Meeting documents

Adult Social Care and Community Safety Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday, 3rd July, 2007

County Hall at 3pm

Acrobat (PDF)
Agenda – Scrutiny Committee for Adult Social Care – 3rd July 2007
Agenda Item 5
To invite Comment and broader consultation via the Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee
Agenda Item 5 Appendix 1
Appendix 1 – Draft Strategy Executive Strategy
Agenda Item 5 Appendix 2
Agenda Item 5 Appendix 2 – Action Plan
Agenda Item 6
CSCI Inspection of Older People Services – To report against the Inspection action Plan
Agenda Item 6 appendix 1
Agenda Item 6 Appendix 1 – Inspection Action Plan
Agenda Item 7
Future Scrutiny Work Programme
Agenda Item 8
Forward Plan