Decision details

Contract Award for ‘Web Based HIV & STI Sampling & Diagnostics”

Decision Maker: Director of Adult Social Care and Health

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Sexual Health Services are a mandated part of the Council’s Public Health duties.
Web Based HIV


It was decided this tender should be awarded to Preventx using G Cloud Framework (option 1) as they were the only potential provider who offered relevant services.

Alternative options considered:

Option 2: Tender Process
This route will be more resource intensive and take longer than using the established framework agreement.
Option 3: Do nothing
This route would quickly become unaffordable for ESCC as all testing would go through specialist high cost services and, through pressure on resource, would place at risk the service’s ability to deliver the more targeted, specialist service elements.

Publication date: 06/11/2018

Date of decision: 30/10/2018