Meeting documents

Adult Social Care and Community Safety Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday, 16th January, 2007

County Hall at 2.30pm

Acrobat (PDF)
Item 4 - Call-in Review of the Day Services Provided to Adults with Learning Disabilities at Avis Way, Newhaven
To allow the Committee to consider the decision made by Cabinet on 12 December 2006 regarding the closure of Avis Way, Newhaven
Item 4 - Appendix A - Call-in Review of the Day Services Provided to Adults with Learning Disabilities at Avis Way, Newhaven
Cabinet Report of 12 December 2006
Minutes of the Meeting
Item 4 - Appendix B - Call-in Review of the Day Services Provided to Adults with Learning Disabilities at Avis Way, Newhaven
Cabinet minutes of the meeting held on 12 December 2006
Item 4 - Appendix C - Call-in Review of the Day Services Provided to Adults with Learning Disabilities at Avis Way, Newhaven
Call-in request
Item 4 - Appendix D - Call-in Review of the Day Services Provided to Adults with Learning Disabilities at Avis Way, Newhaven
Monitoring Officer's acknowledgement
Item 4 - Appendix E - Call-in Review of the Day Services Provided to Adults with Learning Disabilities at Avis Way, Newhaven
Item 4 - Appendix F - Call-in Review of the Day Services Provided to Adults with Learning Disabilities at Avis Way, Newhaven
Monitoring Officer decision
Item 4 Appendix G - Call in Review of Day Services Provided to Adults with Learning Disabilities at Avis Way, Newhaven
Financial appraisal for Avis Way Day Centre in support of proposed closure
Item 4 Appendix G Annex 1- Call in Review of Day Services Provided to Adults with Learning Disabilities at Avis Way, Newhaven
Financial Appraisal