Meeting documents

Audit, Best Value and Community Services Scrutiny Committee
Monday, 10th March, 2008

County Hall at 10am

Acrobat (PDF)
Item 5 - Internal Audit Progress Report: Quarter Three
To provide Members with a summary of the key audit findings, progress on delivery of the Audit Plan and the performance of the internal audit service during Quarter Three
Item 6 - Anti Fraud and Corruption Strategy
To present the revised Anti Fraud and Corruption Strategy and update Members on other planned anti fraud activity
Item 7 - Strategic Risk Monitoring
To update the Audit and Best Value Scrutiny Committee on current strategic risks, their status and mitigating actions
Item 9 - Council Plan Monitoring Report: 3rd Quarter
To provide the Committee with an update on performance against the Council Plan for the 3rd quarter of 2007/08
Item 10 - Reconciling Policy and Resources: feedback to Scrutiny
To provide feedback on the outcomes of scrutiny input into the Reconciling Policy and Resources process in 2007/08
Item 11 - Scrutiny Work Programme
To set out for Members the Audit and Best Value Scrutiny Committee Work Programme
Item 12 - Forward Plan
To consider the County Council's Forward Plan