Issue - meetings

Partnership Working Proposal

Meeting: 18/12/2019 - Cabinet (Item 38)

Partnership Working Proposal

Report by Assistant Chief Executive

Additional documents:


38.1     The Cabinet considered a report by the Assistant Chief Executive.


38.2     It was RESOLVED to:


1)            approve the proposal to work with West Sussex County Council as an improvement partner including sharing the services of the Chief Executive of East Sussex County Council and other officers as required;

2)            approve the entering into an agreement under s113 of the Local Government Act 1972with West Sussex County Council; and

3)            delegate authority to the Assistant Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to take any action he considers appropriate to give effect to the above recommendations, including but not limited to, agreeing the terms of and entering the s113 agreement.



38.3     There are many areas of joint work and shared interest in which East and West Sussex have common challenges and opportunities and where resource and impact could be enhanced by a strong partnership. These include working with local NHS and other partners, economic development, climate change and adaptation work, management of markets for social care and other providers, workforce development, transport and infrastructure planning, Brexit preparations and work in response to new Government initiatives following the election.