Decision details

Planned Maintenance Contractor Framework 2024-2028 (re-procurement)

Decision Maker: Chief Operating Officer

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Decision to procure a contractor framework to provide planned maintenance services to undertake works to council owned property for East Sussex County Council and other named partners including Brighton & Hove City Council.


Various contractors have been awarded a place on the new procurement framework which has a combined value of >£500K. This procurement will replace an existing framework which is due to complete its term in August 2024. The contractor awards have been separated into the following lots:                                       

Lot A - Mechanical Services, Lot B - Electrical Services, Lot C - Roofing Works, Lot D - Building Works up to £100k, Lot E - Building Works Generally above £100k - £250k,Lot F - Building Works Generally above £250k - £1m, Lot G - Asbestos Removal, Lot C - Roofing Works, Lot D - Building Works up to £100k, Lot E - Building Works Generally above £100k - £250k, Lot F - Building Works Generally above £250k - £1m, Lot G - Asbestos Removal - Planned and Reactive Works.

The details of each contractor award are detailed in an exempt report.

Alternative options considered:

A Total Facilities Management single provider model was also considered.

Publication date: 01/08/2024

Date of decision: 01/08/2024

Effective from: 07/08/2024