Decision details

Petition to reduce the speed limit on Wellbrook Hill to 40 miles per hour to ensure the safety of road users and pedestrians

Decision Maker: Lead Member for Transport and Environment

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To consider a petition calling on the County Council  to reduce the existing 50mph speed limit on the A267 Wellbrook Hill to 40mph as part of the Speed Management Programme.


22.1     The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.


22.2     Councillor Joel Marlow, the Lead Petitioner for the petition calling on the County Council to reduce the speed limit on Wellbrook Hill to 40 miles per hour to ensure the safety of road users and pedestrians spoke to highlight the danger of high speeds to residents and vulnerable road users, the increased use of Wellbrook Hill due to development in the area and the wishes of petitioners that a lower speed limit be implemented swifty if identified to be taken forward as part of the Speed Management Programme.




22.3     The Lead Member RESOLVED to advise petitioners that:


(1) As part of the 3-year Speed Management Programme on A and B-class roads, the A267 Wellbrook Hill will be assessed for a lower speed limit; and


(2) If a lower speed limit is appropriate and the site is identified as a priority, it will be progressed as part of this programme. The prioritisation process will be undertaken during Autumn 2024 and once completed a list of the selected sites will be added to the Road Safety section of the County Council website.




22.4     Funding of £500,000 from the Capital Programme has been allocated to the Road Safety Team to develop and implement a Speed Management Programme. As part of the programme, a driven assessment has been completed to identify lengths of the A and B-class road network that would possibly benefit from a reduced speed limit. The Road Safety Team are currently assessing the findings from this analysis alongside speed data and new in-vehicle telematics.


22.5     The request for a 40mph speed limit on the on the A267 Wellbrook Hill will be assessed as part of the Speed Management Programme. If a lower speed limit is appropriate and the site is identified as a priority, it will be progressed as part of this programme. The prioritisation process will be undertaken during Autumn 2024 and once completed, a list of the selected sites will be added to the Road Safety section of the County Council website.

Report author: Michael Higgs, Thomas Niner

Publication date: 23/09/2024

Date of decision: 23/09/2024

Decided at meeting: 23/09/2024 - Lead Member for Transport and Environment

Effective from: 28/09/2024

Current call-in Count: 0

Accompanying Documents: