Meeting documents

Audit, Best Value and Community Services Scrutiny Committee
Wednesday, 3rd March, 2010

County Hall at 10am

Acrobat (PDF)
item 5 - "Build East Sussex"
To provide an update on the development of a construction supply chain readiness network now known as "Build Est Sussex"
Item 6 - Reconciling Policy and Resources: feedback
To provide feedback on the outcomes of scrutiny input into the Reconciling Policy and Resources (RPR) process in 2009/10.
Item 7 - Annual Audit Letter 2008/09
To inform the committee of the content of the External Auditor's Annual Audit Letter for 2008/09
Item 8 - External Audit Plan 2009/10
To inform the committee of the content of the External Audit Plan for 2009/10
Item 9 - External audit Plan for East Sussex Pension fund 2009/10
To inform the Committee of the content of the External Audit Plan for the East Sussex Pension Fund for 2009/10
Item 10 - Internal Audit Progress Report: Quarter Three
To provide Members with a summary of the key audit findings, progress on delivery of the Audit Plan and the performance of the internal audit service during Quarter 3.
Item 11 - Scrutiny Review of Highway Compensation Claims
To present the outcomes of the Scrutiny Review of Highway Compensation Claims and make recommendations
Item 12 - Home to School Transport Budget
To advise the Committee of the current status of the Home to School Transport budget; the measures being taken to reduce the current overspend; and improvements proposed for the 2010/11 budget following the Audit report in 2009.
Item 13 - Putting People First, Risk Monitoring and Governance
To update the Committee on the actions in place to manage risk in the 'Putting People First' (PPF) Programme in Adult Social Care.
Item 14 - Strategic Risk Monitoring
To update the Committee on current Strategic Risks faced by the Council, their status and mitigating actions.
Item 15 - Council Plan Monitoring: Quarter Three
To provide Members with an update on performance against the Council Plan for Quarter Three of 2009/10
Item 16 - Scrutiny Work Programme
To consider the Committee's Programme of work for the forthcoming year.
Item 17 - Forward Plan
To consider the County Council's Forward Plan of decisions to be made between 1 March and 30 June 2010