Meeting documents

Adult Social Care and Community Safety Scrutiny Committee
Thursday, 15th November, 2007

County Hall at 1.30pm

Acrobat (PDF)
Minutes from the meeting held on 15 November 2007
Minutes of the meeting held on 15 November 2007
Item 5 - Annual complaints report
To report on the functioning and effectiveness of the Complaints Procedure.
Item 6 - Review of Directly Provided Services – Ridgewood Rise
To provide the Scrutiny Committee with the outcome of the consultation on the recommendation to close Ridgewood Rise, Uckfield
Item 7 - Provision for Learning Disability Clients
To inform the Scrutiny Committee on progress in respect of the provision of services for Learning Disability clients at St Nicolas and through the Southdown Housing Association (SDHA), following the closure of Avis Way.
Item 8 - Quarter Two (Q2) monitoring report against the 2007/08 Council Plan
To provide an update on performance against the Council Plan for the second quarter of 2007/08
Item 9 - Adult Social Care Support for Self Funders
Opportunity for the Scrutiny Committee to examine in depth the factors and issues behind this performance indicator.
Item 10 - Business Transformation Programme Update
To update the Committee on the progress of the Programme
Item 11 - East Sussex Sustainable Community Strategy (SCS)
To inform Scrutiny Committee of the development of the new Sustainable Community Strategy (SCS).
Item 12 - Suggestions for future tabletop reviews
To put forward suggestions for future tabletop reviews that members of the committee may wish to be involved in.
Item 13 - Future Scrutiny Work Programme
Item 14 - Forward Plan