Meeting documents

Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Thursday, 4th October, 2012

County Hall at 10am

Acrobat (PDF)
Item 5 - Evidence gathering
Item 5 - 'Shaping Our Future' - HOSC evidence gathering process
Item 8 - Trauma Units
Item 8 – report by ESHT on the Impact of proposals on emergency care and provision of trauma units
Item 9a - Access, travel and transport - ESHT
Item 9a – report by ESHT on issues related to access to services for patients, carers and visitors
Item 9b - Access, travel and transport - SECAmb
Item 9b – report by South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust on issues related to access to services for patients, carers and visitors
Item 11 - 'Shaping Our Future' - NHS Sussex and ESHT
Item 11 – Report by ESHT on issues raised during the public consultation and HOSC evidence gathering process