Meeting documents

Adult Social Care and Community Safety Scrutiny Committee
Thursday, 13th June, 2013

County Hall at 10.30am

++ Please note start time ++

Acrobat (PDF)
Item 6 - Community Safety: Annual Review
Item 6 – to update the Committee on performance in relation to Safer Communities in 2012/13 and the priorities and issues for 2013/14 highlighted in the Partnership Business Plan
Item 7 - Extra Care housing scheme
Item 7 – to provide a progress update on phase 1 of extra care housing and subsequent phases of extra care developments
Item 8 - Scrutiny Review: Dementia
Item 8 – to inform Members of the progress made against the action plan resulting from the above Scrutiny Review into Dementia
Item 9 - Scrutiny Review: Identifying Carers
Item 9 – to inform the Committee of progress made against the recommendations of the Scrutiny Review into Identifying Carers
Item 10 - End of life care seminar
Item 10 – to summarise the outcomes of the Committee's seminar on end of life care and to propose a way forward
Item 11 - Work Programme
Item 11 – Work Programme