Meeting documents

Children's Services Scrutiny Committee
Wednesday, 28th November, 2007

County Hall at 10am

Acrobat (PDF)
Item 5 - Final report from the Joint Area Review (JAR)
To allow the Committee an opportunity to consider the findings from the Joint Area Review
Item 6 - Scrutiny Review of Youth Offending Team - 6 month update on action plan
To update the Committee on the Action Plan
Item 7 - Update on Review of Special Educational Needs Provision
To inform the Committee of recent actions in relation to the review.
Item 8 - East Sussex Sustainable Community Strategy (SCS)
To inform Scrutiny Committee of the development of the new Sustainable Community Strategy (SCS)
Item 9 - Quarter Two (Q2) monitoring report against the 2007/08 Council Plan
To provide an update on performance against the Council Plan for the second quarter of 2007/08
Item 10 - Work programme
Item 11 - Forward Plan