Meeting documents

Adult Social Care and Community Safety Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday, 21st November, 2006

County Hall at 10am

Acrobat (PDF)
Item 5 - Reconciling Policy and Resources
To enable the Scrutiny Committee to consider the amended Policy Steers and the latest position on financial and policy issues.
Item 6 - Learning Disability Best Value Review: six month monitoring report
To update the Scrutiny Committee with respect to progress made with the implementation of the Learning Disability Best Value Review Action Plan
Item 7 - Business Transformation Programme
To update the Scrutiny Committee on the progress of the Programme
Item 8 - Commissioning Strategy for Carer's Services
To inform the Committee of progress in developing and implementing the Commissioning Strategy for Carers Services
Item 9 - Adult Social Care Complaints Procedure Annual Review 2005/2006
To report on the functioning and effectiveness of the Complaints Procedure
Item 10 - Quarter 2 monitoring report against the 2006/2007 Council Plan
To provide an update on performance against the Council Plan for the 2nd Quarter of 2006/07
Item 11 - Improvements to Scrutiny arising from Awaydays and Peer Review
To consider some practical suggestions for improving scrutiny in East Sussex
Item 12 - Scrutiny Committee Work Programme 2006/2007
Item 13 - Forward Plan
Item 14 - Commission for Social Care Inspection of Older People's Services
To allow the Scrutiny Committee an opportunity to scrutinise and comment on the Action Plan produced in response to the recommendations of the Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI) of Older People's Service
Item 14 - Appendix
Appendix to item 14 – report to Cabinet on 15 November 2006
Item 14 - Action Plan
Item 14 – Action Plan appended to the Cabinet report