Meeting documents

Adult Social Care and Community Safety Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday, 12th September, 2006

County Hall at 10am

Acrobat (PDF)
Item 5a - Reconciling Policy and Resources
To seek the Committee's views on the policy steers for the services under it's purview
Item 5(b) - Adult Social Care Policy Steers 2007/08
To inform Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee of proposed amendments to the current (2006/07) set of Adult Social Care Policy Steers (includes Appenices A and B)
Item 5c - Impact of Reconciling Policy and Resources 2006/07
To update the Committee on the progress with the Reconciling Policy and Resources 2006/07 budget implementation
Item 6 - Survey on Image and Perception that older people in a health care setting have of Social Services
To report on the findings, outcomes and recommendations arising from the Image and Perception Survey
Item 7 - Business Transformation Programme: Update
To update the Scrutiny Committee on the progress of the Programme
Item 8 - Supported Housing: Update
To update the Scrutiny Committee on how the Council is maximising the potential of supported housing to meet strategic aims and individuals' needs
Item 9 - Quarter Four Monitoring report against the 2005 - 06 Council Plan
To provide the Scrutiny Committee with an end of year summary of performance against the 2005/06 Council Plan
Item 10 - Future Scrutiny Committee Programme
Item 11 - Forward Plan