17 One way system and 20mph speed limit - Ashgate Road, Eastbourne PDF 220 KB
Report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport
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17.1 The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport. The Lead Member reported the comments of the Local Member.
17.2 RESOLVED to inform the petitioners that (1) a one-way system on Ashgate Road is not a priority for the County Council at the present time;
(2) the implementation of a 20mph speed limit is not a priority for the County Council at the present time; and
(3) additional parking places in the area specified cannot be provided by the County Council as the area in question is not public highway.
17.3 The County Council has a limited amount of funding to develop local transport improvements and we need to ensure that we target our resources to those schemes that will be of greatest benefit to our local communities. The proposal did not meet the benchmark score to enable it to be taken forward at this time.
17.4 The grassed area outside Nos 15-25 Ashgate Road is not designated a public highway and the County Council as Highway Authority does not jurisdiction over the area, and residents are advised to contact Eastbourne Borough Council with their request for the area to be converted to parking.