Meeting documents

Adult Social Care and Community Safety Scrutiny Committee
Thursday, 6th September, 2012

County Hall at 10am

Acrobat (PDF)
Item 6 - Scrutiny Review of Respite Care
Item 6 – 12 month update on the Scrutiny Review of Respite Care
Item 7 - Disabled Facilities Grant and Adaption support
Item 7 – an update on the work undertaken jointly with the District and Borough Councils to develop an adaption support service and support clients to identify alternative housing options
Item 8 - Reablement
Item 8 – an update and progress report in respect of the development of integrated reablement services within East Sussex
Item 9 - Integrated Community Equipment Service
Item 9 – an update on the Integrated Community Equipment Service
Item 10 - Reconciling Policy Performance and Resources
Item 10 – to consider and comment on the detailed planning for 2013/14 and beyond as outlined in the State of the County report
Item 11 - Work Programme
Item 11 – Adult Social Care and Community Safety Scrutiny Committee Work Programme
Item 12 - Forward Plan
Item 12 – Forward Plan to 31 December 2012