Decision details

Children's Supported Accommodation Approved List Mini Competitions

Decision Maker: Lead Member for Children and Families

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The decision being sought is to approve 6 (six) mini competitions off the Children’s Supported Accommodation Approved List (CSAAL).

One of the CSAAL mini competitions is for 18+ (Model 3) a proportion of whom will be eligible for housing benefit which would be repaid to ESCC CSD, bringing the estimated total net costs down but the totals for the contract duration remaining above £500K each.



10.1     The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Children’s Services regarding six (6) mini-competitions to be run off the Children's Services Supported Accommodation Approved List.




10.2     The Lead Member RESOLVED to:


1) approve the Council carrying out six (6) mini-competitions to procure services from the Children’s Supported Accommodation Approved List; and


2) delegate authority to the application evaluation panel to assess the bids and determine the most economically advantageous tenders.




10.3     Although developments are in train to reduce the overall number of children and young people coming into care, current data and trends suggest that there will continue to be a notable cohort of Care Leavers, Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children and young homeless who will require high-intensive care and support, for longer periods of time, and which for some will endure into adulthood.


10.4     Awarding these block contracts will contribute to the delivery of the Council’s sufficiency needs for this cohort by securing a guaranteed minimum supply and greater stability of provision over a number of years at a reduced cost, rather than if the Council were to direct award equivalent individual placements.

Report author: Lisa Schrevel

Publication date: 14/12/2023

Date of decision: 14/12/2023

Decided at meeting: 14/12/2023 - Lead Member for Children and Families

Effective from: 21/12/2023

Accompanying Documents: