Decision Maker: Lead Member for Transport and Environment
Decision status: Item Called In
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
East Sussex County Council (ESCC) operate a network of 10 household waste recycling sites. Between 18 October and 22 December 2024, ESCC consulted on proposals to introduce a booking scheme at waste recycling sites. As well as helping managing queues at peak times at the busiest sites, the proposed scheme would help prevent traders brining in illegal commercial waste which is disposed of at taxpayers expense and would also ensure only East Sussex residents are accessing the sites. The Lead member will consider whether or not to implement a booking system following the conclusion of the consultation.
52.1 The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.
52.2 The Lead Member RESOLVED to:
(1) Note the response to the public consultation on the introduction of a booking system for Household Waste Recycling Sites;
(2) Note the petition opposing the introduction of a booking system for Household Waste Recycling Sites submitted by the Lewes Liberal Democrats;
(3) Approve the proposal to introduce a booking system for access to all East Sussex Household Waste Recycling Sites;
(4) Approve the proposal to include as part of the booking system the ability to charge non-East Sussex residents a set fee to use East Sussex Household Waste Recycling Sites; and
(5) Delegate authority to the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport to implement and make changes to a booking system, agree the charges for non-East Sussex residents and develop a policy to govern its ongoing operation and enforcement.
52.3 Within the context of the budget pressures facing the authority and the significant increase in the usage of the Household Waste Recycling Sites (HWRS) network (including visits by traders and out of county residents), a system to regulate access, reduce trade use and charge for out-of-area visits will help contribute to improving the efficiency of the service and reduce the authority’s funding gap. The charge for out of county residents will be reviewed annually along with the charges for non-household waste at recycling sites as part of the Council’s annual fees and charges review mechanism.
52.4 From the consultation results, the vast majority of those that responded do not want a booking system. However, the experience of neighbouring authorities who have introduced systems has been that some residents do not want the system to begin with, but then become accustomed to it. In June 2021, after implementing their scheme one year previously, Kent County Council asked 5,866 of their household waste site users how positive or negative would you feel about using the booking system in the future. 84.9% responded that they would be ‘extremely or quite positive’ about using one. West Sussex County Council carried out a consultation in 2021 on continuing with the booking system that was introduced during the pandemic. Over 60% of respondents strongly agreed or agreed that the booking system should be maintained. Over 80% said it was extremely easy or quite easy to make a booking.
52.5 The booking system will:
· Help to manage queues at peak times at our busiest sites;
· Help to improve operations and safety;
· Help to prevent traders from bringing in commercial waste which should not be disposed of at taxpayers’ expense; and
· Ensure only East Sussex residents are accessing the sites for free.
52.6 Booking a HWRS visit will require a little effort from residents to access a service that is currently freely available. Around 50% of councils in England now operate some sort of booking system for their HWRS, including West Sussex, Hampshire, Kent and West Berkshire. Information received from these councils suggests they work well, residents can make bookings and use the service easily, and they are broadly satisfied with the service. A similar and easy to use booking system could be implemented for East Sussex HWRSs during financial year 2025/26.
Report author: Anthony Pope
Publication date: 24/02/2025
Date of decision: 24/02/2025
Decided at meeting: 24/02/2025 - Lead Member for Transport and Environment
Issue status: The decision is currently being reconsidered
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