Meeting documents

Adult Social Care and Community Safety Scrutiny Committee
Thursday, 10th June, 2010

County Hall at 10am

Acrobat (PDF)
Item 5 - Directly Provided Services Review – End of Project Report
Item 5 – To inform Scrutiny Committee of the outcome of the Review of Directly Provided Services
Item 6 - Putting People First – Choice, Market Development and Engagement
Item 6 – To update the committee on progress and next steps with the Choice, Market Development and Engagement elements of the Putting People First Programme in East Sussex
Item 7 - Care Quality Commission - Outcomes from the East Sussex Adult Social Care Action Plan for 2008/09
Item 7 – To provide Scrutiny Committee an update on the outcomes from the Action Plan following the Care Quality Commission Assessment for Adult Social Care for 2008/09
Item 8 - Scrutiny Review of Employment - Action Plan update
Item 8 – To update Scrutiny with respect to progress made with implementation of the Review of Employment Opportunities for Adults with a Learning Disability
Item 9 - Joint Learning Disability Commissioning Strategy update
Item 9 – To update Scrutiny with respect to the outcomes of the first Learning Disability Joint Commissioning Strategy (2007–20100) and plans and priorities for a new Strategy (2010 – 2013)
Item 10 - Future scrutiny reviews
Item 10 – For the committee to decide the topics for future scrutiny reviews
Item 11 - Work Programme
Item 11 – Work Programme
Item 12 - Forward Plan
Item 12 – Forward Plan