Meeting documents

Children's Services Scrutiny Committee
Tuesday, 26th September, 2006

County Hall at 10am

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Item 5A - Safeguarding children - member and senior management oversight of services
To advise Scrutiny Committee of the systems in place for senior managers and Members to ensure that services to safeguard children are properly co-ordinated and managed effectively. Appendix 1 is available as a hard copy by contacting Democratic Services
Item 5B - Safeguarding Children - local safeguarding children boards
To advise Scrutiny Committee Members of the inter-agency arrangements in place to safeguard children in East Sussex. Appendix 1 (East Sussex Local Safeguarding Children Board annual report) is available in hard copy by contacting Democratic Services
Item 6 - Reconciling policy and resources
To seek the Committee's views on the policy steers for the services under its purview
Item 7 - Scrutiny review of home to school transport
To present the outcomes of the review and the proposed recommendation.
Item 8 - Special Educational Needs Departmental Review
To update the committee on the progress on made with regard to the key recommendations of the SEN review
Item 9 - Scrutiny review of the Youth Offending Team
To present the Project Initiation Document for the scrutiny review of the Youth Development Team
Item 10 - Quarter 4 monitoring report against the 2005/06 Council Plan
To provide the scrutiny committee with an end of year summary of performance against the 2005/06 Council Plan
Item 11 - Scrutiny Commitee work programme 2005/06
Item 12 - Forward Plan