Meeting documents

Children's Services Scrutiny Committee
Monday, 21st September, 2009

County Hall at 10am

Acrobat (PDF)
Item 6 - Annual Report Local Safeguarding Children Board
Item 6 – To advise Scrutiny Committee Members of the inter-agency arrangements in place to safeguard children in East Sussex
Item 7 - Safeguarding Children – Member and Senior Management Oversight of Services
Item 7 – To advise Scrutiny Committee of the findings of the monitoring systems in place for senior managers and Members to ensure that services to safeguard children are properly co-ordinated and managed effectively
Item 8 - Reconciling Policy and Resources (RPR)
Item 8 – To enable the committee to consider and comment on the detailed planning for 2010/11 and beyond as outlined in the State of the County report
Item 9 - Children's Services Complaints Procedure Annual Report
Item 9 – To report on the functioning and effectiveness of the Complaints Procedure
Item 10 - Schools' surpluses and deficits
Item 10 – To inform the Committee of the position on school balances as at 31 March 2009 and action taken in addressing excessive surpluses
Item 11 - Topics for future scrutiny reviews
Item 11 – For the committee to highlight those topics it wishes to include on the work programme as future scrutiny reviews and decide which topic to take forward next as a scrutiny review.
Item 12 - Work programme
Item 12 – Work programme
Item 13 - Forward Plan
Item 13 – Forward Plan