Meeting documents

Adult Social Care and Community Safety Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday, 13th June, 2006

County Hall at 10am

Acrobat (PDF)
Item 5 - Adult Social Care Three Year Plan
To bring to the Committee's attention the Adult Social Care Three Year Plan and policy, resource and performance commitments to 2008/09
Item 5 - Appendix
Appendix to item 5 – Adult Social Care Three Year Plan for the years 2007/8, 2008/9 and 2009/10
Item 6 - Business Transformation Programme Update
To update the Committee on the progress of the Business Transformation Programme
Item 7 - Adult Social Care Departmental Sickness Absence Levels
To update the Committee on the review being undertaken by the Department to establish a greater understanding of the sickness absence trends and action being taken to address sickness absence levels
Appendix 1 to item 7
Appendix 1 – Quarterly breakdown of absence figures
Appendix 2 to item 7
Appendix 2 – Comparator figures
Appendix 3 to item 7
Appendix 3 – Stress Management Policy
Appendix 3 - Manager's Toolkit
Appendix 3 – The Management of Stress; Manager's Toolkit
Appendix 4 to item 7
Appendix 4 – Physiotherapy for musculoskeletal disorders
Appendix 5 to item 7
Appendix 5 – Attendance Management Procedure
Item 8 - Direct Payments - Final Report
To provide an up-to-date assessment of the progress made in implementing the recommendations set out in the Direct Payments Scrutiny Review dated November 2004
Appendix to item 8
Appendix – Updated Action Plan
Item 9 - Visits by the Adult Social Care Committee
To update Members on future visits to Adult Social Care establishments during 2006
Item 10 - Future Scrutiny Review on an aspect of the White Paper "Our health, our care, our say"
To suggest that the Committee carries out a review on the provision of preventative services in the community
Item 11 - Future Scrutiny Committee Work Programme
To set out the Committee's work programme for 2006