Meeting documents

Adult Social Care and Community Safety Scrutiny Committee
Thursday, 8th November, 2012

County Hall at 10am

Acrobat (PDF)
Item 6 - Safeguarding Adults at Risk Progress Report
Item 6 – to update the Scrutiny Committee on the progress of the Safeguarding Adults at Risk agenda in East Sussex
Item 7 - Carers Strategy
Item 7 – to inform Members of recent developments in relation to carers' services
Item 8 - Scrutiny Review of Identifying Carers in East Sussex: six month progress update
Item 8 – to inform the Committee of progress made against the recommendations of the Scrutiny Review into Identifying Carers in East Sussex
Item 9 - Blue Badge Service
Item 9 – to update the Scrutiny Committee on the Blue Badge Service
Item 10 - Scrutiny Review of Dementia - caring for people with challenging needs: six month update
Item 10 – to inform Members of the progress made against the action plan resulting from the above Scrutiny Review
Item 11 - Work Programme
Item 11 – Adult Social Care and Community Safety Scrutiny Committee Work Programme