Annual write off of debts
Report by the Chief Operating Officer
Additional documents:
20.1 The Lead Member considered a report by the Chief Operating Officer.
20.2 The Lead Member RESOLVED to (1) authorise the writing off of 25 debts amounting to £203,153.79 in the Council’s 2017/18 accounts;
(2) note that provision is made for bad and doubtful debts; and
(3) note the positive steps being put in place to make improvements going forward.
20.3 There is no prospect of recovering the 25 outstanding debts. Like all local authorities, some income become becomes uncollectable and to allow for this the accounts of the Council include a provision for bad and doubtful debts which recognise that a proportion of outstanding debtors at year end may not collected. This provision is monitored each month.
20.4 Work continues to review and streamline the debt recovery process, to learn the lessons and to ensure that the council have robust systems and processes to recover debt promptly.