Meeting documents

Adult Social Care and Community Safety Scrutiny Committee
Thursday, 27th November, 2008

County Hall at 2pm

Acrobat (PDF)
Item 5 - Business Transformation Programme Closure
Item 5 – To provide Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee with an update and plan for closure of the Business Transformation Programme
Item 6 - 'Putting People First' Update report
Item 6 – To provide an updated briefing on a major change programme in ASC and to propose an indicative budget for the Social Care Reform Grant
Item 7 - Outcome from CSCI Inspection and associated action plan
Item 7 – To notify Scrutiny of the outcomes from the Commission for Social Care Inspection 2008 and the associated action plan
Item 8 - Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Progress report
Item 8 – To update the Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee on the progress of the Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults agenda in East Sussex and make Members aware of the measures that have been put in place to strengthen these arrangements
Item 9 - Provision of short term residential respite care – update report
Item 9 – To update the committee on the position of provision of respite care following the work of the review board which reported to the Committee in June 08
Item 10 - Co-opting a LINk member onto the ASC Scrutiny Committee
Item 10 – To outline the process for co-opting a LINk member to the ASC Scrutiny Committee
Item 11 - Quarter Two (Q2) monitoring report against the 2008/09 Council Plan
Item 11 – To provide an update on performance against the Council Plan for Quarter Two of 2008/09
Item 12 - Work programme
Item 12 – Work Programme
Item 13 - Forward Plan
Item 13 – Forward Plan