Meeting documents

Children's Services Scrutiny Committee
Monday, 13th July, 2009

County Hall at 11am

Acrobat (PDF)
Item 5 - Aiming High for Disabled Children
Item 5 – To update and inform the Committee as to how the increase in Short Break provision will be achieved via Aiming High for Disabled Children
Item 6 - Children's Services Equality Strategy
Item 6 – To share equality data and progress towards Equality, Diversity and Community Cohesion for Children's Services
Item 7 - School Improvement Service (SIS) Transition
Item 7 – To provide an update on the transition of the School Improvement Service into the County Council
Item 8 - Scrutiny Review of Governing Body Clerks
Item 8 – To present the outcomes of the review and propose recommendations relating to Governing Body Clerks
Item 9 - Scrutiny and Performance Management
Item 9 – To consider scrutiny's role in performance management
Item 10 - Work Programmes
Item 10 – Work Programmes
Item 11 - Forward Plan
Item 11 – Forward Plan for the period 1 July – 31 October 2009