1) and 15(1)(b) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended, which will temporarily close the following length of road;

Decision Maker: Director of Communities, Economy and Transport

Decision published: 24/01/2025

Effective from: 31/01/2025


Temporary Road Closure
Cooden Drive - from the junction with B2182 Cooden Sea Road to the junction with U6739 South Cliff Avenue.

A safe route will be provided for pedestrians and vehicular access for residents and to properties maintained whenever possible with an alternative route for through traffic via B2182 Cooden Sea Road - A259(T) Little Common roundabout, Little Common Road - B2098 Sutherland Avenue, Collington Avenue, Terminus Road, Buckhurst Place - A269 Town Hall Square, Buckhurst Road, Upper Sea Road - B2182 Sea Road, Marina, Sackville roundabout, West Parade, Richmond Road, Cooden Drive and vice versa.

The Order commences 3 February 2025 and lasts for a period of 18 months, or until works are completed, whichever is earlier. However, it is anticipated works will be undertaken between 3 February 2025 & 1 February 2026 depending upon the weather conditions.

If you require further information telephone Network Management on 0345 60 80 193.

Lead officer: Rupert Clubb

31/01/2025 - The East Sussex (U7730 Lower Street, East Dean)(Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2025 ref: 2344    Recommendations Approved

To allow SGN to carry out works, East Sussex County Council have made an Order under Sections 14(1) and 15(1)(b) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended, which will temporarily close the following length of road;

Decision Maker: Director of Communities, Economy and Transport

Decision published: 24/01/2025

Effective from: 31/01/2025


Temporary Road Closure
Lower Street - from the junction with C37 Gilberts Drive to the junction with U7731 Went Way.

A safe route will be provided for pedestrians and vehicular access for residents and to properties maintained whenever possible with an alternative route for through traffic via U7730 Upper Street – A259 Friston Hill, Eastbourne Road – C37 Gilberts Drive and vice versa.

The Order commences 3 February 2025 and lasts for a period of 18 months, or until works are completed, whichever is earlier. However, it is anticipated works will be undertaken between 3 February & 7 March 2025 depending upon the weather conditions.

If you require further information telephone Network Management on 0345 60 80 193.

Lead officer: Rupert Clubb

31/01/2025 - The East Sussex (A259 Trinity Trees / Seaside Road, Eastbourne)(Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2025 ref: 2343    Recommendations Approved

To allow East Sussex Highways to carry out works, East Sussex County Council have made an Order under Sections 14(1) and 15(1)(b) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended, which will temporarily close the following length of road;

Decision Maker: Director of Communities, Economy and Transport

Decision published: 24/01/2025

Effective from: 31/01/2025


Temporary Road Closure
Trinity Trees / Seaside Road - from the junction with U2138 Trinity Place to the junction with U2145 Elms Avenue.

A safe route will be provided for pedestrians and vehicular access for residents and to properties maintained whenever possible with an alternative route for through traffic via A259 Trinity Trees, South Street, Gildredge Road, Ashford Road, Susans Road.

The Order commences 3 February 2025 and lasts for a period of 18 months, or until works are completed, whichever is earlier. However, it is anticipated works will be undertaken between 3 February & 4 April 2025 depending upon the weather conditions.

If you require further information telephone Network Management on 0345 60 80 193.

Lead officer: Rupert Clubb

31/01/2025 - The East Sussex (A2029 Market Street, Lewes)(Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2025 ref: 2342    Recommendations Approved

To allow East Sussex Highways to carry out works, East Sussex County Council have made an Order under Sections 14(1) and 15(1)(b) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended, which will temporarily close the following length of road;

Decision Maker: Director of Communities, Economy and Transport

Decision published: 24/01/2025

Effective from: 31/01/2025


Temporary Road Closure
Market Street - from the junction with A277 High Street to the junction with A2029 West Street.
A safe route will be provided for pedestrians and vehicular access for residents and to properties maintained whenever possible with an alternative route for through traffic via A2029 Fisher Street, West Street.
The Order commences 3 February 2025 and lasts for a period of 18 months, or until works are completed, whichever is earlier. However, it is anticipated works will be undertaken from 20:00hrs to 04:00hrs on 3 & 4 February 2025 depending upon the weather conditions.
If you require further information telephone Network Management on 0345 60 80 193.

Lead officer: Rupert Clubb