Meeting documents

Adult Social Care and Community Safety Scrutiny Committee
Thursday, 13th September, 2007

County Hall at 10am

Acrobat (PDF)
Minutes of the meeting held on 13 September 2007
Agenda Item 5 - Business Transformation Programme
To update the Committee on the progress of the Programme and the proposal to review the governance arrangements
Agenda Item 6 - Reconciling Policy and Resources
To enable the Committee to consider and comment on the detailed planning for 2008/09 and beyond as outlined in the State of the County report.
Agenda Item 7 - Stakeholder Involvement in Adult Social Care Reconciling Policy and Resources Process
To inform the Scrutiny Committee of Stakeholder involvement in the ASC RPand R process for 2008/09.
Agenda Item 8 - Staying Home, Living Well - Draft Housing and Support Strategy
To seek approval on the draft strategy, action plans and consultation plan.
Agenda Item 9 - Thornwood Immediate Care Services
To inform the Scrutiny Committee on progress in respect of arrangements for Thornwood Intermediate Care Services.
Agenda Item 10 - Scrutiny Review of the Provision of Preventive Services
To present the outcomes of the review and propose recommendations for future development, sustainability and promotion of Preventive Services in East Sussex
Agenda Item 11 - Update on the Best Value Review of Learning Disability Services and the Joint Learning Disability Commissioning Strategy
To update Scrutiny with respect to progress made with implementation of the Learning Disability Best Value Review Action Plan and the Joint Learning Disability Commissioning Strategy
Agenda Item 11 Appendix 1
Agenda Item 11 Appendices 2 and 3
Agenda Item 12 - Future Scrutiny Work Programme
Agenda Item 13 - Forward Plan
To consider the Forward Plan for the period 1 July to 31 October 2007.