Issue - meetings

• Notice of Motion calling on Her Majesty’s Government to publish its White Paper on the reform and future of Adult Social Care.

Meeting: 02/11/2020 - Lead Member for Adult Social Care and Health (Item 5)

5 Notice of Motion calling on Her Majesty’s Government to publish its White Paper on the reform and future of Adult Social Care pdf icon PDF 285 KB

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10.1     The Lead Member considered a report setting out the Adult Social Care and Health response to the Notice of Motion for East Sussex County Council to call on Her Majesty’s Government to publish its White Paper on the reform and future of Adult Social Care.

10.2     The Lead Member RESOLVED to recommend to Full Council to:

1) note the consideration given to the call for the Government to publish its White Paper on the reform and future of Adult Social Care and reject the Motion for the reasons set out in the report; and

2) support the ongoing lobbying and engagement with central government about financial, and other support, for social care throughout the Covid-19 crisis.


There is consensus that long term, sustainable reform is required for the Social Care sector, however the timing of such reform is a critical consideration. Such reform will require considerable consultation and engagement with the public and all key stakeholders at a time when the social care sector is facing another round of winter pressures on top of the continuing challenges of the Covd-19 pandemic.