Meeting documents

Adult Social Care and Community Safety Scrutiny Committee
Thursday, 14th June, 2012

County Hall at 10am

Acrobat (PDF)
Item 6 - Annual Review of Community Safety Performance, Priorities and Issues
Item 6 – to update the Committee on performance in relation to community safety in 2011/12 and the priorities and issues for 2012/13 highlighted in the Partnership Business Plan
Item 7 - Implementation of Self Directed Support within Adult Social Care
Item 7 – to provide a progress report on the implementation of Self Directed Support
Item 8 - Developing the local market
Item 8 – to provide an update on the Department's activity to develop and support the local care market to deliver personalisation
Item 9 - Integrated Joint Commissioning in East Sussex
Item 9 – to provide an update on new arrangements for integrated joint commissioning for key client groups in East Sussex
Item 10 - Mental Health Services
Item 10 – to update following the transfer of management of mental health staff to Adult Social Care in April 2010 and report on progress since the last report to Scrutiny Committee in June 2011
Item 11 - Dementia Scrutiny Review
Item 11 – to present the outcomes of the scrutiny review into Dementia: caring for people with challenging needs
Item 12 - Scrutiny Committee Work Programme
Item 12 – Committee Work Programme