Meeting documents

Adult Social Care and Community Safety Scrutiny Committee
Thursday, 2nd July, 2009

County Hall at 11am

Acrobat (PDF)
Item 5 - Services for Adult Carers in Eeast Sussex
Item 5 – To update the Committee on plans for implementation of the East Sussex joint carers commissioning strategy 2010–2015
Item 6 - Age Well - East Sussex
Item 6 – To update the Committee on the progress of the Age Well Project (the “Project”)
Item 7 - Access to Social Care - Putting People First
Item 7 – To update the Scrutiny Committee on the progress of the Access and Self-Directed Support Workstream within Putting People First
Item 8 - Scrutiny and Performance Management
Item 8 – To consider scrutiny's role in performance management
Item 11 - Scrutiny Committee Work Programme
Item 11 – Scrutiny Committee Work Programme
Item 12 - Forward Plan
Item 12 – Forward Plan
Item 13 - Late Item - Day Services for Older People in Hastings
Item 13 – Late Item – Day Services for Older People in Hastings
Item 13 - Late Item - ASC Directly Provided Residential Intermediate Care Services
Item 13 – Late Item – ASC Directly Provided Intermediate Care Services
Item 13 - Late Item - ASC Directly Provided Services for Adul;ts with a Learning Disability
Item 13 – Late Item – ASC Directly Provided Services for Adults with a Learning Disability