Meeting documents

Adult Social Care and Community Safety Scrutiny Committee
Thursday, 8th September, 2011

County Hall at 10am

Acrobat (PDF)
Item 6 - Mount Denys: CQC Inspection
Item 6 – to inform the Scrutiny Committee of the outcome of the recent inspection of Mount Denys in Hastings and the actions taken to resolve the identified issues
Item 7 - Procurement of Services
Item 7 – to demonstrate that the procurement of Adult Social Care Services offers value for money and provides quality services that meet the needs of service users
Item 8 - Fairer Contributions Policy
Item 8 – to update the Scrutiny Committee on the impact and progress to implement the changes to how our financial assessments consider people's disability related expenditure to a banding system of £15 per week and £25 per week
Item 9 - Disabled Facilities Grant
Item 9 – to provide an update on the recent work undertaken jointly with the District and Borough Councils to improve the grant process, develop an adaptations support service and support clients to identify alternative housing options
Item 10 - Reconciling Policy, Performance and Resources
Item 10 – to enable the Committee to consider and comment on the detailed planning for 2012/13 and beyond as outlined in the State of the County report
Item 11 - Stakeholder participation
Item 11 – to update members about stakeholder engagement activity from April 2011 to September 2011
Item 12 - Scrutiny Review of alignment between the social care and financial assessment process
Item 12 – to inform members of the progress made against the action plan resulting from the Scrutiny Review
Item 13 - Work Programme
Item 13 – Scrutiny Committee Work Programme