Meeting documents

Adult Social Care and Community Safety Scrutiny Committee
Thursday, 27th March, 2008

County Hall at 10am

Acrobat (PDF)
Agenda Front
Minutes of the meeting
Minutes of the meeting
Item 5 - Putting People First
Item 5 – To brief Scrutiny Committee on the recently released Putting People First agreement
Item 6 - Direct Payments
Item 6 – To update on progress since the 2004 Scrutiny Review of Direct Payments
Item 7 - Effectiveness of Preventative Services in Adult Social Care
Item 7 – To report back to the Committee on several items following the Review in 2007
Item 8 - Reconciling Policy and Resources
Item 8 – To provide feedback on the outcomes of scrutiny input into the Reconciling Policy and Resources (RPR) process in 2007/08
Item 9 - Adult Social Care Departmental Sickness Absence Levels
Item 9 – To update the Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee on current sickness levels within the department and on the success of the stress management steering group and physical therapy pilot scheme
Item 10 - Quarter Three Monitoring Report against the 2007/08 Council Plan
Item 10 – To provide an update on performance against the Council Plan for quarter three of 2007/08
Item 11 - Future Scrutiny Work Programme
Item 11 – Future Scrutiny Work Programme
Item 12 - Forward Plan
Item 12 – Forward Plan