Issue - meetings

Orbis Consistency of Approach (Water Diviner)

Meeting: 06/07/2018 - Orbis Joint Committee (Item 6)

6 Consistency of Service Delivery pdf icon PDF 129 KB

To ensure the Joint Committee is informed on progress being made in the integration and transformation of service delivery within the partnership.

Additional documents:


6.1     Officers introduced the report which showed how far integration had been achieved and what the aspirations were in terms consistency of approach across authorities.


6.2     In response to Councillor Clack, Officers stated that they felt they had set realistic and achievable targets of between 80-85% constancy across the partners. This recognised that there were always likely to be small processes and minor divergences due to differences in circumstance between authorities. This would also be a process of continuous improvement as processes would need to change and adapt over time.


6.3     In response to Councillor Elkin, Officers stated that the information in the report would be used to inform business plans rather than being referred to day to day.


6.4     RESOLVED: That the Committee noted the report.