Meeting documents

Adult Social Care and Community Safety Scrutiny Committee
Thursday, 15th March, 2007

County Hall at 10am

Acrobat (PDF)
Agenda for the Meeting on 15 March 2007 at 10:00 am
Agenda Item 6
Audit of Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Service ( Adult Protection) – report by Director of Adult Social Care – To propose an audit of the service and make recommendations in relation to the future development of the service in the light of increased referrals.
Agenda item 6 appendix 1
Audit of Safeguarding Vulnerable adults Service ( Adult Protection) Appendix 1 – report by Director of Adult Social Care –
Agenda item 6 - Appendix 2
Audit of Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Service ( Adult Protection) Appendix 2 – report by Director of Adult Social Care
Agenda item 6 - Appendix 3
Audit of Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Service ( Adult Protection) – Appenidx 3 – report by Director of Adult Social Care – To propose an audit of the service and make recommendations in relation to the future development of the service.
Agenda Item 7
Adult Social Care Departmental Sickness Absence Levels – report by Diretcor of Adult Social Care – To update the Scrutiny Committee as requested on sickness levels within the Department and what the impact policies and iniatives have had.
Agenda Item 7 - Appendix 1
Adult Social Care Departmental Sickness Levels – Appendix 1- report by Director of Adult Socal Care – To update the Scrutiny Committee as requested on sickness levels within the department.
Agenda Item 8
A Review of the Section 31 Agreement and Pooled Budget Arrangements for Community Placements for People with a Learning Disability – report by Director of Adult Social Care – To review the benefits of this arrangement
Agenda Item 9 - Quartely Performance Monitoring against the Council Paln
To provide an update on performance against the Council Pan for the third quarter of 2006/07
Agenda Item 9 Quarter Three Monitoring Report against the Council Plan - Appendix
To provide an update on performance against the Councul Plan for the third quarter of 2006/07
Agenda Item 10 - Scrutiny Work Programme
Furture Work Programme for the Scrutiny Committee
AgendaI Item11 - Forward Plan
Forward Plan for perios 14 March 2007 to 10 July 2007