Meeting documents

Adult Social Care and Community Safety Scrutiny Committee
Thursday, 26th March, 2009

County Hall at 2pm

Acrobat (PDF)
Item 5 - Adult Social Care response to Scrutiny Review of the Provision of Preventative Services
Item 5 – For Adult Social Care to present its final report on the Action Plan agreed in response to the Review
Item 6 - Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI) action plan
Item 6 – To notify Scrutiny of progress against the CSCI action plan
item 7 - 'Putting People First' Update report
Item 7 – To provide an update on the change programme in Adult Social Care, including an indicative budget for the Social Care Reform Grant
Item 8 - Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Progress report
Item 8 – The purpose of this report is to update the Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee on the progress of the Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults agenda in East Sussex
Item 9 - Directly Provided Services Review Update
Item 9 – To provide Scrutiny Committee with an update of progress against the actions and service developments identified as part of the Review of Directly Provided Services
Item 10 - Tabletop Scrutiny Review of Community Equipment
Item 10 – To present an update on the work of the scrutiny review of Community Equipment
Item 11 - Scrutiny Review of Employment Opportunities for Adults with a Learning Disability
Item 11 – To present the outcomes of the review and propose recommendations for future development of Employment Opportunities for Adults with a Learning Disability
Item 12 - Reconciling Policy and Resources – feedback to scrutiny
Item 12 – To provide feedback on the outcomes of scrutiny input into the Reconciling Policy and Resources (RPR) process in 2008/09
Item 13 - Quarter Three (Q3) monitoring report against the 2008/09 Council Plan
Item 13 – To provide an update on performance against the Council Plan for Quarter Three of 2008/09
Item 14 - Work Programme
Item 14 – Work programme
Item 15 - Forward Plan
Item 15 – Forward Plan