Meeting documents

Children's Services Scrutiny Committee
Monday, 8th March, 2010

County Hall at 10am

Acrobat (PDF)
Item 5 - Safeguarding Children – Member and Senior Management oversight
Item 5 – Update report on the increased trends on the number of child protection referrals and care proceedings
Item 6 - Update and progress report on Teenage conceptions
Item 6 – To report on recent teenage pregnancy data and progress work being undertaken for the prevention of teenage pregnancy
Item 7 - Update report on the outcome of the Youth Development Service Review following implementation from April 2009
Item 7 – To provide an update on the progress of implementing the YDS Review and an outline of the impact of the YDS on young peoples lives
Item 8 - Reconciling Policy and Resources – feedback to scrutiny
Item 8 – To provide feedback on the outcomes of scrutiny input into the Reconciling Policy and Resources (RPR) process in 2009/10
Item 9 - Alcohol Misuse Amongst Young People
Item 9 – A review was undertaken in February 2008 that examined the range of policies and initiatives in place at a local and national level aimed at informing and educating children and young people about the dangers of alcohol misuse. This is an update on progress
Item 10 - Scrutiny review of support for school governors – Initial Update
Item 10 – To report on progress by the department in taking forward the recommendations outlined in the final report by the review board
Agenda Item 11 - Scrutiny Review of Governing Body Clerks
Item 11 – To inform the committee progress by the department in taking forward the recommendations outlined in the final report by the review board
Item 12 - Quarter Three (Q3) monitoring report against the 2009/10 Council Plan
Item 12 – To provide an update on performance against the Council Plan for Quarter Three of 2009/10
Item 13 - Work Programme
Item 13 – Work Programme
Item 14 - Forward Plan
Item 14 – Forward Plan