Meeting documents

Adult Social Care and Community Safety Scrutiny Committee
Thursday, 10th November, 2011

County Hall at 10am

Acrobat (PDF)
Item 6 Implementation of LEAN within Adult Social Care
Item 6 – to provide a progress report on the introduction of Lean within the Self Directed Support pathway within Adult Social Care
Item 7 - Adult Social Care Reablement
Item 7 – to provide the Committee with an update on progress of the development of reablement services (the Living at Home Service) to residents in East Sussex
Item 8 - Supporting People Commissioning Project
Item 8 – to update the Committee on implementation of the Supporting People Commissioing Project
Item 9 - Caring for our future
Item 9 – to enable the Committee to consider the national engagement exercise and make any comments to inform the County Council response
Item 10 - Integrated Joint Commissioning
Item 10 – to consider progress on establishing new arrangements for integrated joint commissioing for key client groups in East Sussex
Item 11 - Work programme
Item 11 – Scrutiny Committee work programme